
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



The operator on the other end of the phone immediately recognized Le Shaoming's voice and was nervous: "Team Zhang is on duty today, and there is only one case of fighting."

"Zhang Yiliang?" As soon as he heard Captain Zhang, Le Shaoming knew who he was.

Zhang Yilian is a top leader that he values. Most of the leaders in the bureau are optimistic about him and are planning to promote him to the rank of superintendent this year.

Everything went smoothly along the way, and Le Shaoming was happy to train him.

But I didn't expect that he would make a mistake in something like this today.

Le Shaoming drove the car onto the main road.

Under normal circumstances, if a person is detained normally and pays the bail, he can be released. Under normal circumstances, nothing will happen. But after hearing what Principal Shi said just now, Le Shaoming knew that Zhang Yiliang had done something wrong today!

Detain people without giving them a chance to post bail.

When Le Shaoming heard the operator's retelling, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. He knew that if this situation was not handled properly, their entire branch would have to be reshuffled from top to bottom.



Zhang Yiliang was negotiating with two young masters present in the lounge.

The man in the blue-black shirt crossed his legs and told Zhang Yiliang, "We just invited these two classmates to have a couple of drinks. Not only did she refuse to drink, she also beat us up like this..."

Zhang Yiliang nodded and wrote it down, "Seeking trouble and endangering public safety..."

Sun Fei poured a glass of water and went to the detention room.

"Xiao Sun," the old man next to her looked in her direction and knew she was going to see the girl, "Captain Zhang hasn't left yet, don't be too obvious, her detention isn't entirely a bad thing."

Otherwise, if it really falls into the hands of those young masters, who knows what will happen.

Sun Fei pushed the door open and went in.

The girl was still sitting on the chair, but her posture was not as straight as before. She leaned against the back of the chair with her eyelashes drooping, like a little animal basking in the sun, and her whole body seemed particularly loose.

Looking calm and composed.

He seemed to have no idea what had happened.

"Have some water." Sun Fei put the teacup on the table.

Bai Su opened her eyes, looked at the white porcelain mug on the table, and picked it up, "Have you helped me with the news?"

She asked.

"Well," Sun Fei thought about her last message, which was for Xiao Qi, "I asked him to go to Yunxiao Hospital, but I don't know where your friend's ward is."

Sun Fei was not assigned to an outstation mission. She only knew that several people involved in the incident tonight were in Yunxiao Hospital.

"It's okay." Bai Su tapped the cup with her fingertips.

Xiaoqi can find out these things herself, so she is not worried.

Sun Fei looked at Bai Shi who was still drinking tea nonchalantly. She seemed unaware of her current situation, yet it seemed as if everything was under her control.

A very contradictory person.

"You have two calls, I answered them for you," Sun Fei said after seeing her drink the water, "One seems to be your teacher, and the other is your brother."

Bai Xi leaned back and asked, "Teacher, brother?"

"Well, I told them about your current situation." Sun Fei thought about the words after "Xu San" and felt that it was very dangerous. "They seem to be coming."

Xu Wenyao?

Bai Xi thought for a moment and realized that the only person who had been in close contact with her recently was Xu Wenyao.


Outside the branch.

There aren't many cars at night.

Le Shaoming was in Yunxiao District, the closest to the police station, and he arrived there in less than ten minutes.

Everyone here knew his car, and as soon as it stopped someone came to greet him, "Director Le, why are you here now?"

Le Shaoming's face was cold, "Who was detained tonight?"

"A girl, Xiao Sun is looking after her."

"Take me to see her," Le Shaoming walked directly towards the detention room, he was in a hurry, "Give me the transcript and the information."

The Xu family is in Xingjiang District, and it will probably take less than ten minutes to get there.

Soon someone brought Bai Shi's transcript and information.

Le Shaoming walked while looking down. "Picking trouble" and "intentional injury" were words that had nothing to do with fighting and were basically judged from the other party's perspective.

His brows knitted tighter, and he flipped back to see Bai Shi's information.

Bai Xi, female, not from Jiangxi, currently lives in Shanhai Apartment.

Information that is easily overlooked.

He closed the documents, and the person next to him just happened to open the door of the detention room. The girl probably didn't expect that someone else would come in, and she raised her head calmly, her dark pupils showing a little surprise.

The person was fine, Le Shaoming breathed a sigh of relief, "Student Bai, please follow me to the office first."

Sun Fei was standing at the door. She watched Le Shaoming invite Bai Xi to his office. She turned around and asked in surprise, "Why is Director Le here?"

The branch was also very large, and except for major criminal cases, Sun Fei seldom saw Le Shaoming in person.

Regarding today's incident, the Yu family does have some background, but they have only contacted Captain Zhang.


How did Le Shaoming come here and take Baishen away with him?

Le Shaoming brought Bai Xi to the office and made her a cup of tea. "Student Bai, please sit down first."

He didn't know what the relationship between Bai Shi and the Xu family was, but Shi Yu said in person that she was a good classmate of theirs at Jiang University. This alone was enough for Le Shaoming to be cautious.

Just as I finished making tea, my cell phone rang.

Le Shaoming glanced down, his heart tightened, and he hurried out.

"Director Le, why did you release Bai Shi..." Zhang Yilian had just finished interrogating the people who were with Yu Hongjing. When he came out of the lounge, he heard Le Shaoming coming and releasing Bai Shi.

He was just about to ask Le Shaoming if he knew Baishen.

But he didn't expect that Le Shaoming didn't look at him, but walked straight past him and towards the gate.

Zhang Yilian felt something was wrong when seeing Le Shaoming being so cold, so he quickly followed him.

Just as I got outside the door, a fiery red convertible sports car came to a stop sideways in front of the door with a "whoosh".

The headlights at the front door were on.

Under the light, the red car body reflected a cold light.

Jiangjing is full of luxury cars, which is not uncommon. Everyone's eyes are on the license plate.

There are only two characters on the license plate, "A" and "8".

Only the big guys in Xingjiang District have this special license plate.

Xu Nanjing opened the car door and got out. His glasses were still hanging on the collar of his T-shirt and he didn't take out his keys. He walked straight inside. He had a handsome face and a gentle expression, but his eyes were so sharp that people dared not look into his eyes.

Le Shaoming hurriedly followed, not daring to be negligent: "Third Master, he is in my office."

Xu Nanjing didn't look at anyone else, just glanced at Le Shaoming, "Take me there."

Le Shaoming took him to the office.

After the two left, the others breathed a sigh of relief and their eyes fell on Xu Nanjing, "Captain Zhang, who is this guy? The 8 on his license plate is longer than my life."

Most of the people in the Yunxiao District Branch didn't even have the chance to meet Young Master Xu.

"I don't know." Zhang Yiliang had naturally never seen it before. He just felt uneasy and followed him.



When Xu Nanjing came in, Bai Xi was sitting on a chair next to him. The air conditioner in the room was on, and she was playing with her cell phone with her head down.

She was wearing snow-white clothes, with delicate features, drooping eyebrows, and her fingertips casually tapping the screen of her mobile phone.

I heard that she had just had a fight, but her hair and clothes were extremely neat, not even wrinkled.

Only a few red bloodstains splashed on her white trouser legs, like red plum blossoms falling on the white snow.

Xiaoqi brought her a picture.

Bai Mi clicked on it and saw that it was Xu Zhiyue's blood test.

Hearing the voice, she raised her eyes and saw Xu Nanjing. She just leaned back with a lazy look in her eyes: "Why are you here?"

Xu Nanjing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was safe and sound, and his heart was finally at ease.

He fell to the seat next to Bai Xi, "I called you and heard that you got into a fight. You are in the police station and are being detained."

"Why are you panicking?" Bai Fu reached out and poured him a cup of tea. His tone was slow but his words were arrogant. "I've never lost a fight."

She was wearing white clothes and sitting in a dignified posture.

He lowered his eyebrows and poured the tea, and the light-colored tea slowly poured into the bowl.

Neither hurried nor slow, elegant and gentle.

Xu Nanjing looked at her posture of pouring tea. It was the same as he remembered, calm and composed. He couldn't imagine how she could fight with others.

Very similar to Jiang Fuli, he always maintains his composure. He may be frustrated, but he will never lose his composure.

After making sure that she was okay, Xu Nanjing took a sip of tea.

He took out his cell phone, opened WeChat and reported to Jiang Fuli that he was safe.

The moment he received the call, Xu Nanjing drove over immediately and informed Jiang Fuli.

Next to him, Le Shaoming did not dare to sit down. He just looked at the way Bai Xi and Xu Nanjing were getting along with each other, and felt even more horrified.

In Jiangjing, everyone knows the importance of "Jiangjing Three Young Masters" in the circle.

When Le Shaoming received Shi Yu's number today, he was still able to keep calm, but when the Xu family called, he lost his composure.

Especially at this time...

Bai Shi was exceptionally calm when facing Xu Nanjing.

From their conversation, it can be seen that not only are they very familiar with each other, but Xu Nanjing is also at a disadvantage.

The cold sweat that had finally disappeared from Le Shaoming's back reappeared. Who was this girl? When did such a person appear in Jiang Jing again?

"Okay," Xu Nanjing stood up, took out a cigarette from his pocket and bit into it, "I'll take her back first. Someone is waiting for her at home."

"Can we go now?" Bai Xi looked up.

Le Shaoming almost had a myocardial infarction because of her words, "Of course, Mr. Bai, you can leave anytime."

Neither party in the fight was detained, so it would be unreasonable to forcibly detain the other party.

He was really afraid that if Bai Shi said one more word, he would lose his position.

Fortunately, Bai Xi didn't say much, just stood up and said, "I still have two books."

"Books," Le Shaoming quickly opened the office door and turned his head to look at Sun Fei standing outside the door, "Where are Mr. Bai's books?"

He called me "Student Bai" in a very polite manner.

Sun Fei was also startled and quickly said, "In the conference room, I'll get it."

She quickly brought over Bai Shi's two books. Both of them were stained with blood, which had already dried.

When Le Shaoming saw the bright red blood, he knew that the battle was very fierce. Then he thought of Bai Shi's clean and tidy white clothes, and he couldn't help but gasp.

I just didn't dare to think too much and went in to give the book to Bai Xi.

Xu Nanjing also saw the bloodstains on the cover of Bai Shen's book. His eyebrows twitched a few times, and he always felt that something was wrong.

But I didn't think about it.

Le Shaoming respectfully escorted the two to the door and said, "Don't worry, Third Master. I will investigate this matter thoroughly and will never bend the law for personal gain."


Xu Nanjing's car was parked right at the door.

He opened the passenger door and was about to let Bai Shi sit in.

A black four-seater car stopped next to his car.

It is the license plate number of Chang'an District. Compared with Xu Nanjing's leopard number, it can be said that both the body of the car and the license plate are extremely low-key.

Xu Nanjing felt that the license plate looked familiar.

Before he could think more, he saw the back door open and an old man in a dark robe came out from behind.

As soon as he saw that face, Xu Nanjing opened his mouth.

As a former student of the Economics and Management Department of Jiangjing University, Xu Nanjing naturally knew President Shi. However, he was not very talented and had few opportunities to meet President Shi. The only reason he could talk to President Shi was because President Shi had often looked for Jiang Fuli in the past.

He can only be incidental.

Xu Nanjing was surprised to see Shi Yu here. "Principal Shi, why are you here?"

The top students at Jiangjing University may fight among themselves, but they are very united towards the outside world. Principal Shi has many students all over the world, and even Mr. Xu treats him with courtesy when he sees him.

Shi Yu was cautious and did not get involved with any of these families.

Mr. Xu invited him several times, but he declined every time.

Shiyu was feeling uneasy all the way. He thought of Baishen's face, which was indeed prone to causing trouble.

The driver was driving fast all the way.

He opened the car door before it stopped. He didn't look at Xu Nanjing, but his eyes fell on Bai Shen behind Xu Nanjing. His heart, which had been hanging in the air, finally settled down.

"Principal Shi," Bai Yu put the book on Xu Nanjing's co-pilot seat and raised her eyebrows. "Something happened unexpectedly today and I didn't have time to look for you."

The "brother" and "teacher" Sun Fei mentioned should be Xu Nanjing and Shi Yu.

"It's okay. I just heard that you had a fight with someone." Shi Yu nodded, his eyes fixed on Le Shaoming and the others. "That's nonsense. How could you have a fight? Are you okay?"

Bai Shi didn't feel guilty at all, "It's okay."

The two stood at the gate and talked for a few words before Shi Yu saw Xu Nanjing, who was just a decoration. He squinted slightly and recognized him: "Mr. Xu."

When saying "Classmate Xu", these three words were obviously much more perfunctory.

Not so affable either.

Xu Nanjing was not surprised by Shi Yu's attitude. After all, Shi Yu still remembered his name. When Academician Ma saw him, he said: [Invest in new equipment for me. Today you are Xu Sanshao. If you don't invest——

Who are you, friend? ]

What surprised him was that Shiyu and Baisui actually knew each other. Not only that, why did Shiyu speak to her so gently?

Xu Nanjing doesn't think that Shi Yu is like that because of Jiang Fuli. He is not only Jiang Fuli's good friend, but also the third young master of the Xu family. But look how perfunctory Principal Shi is to him?

As for the acquaintance between Bai Shi and Xu Nanjing, Shi Yu looked at Xu Nanjing and Bai Shi calmly, and then saw that Xu Nanjing was half a step behind Bai Shi.

Suddenly I remembered that the origin of Bletilla striata is Xiangcheng.

In the past, he only felt sad about Baishen coming from Xiangcheng, but today when he saw Xu Nanjing...

Shiyu paused.

He remembered that someone was in Xiangcheng and had recently returned to Jiangjing. People in the academic circle were ready to make a move.

"It's good that you're alright," Shi Yu thought while talking to Bai Xi, "Dean Shu is not in a hurry. He won't be busy in the next few days. Tell me when you have time."

"Okay." Bai Shi nodded.

The two exchanged a few words, and Shiyu realized that this was not the place to chat. It was also quite late, and Baisui had been detained for several hours, so he gave way and waited for the car to leave.

Le Shaoming dared to speak to Shi Yu, "Principal Shi."

"Who did she fight with?" Shi Yu didn't go in, but just stood at the door.

"Yu Hongjing." Le Shaoming had already read the records.

"Yu Hongjing?" Shi Yu obviously had never heard of this name, but he knew that he was most likely a playboy from Jiang Jing.

He came here originally to solve the problem for Baishen.

Now that he saw Xu Nanjing, Shi Yu felt relieved. These young masters would definitely be better than him at handling this matter.

Le Shaoming saw Xu Nanjing off, and then respectfully saw Shi Yu off, before he stood up straight.

"Director Le," Zhang Yiliang had not dared to speak until he finally found the chance. He was still a little puzzled, but he still explained: "It was Captain Chen who ordered the detention. If they let him go like this…"

The Yu family had already given him the information, which belonged to Xu En.

As a new upstart that has recently taken root in Yunxiao District, Zhang Yilian has always believed that Xu Nanjing is from Xu En's side, but seeing that something is wrong with Le Shaoming's attitude, he becomes uneasy.

"Captain Chen?" Le Shaoming knew who this Captain Chen was. He sneered and looked at Zhang Yiliang, "President of Jiang University, Young Master Jiang Jing, even if you haven't seen him, you must have heard of him, right?"

"What?" Zhang Yiliang never expected to see these two people in Yunxiao District, especially Xu Nanjing, who began to sweat coldly: "But I checked Baishen's information, and she clearly doesn't have any..."

At this point, Zhang Yilian suddenly understood something.

There is no record of Bletilla striata in the national database.

First, because she was too ordinary and had never committed any crime, she was not included.

Second, being hidden.

Zhang Yilian knew that she was from Xiangcheng, and subconsciously thought that she was the first type.

As soon as Le Shaoming heard what Zhang Yiliang said, he knew what had happened. He shook his head and said, "Go back and accept the investigation."

He walked inside.

He is also responsible for what happened in the police station.

Passing by Sun Fei standing on the side, Le Shaoming stopped. When Bai Xi left just now, he greeted Sun Fei: "Sun... Fei, right?"

He patted Sun Fei on the shoulder.

The meaning is very clear.


Over here, in the car.

Xu Nanjing didn't dare drive too fast, nor did he turn on the music. "Sister A-sister, do you want to connect to Bluetooth?"

He remembered that Bai Mi would listen to the words and the original text in Jiang Fuli's car.

"No need." Bai Su leaned her hand on the car window, and her snow-white sleeves rustled in the wind.

"Okay," Xu Nanjing turned on the music and asked, "Are you familiar with Principal Shi? Did he ask you to meet him?"

The music in the car is all Yan Lu's songs.

"Yes," Bai Xi replied lazily, "the dean of the Chinese Department is looking for me."

Department of Chinese?

How is it related to the Chinese Department again?

The car quickly arrived at Shanhai Apartment, and the community security guard already knew Xu Nanjing.

Xu Nanjing got out of the car and threw the keys to the security guard.

There stood a tall figure downstairs of the apartment building.

He was wearing simple casual clothes, shrouded in darkness and low air pressure, looking mysterious.

Even Xu Nanjing subconsciously slowed down his movements. He saw the key that Jiang Fuli was playing with in his hand. The silver key reflected a cold light.

Bai Xi came down from the passenger seat with two books.

She handed the matter over to Xiaoqi.

However, from the moment he saw Xu Nanjing, he knew that he could not hide it from Jiang Fuli, so he reported the results of the battle, "We won."

Jiang Fuli pursed his lips and said nothing.

Bai Xi calmly handed the book in her hand to Jiang Fuli, "This book is dirty."

Jiang Fuli lowered his head and saw that the blood on the book had dried.

You can see the fight was fierce.

It wasn't Bai Shi's blood, but the air pressure around him dropped. He reached out and took the two books, "Go upstairs and take a shower first."

Bai Su looked at his expression, thought for a moment, and sighed, "Okay."



Lu Xiaohan was still sitting with Jiang He watching TV.

There was a variety show on TV.

Seeing Bai Xi coming back, Lu Xiaohan greeted Bai Xi leisurely while holding potato chips, "Sister Xi, good evening."

"Okay." Bai Xi said briefly and went back to her room to take a shower.

When I was getting the clothes, I thought of Xu Zhiyue and picked up my phone to send her a message.

Xu Nanjing was sitting in the hall, looking up at Jiang Fuli who was standing on the balcony. He seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, but his voice was so low that he couldn't hear clearly.

The cell phone in his pocket rang, and Xu Nanjing took a look.

It's news that Le Shaoming is coming.

The above is the case investigation.

With just one glance, Xu Nanjing sat up straight. The case was very simple. Yu Hongjing forced Bai Xi to drink, but she refused and they had an argument.

Later, Chen Dui became a regular member of the Standing Committee

Just a few simple words made Young Master Xu break out in a cold sweat.

He looked at Jiang Fuli on the balcony, walked out the door quietly, closed the door, and went to the stairwell before he dared to take out his cell phone and dial a number.

It rang twice before the phone was picked up.

"Speak." The female voice on the other end of the phone was crisp and clear.

"Sister Beixuan," Xu Nanjing leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, "Where are you?"

He was rarely so serious. On the other end of the phone, Chen Beixuan inserted the dagger into the leg bag on his knee, "Mission."

"Come back quickly," Xu Nanjing said, briefly recounting the incident: "Yu Hongyi is yours, you'd better find and deal with that guy named Chen as soon as possible... Also, you'd better pray that there's nothing in the wine they gave to Sister Ah-Xu."

"Otherwise, let alone you, even your old man will be useless."


In Baishen's room, she had already finished taking a shower.

She changed into home clothes and was drying her head with a towel. She didn't like using a hair dryer.

Xiaoqi just called.

"Sister, you're out?" Xiao Qi was still outside the hospital gate, looking up at the inpatient department. He was holding a cup of coffee in one hand and wearing a sports suit, looking clean and refined.

Mao Kun stood behind him and looked around.

"Well," Bai Xi opened the window of the room, "Did you see her?"

"He's in a coma," Xiao Qi had asked the nurse. "He woke up once, but he's still not conscious. He'll need two more days. He's not in danger."

Bai Xi sat on the table by the window and looked out the window. "There is a female police officer in the police station, Sun Fei."

"I understand." Xiao Qi hung up the phone and turned away.

"You know? What do you know?" Mao Kun followed behind him, "Sister, haven't you finished yet? Do we need to investigate Sun Fei alone..."

Xing Lihong pondered for a moment and said, "We still need to work harder."

"I," Chen Luping stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I will go check it out right away.

Chen Luping's expression changed. This kind of thing appeared in the area under his jurisdiction...


In the hall, Lu Xiaohan couldn't eat any more potato chips, so she stuffed them into Jiang He's hands.

Seeing him come in, Jiang Fuli just glanced at him indifferently.

Everyone in the car was discussing this matter. Ordinary people always talk about this kind of thing with relish.

Xing Lihong was frightened by him, "I dare not."

Principal Shi: [Tomorrow morning, you go to the Chinese Department building.]

He is a lover of Dayong literature.

He was concentrating on studying Chinese classics, and when he learned that Bai Shi had scored full marks in other subjects and wanted to be in the same class, he had no intention of competing with those people for students.

The bus arrives at Yunxiao District Central Hospital Station.

Dean Shu stood there looking at her, not reacting for a moment.

It's no different from being involved in both the black and white worlds.

She put the towel down and walked outside.

As they were talking, Jiang Fuli put down his phone on the balcony.

In Xu Zhiyue's ward, Old Madam Xu did not go back all night.

"I want to say hello before I leave." Li Sheng hadn't changed his clothes yet. He stood behind Zhang Shize and gave him a back massage. "I'll wait for you in Jiangjing. You can contact me directly when you get to Jiangjing."

She stopped wiping the table and looked up at Lu Lingxi, "What did you say?"

When Qi's father received the call, he spoke in an official tone, "You also know that Shuyun has only met the Third Young Master a few times, how can he talk to him?"

A gust of wind blew through the room, slightly opening Yang Lin's thick bangs, revealing her pair of calm black eyes. She looked in the direction of Jiang Jing: "The school bonus is enough."

Old Master Chen has not been in good health in recent years, but his appearance creates a sense of oppression. The entire hall is silent and everyone looks at him.

"Ding Dong——"

"Four people from Xiangcheng were admitted to Jiangnan University this year." Dean Shu did not answer, but only said one sentence.

Chen Luping lowered his head and took a look. It was a document on a small case. He was not familiar with the name "Yu Hongjing", but because he looked very similar to Yu Hongyi, one of his subordinates, he had some impression of him.

When Xu Nanjing came in cautiously from outside, he saw Bai Mi eating slowly, and Jiang Fuli was sitting next to her, talking to her casually.

Ming Dongheng stood at the table and clearly saw that the caller was Chen Beixuan.

"Ah?" The assistant was startled by Dean Shu's solemn and determined tone.

She knew that Qi Shuyun was doing well recently.

The next page is information about "hallucinogenic drugs". This type of drug is banned in itself and is also toxic, so it is not circulated on the market.

He patted his sleeves and stood up. The last break with the Xu family was not entirely a bad thing.

After the people left, Mr. Chen looked at Chen Beixuan, "What happened?"

So where is everyone else?!


Xiangcheng, prison.

Outside the door.

at the same time.

Dean Shu tilted his head and glanced at him. "Why do you think the people behind ZTE have such a good vision and found the nine directors of ZTE Group from among tens of millions of people?"

The main hall of the Chen family is supported by four mahogany nan pillars, and the roof is six meters high.

Half an hour later, the old man came in wearing a Tang suit.

A middle-aged man stood up, "Ms. Beixuan, it's me."

Shen Min is the most powerful person Ji Mulan has ever met.

She sent Shi Yu a message: [Is President Shu free tomorrow? ]

One is Xu Zhiyue's report.

Mr. Chen personally introduced the Jiang family to her.

"The Shi family, the Xu family and the Jiang family are all keeping an eye on this matter." Chen Beixuan met Old Man Chen's gaze.

"Sister Lu's new drama is about to be finished," Lu Xiaohan has been in contact with Sister Xin. She sat cross-legged on the sofa and tilted her head to ask Bai Xi, "Are you here to record a song?"

Bai Xi lowered her eyes and said softly, "Yes."

On the screen, Yan Lu was talking about his recent hobby of studying Gobang, but he was always bad at it. "My friends and I usually finish in less than a minute."

He couldn't help but look at Mr. Chen.

The old man didn't look at him, but closed his eyes to rest. He opened his eyes only after Chen Beixuan finished speaking, "Is that it?"

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Xiaohan has gained a lot of fans in recent months. The blogger "一吃大碗" has become one of the "cultural heritages" officially certified.

This is No. 0147, the bald guy, Li Sheng, who had a fight with a good guy.

It was a chilly early morning, and he lowered his head and coughed a few times. The person next to him helped him cross the threshold.

Xu Wenyao didn't care. He just looked at Xu En and asked, "What did Xu Yajun and the others say?"

He didn't move his eyes and just said "Come in".

When the Chen family came in, they saw Chen Beixuan standing in front of the long table with his back to the door. The other members of the Chen family were disturbed so early in the morning and were probably in a bad mood, but because it was Chen Beixuan, no one dared to speak.

Bai Shen sat next to Lu Xiaohan and watched the variety show with her.

Xu Nanjing's heart tightened.

Although the two families were no longer related by marriage, Old Lady Xu never offended anyone. She still donated a lot of funds to the Qi family, and the Qi family did not refuse.

In the second game, even though Yan Lu intentionally gave up some chess pieces, he still couldn't last more than a minute.

Mr. Chen, whose expression had always been calm and unexplainable, finally showed some signs of emotion.

"Well," Xiao Qi opened the back seat of the car and explained patiently, "Don't be restrained. Just answer whatever he asks."

It was very late and Shiyu had just returned home and had not yet rested. He was a little surprised to receive the news from Baishen.

"You and Brother He are really good people. Brother Jiang and Teacher Chi will only make me stay in prison for another ten years." Zhang Shize leaned back. Xing Lihong and He Wen were more gentle: "Thank you, Brother Xing."

"Dean," the assistant beside him asked in confusion, "Why do you think so highly of Bai?"

Jiang Fuli took it and glanced down.

Li Sheng's family was from Jiangjing. His family had originally arranged for him to go to Heishui Street to avoid arrest, but he was still caught in Xiangcheng at the last minute.

The Rose Club is the club where Bai Xi went to find Xu Zhiyue.

Zhang Shize looked at the young man opposite him and asked, "What do you think are my chances of getting into Jiangjing University of Political Science and Law?"


Six o'clock in the morning.

As Wang Youfeng's adopted son, he is currently being reused by Wang Youfeng.

"Why are you back?" The police officer from the Chen family put down what he was doing, came forward respectfully, and looked surprised.

Outside the window, another police car whizzed past with its sirens blaring.

Shen Min stood aside and said nothing.

Hearing that the road was closed, Xu En was startled, "Brother Shen, you didn't go in either?"

As the best fighter in the arena, he is not restrained.

"Go and have a couple of drinks with boss Gui Se." Xiao Qi took a sip of coffee, threw the empty cup into the trash can next to him, and said gently.

There were two soft sounds outside the door.

She was wearing a simple stand-up collar top with light red peach blossoms embroidered on the cuffs and collar. She had a pair of black eyes that seemed shrouded in morning mist and walked into the office in the morning light.

Netizen comment: […Sister Lu, sometimes we shouldn't be too modest. ]

"President Shu." Bai Xi spoke politely.

This is the only essay that received full marks this year, and Dean Shu has read it over and over again countless times.

Ji Mulan, who was sitting in front of the hospital bed, also looked up. She grabbed Xu Zhiyue's hand and couldn't help but look at Shen Min.

The assistant was stunned.

At this time, the host and the guests still maintained a tolerant attitude, saying "Every profession has its own specialties", and the barrage of comments was still comforting Yan Lu.

Next to her, Le Shaoming was talking to her.

Shiyu put on his glasses and pressed his phone to send a message to Bai Shi.

Qi's father was in a good mood.

Next to him, the assistant made a cup of tea for Dean Shu and asked, "Has the person you are waiting for not arrived yet?"

Xingjiang District is the administrative center.

Xu En and Xu Wenyao knew that Old Lady Xu was talking about them. They followed Old Lady Xu and prepared to go out. "Can we see them now?"

Zhang Shize returned to his workstation. A bald man was sitting on his sewing machine. When he saw Zhang Shize coming, he quickly stood up and stepped aside: "Brother Zhang, have you finished your tutoring?"

After hanging up the phone, Qi's father looked at Mrs. Qi in the hall and said, "Don't answer the phone if the Xu family calls again."

As I walked in, I saw Bai Suren lying on the sand, leaning back slightly, with a very relaxed posture.

She is a temporary worker and has no contract.

There were also two police cars parked in front of the hospital.

Jiang Fuli was in the study. He didn't turn off the lights, but left the computer on. The computer was displaying the club's surveillance camera. He glanced coldly at the wine glass in Yu Hongjing's hand.

When the make-up class time came, the police officer brought Zhang Shize in. The two knew each other well and Zhang Shize was not handcuffed during the whole process.

"Aren't you going to be released from prison today?" Zhang Shize sat down and recited trigonometric functions while operating the sewing machine.


Two o'clock in the morning.

There is a video of Yan Lu dancing with a spear. Although Lu Xiaohan did not show her face, the fans with sharp eyes can recognize her by a blurry back view, not to mention it is a solo dance video.

It would be fine if this guy was called Young Master Jiang and Brother Jiang, but why do you also call him Brother Xing!

Host≈ap; Guest: "..."

Bai Su was sitting by the window, with an old lady next to her.

"Just call me Xiao Xing." He said cautiously.

The assistant was very surprised to learn that Dean Shu came so early to wait for someone. Is he waiting for Principal Shi?

Mao Kun has been in Jiangjing for a while. Xiao Qi is just an employee, but Mao Kun is truly in charge of the Qinglong Bar in Jiangjing.

The ward fell into silence.

Yan Lu has been the most popular person in the circle in recent months. Many of the short videos are her clips. Many people even dug out the long spear video of Lu Xiaohan when she was in the martial arts gym.

"Fumin Road is closed," Xu Wenyao put down his phone and pressed his forehead, "We couldn't even get into the police station, let alone see the A-Xu people."


This way.

"Why are you calling me here so early?" Old Master Chen sat at the front and looked at Chen Beixuan, his expression showing no emotion. "Something happened."

The person who came in was Ming Dongheng. He had a grim expression and handed Jiang Fuli two copies. "This is the information that a police officer from the Yunxiao Branch found."

The white smilax head was half dried and hung on both sides. Under the crystal lamp in the hall, the lowered eyebrows and eyes were clearly outlined. "No, Dean Jian upgraded the equipment, and she wants to try it out."

Bai Su lowered her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Jiang Fuli put the two pieces of paper on the table and reached out to hang up the phone.

In the middle is a row of tables that are ten meters long.

Yan Lu: "…"

Chen Beixuan, wearing a black training suit, rolled up a document in his hand and said in a cold voice, "Notify all managers to hold a meeting in the middle hall, including the old man."

She is the worst chess player among all of them.

Finally came to the front desk.

Xu En put down the cigarette, greeted Shen Min, and then asked, "How is it?"

Jiang Fuli was on the balcony and didn't see Xu Nanjing.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't dare to make a second call.

Get off the bus.

Several sections of roads were blocked and all major entertainment venues were closed to cooperate with the inspection, leaving ordinary people to watch the fun.

The assistant beside him reminded him, and Dean Shu said in a daze, "Sit down."

Mao Kun never cared about other people's business. "Me?"

She put down her teacup, "What a pity."

"I heard that it was someone from the Yu family. Who dares to touch this matter?" Xu En turned around and looked at Xu Zhiyue on the bed. "We can't get into the branch office now. Are we just going to watch Ah Xu in there? Grandpa called me today, but I didn't dare to tell him."

After reading the news, the head was half dry.

Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Jiangnan University, Dean's Office.


One is a report of the remains of a wine glass.

The police officer looked at her stern profile and felt a pang in his heart.

An off-road vehicle ignored three roadblocks and finally stopped in front of the Chen family's gate.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the office door.

Old Madam Xu looked at Shen Min, then at Xu Zhiyue, and sat down dejectedly, "Butler Xu, give me the phone number, I'll ask Mr. Qi."

Every time Chen Beixuan called out a name, Chen Luping's face turned paler. When he called out the last name, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Who is in charge of Fumin Road in Yunxiao District?" Chen Beixuan glanced around and finally stopped at Old Man Chen.

The assistant didn't understand and sighed, "They are amazing. Xiangcheng's teaching staff is not very good, but this year's college entrance examination has surpassed any previous one."

When Xu Wenyao and Shen Min came in, Mrs. Xu, who was sitting on a chair nearby, stood up and said politely, "Director Shen, why are you here?"

Tonight's incident was rather dangerous anyway. He wanted Bai Mi to adjust for a few days, but he didn't expect that she would send him the news not long after he returned home.

The hotel where Yang Lin works.

He was a gentleman and dignified man. "Student Bai, excuse me for interrupting you. I wanted to discuss your college entrance examination essay with you. Judging from the level of detail in your essay, you must have studied Dayong literature carefully."

As soon as he opened it, the hot steam from the soup inside came out, blurring his cold eyes.

The person standing next to the police car saw Bai Xi and hurried over, "Miss Bai."

It was written that it was MS hallucinogenic drug, containing 11% addictive ingredients. The joints of the bones that were pinching the edge of the document turned slightly white.

Dean Shu stood up and said "Come in". The assistant beside him also looked outside the door, curious about who was coming and why Dean Shu had to wait in advance.

Chen Beixuan lowered his head and glanced at his phone. Jiang Fuli said nothing.


Mountain and Sea Apartment.

This video of Lu Xiaohan became popular again because of Yan Lu after more than half a year.

Yunxiao District is the economic center of the entire Jiangjing.

"Police," the old lady said to the person next to her, "Why is there another police car? I've seen more than a dozen this morning."

The people who came in were not Shi Yu and others as the assistant imagined, but a girl who had never been seen before.

The proprietress was counting the bills with her head down. She didn't even raise her head. She just put a hundred-dollar bill on the table and said, "Here."

As soon as the old man opened his mouth, the others standing aside sat down one by one.

Bai Xi glanced at him and nodded slightly, "Happy Game."

The proprietress looked up and asked, "Have you collected enough living expenses?"

Xu En was not surprised by the Qi family's reaction.

Bus No. 156.

"History has proven countless times that there is no shortage of talented people in China. One county can gather the talents needed to govern the country," Dean Shu said softly without waiting for his answer. "What is lacking is a leader. The other three candidates from Xiangcheng are not accidents, but inevitability. There are far more than just these three people from Xiangcheng."

"Let's eat first." He put down his phone and walked to the table. There was an exquisite wooden box on the table. He opened the lid of the food box.


The next day, around seven in the morning.

Dean Shu's eyes lit up, and he discussed Dayong's problem with Bai Xi for an hour. The more they talked, the more eager his eyes became.

It was not until he sent Bai Xi away that he felt a little regretful, "I should have asked Principal Shi for this..."

After Lu Lingxi left, Yang Lin washed today's dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

Finally, Yan Lu commented, "When playing chess with them, I always doubt my IQ."

Next to him, Xu En was standing with a cigarette in his hand, and he didn't look well.

This regional reshuffle has little to do with small businesses like the Xu family.

"Yeah." Chen Beixuan threw the information in his hand in front of him.

Today's self-media news is all about the strange things happening in Yunxiao District.

Xu Zhiyue didn't wake up.

"Madam boss," Yang Lin didn't take the money, "I won't come tomorrow."

"This has nothing to do with Miss Bai. Yunxiao District is cracking down. It just happened to be a coincidence." Shen Min couldn't say much, only said, "Yunxiao District may have to reshuffle."

Chen Beixuan rarely appears in public. When she transferred from the command department to the combat department, she became famous in one battle and has since become the second in command of the Chen family. The Chen family does not pay attention to gender, but only to personal ability.

Every time he read it, he felt that the writing style was extremely familiar.

In the Chen family, probably only Chen Beixuan dared to let the old man go to the central hall for a meeting.

On the table, the phone lit up, it was a call.

Just give her a picture.

Every time he read these wild and uninhibited words, he felt that they were no longer the cold words of history, but had warmth, as if what was recorded in history was so close to him.

Mrs. Qi originally wanted to reconcile with Old Lady Xu. After all, the Xu family's money has always impressed the Qi family, and this circle has always been about profit exchanges.

During the summer vacation, there were not many people in the Chinese Department except for students preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations, and many floors were closed. Dean Shu arrived early and sat at his desk with his computer turned on. On it was the PPT of his prepared academic speech. He was not concentrating when clicking the mouse, and occasionally looked out the door.

After waiting for the news, Shi Yu remembered something and called the school office, asking them to keep a close eye on the case in Yunxiao District.

On this day, the entire Yunxiao District entered a crackdown.

"Jiang Jing, your sister is in Jiang Jing," Lu Lingxi put a thick envelope in her hand, "After your father went to prison, she gave me your medical expenses and left. I never saw her again, but I always feel...you can find her."

Bai Mi, Xiao Qi and Mao Kun often cannot keep up with their train of thought.

"You know why Young Master Jiang came back, right?" Chen Beixuan sighed. "Chen Luping's men detained her by force, and the glass of wine with hallucinogens was handed to her. This kind of thing happened in our territory. Let's not talk about the Jiang family first. How are we going to explain it to the Shi family alone?"

"I can only beg my old sister again..." Old Mrs. Xu looked up and stood up with her cane: "Both of you come with me to Yu's house. Just agree to whatever she says. My old sister is very proud."

Until the host moved onto the chessboard, the host of the first game did not last a minute under Yan Lu.


Yunxiao District.

Everyone knows that she is most likely the 32nd generation head of the Chen family, who is valued by Mr. Chen.

Bai Mi was looking down at her phone while slowly wiping her hair.

Just as Bai Xi raised her hand to knock on the door, it was opened from the inside.

Seeing Xu Wenyao and Xu En, Bai Xi thought they were going out, so she stepped aside to make way for them and greeted Xu En as usual, "Uncle Xu."

Next to Bai Xi, Le Shaoming had the information of Xu En and others in his hand. He extended his right hand to Xu En and said in a friendly manner: "Hello, Mr. Xu."


Bai Shi, who should still be detained, appeared here. Xu En was stunned for a moment before he reacted, "Hello, I'm Xu En."

He stretched out his hand.

Xu Wenyao looked at Bai Xi, and his tense nerves finally relaxed. He leaned against the door frame and said, "I'm glad you're okay."

Bai Shi glanced at Old Lady Xu and said nothing.

There was no news that night, and Mrs. Xu was so frightened that she almost lost her mind.

Behind Xu En, Shen Min's eyes fell on Le Shaoming, "Le Ju?"

Mingfeng District is very different from Yunxiao District. Shen Min has heard of Le Shaoming, but Le Shaoming has never met Shen Min. He just nodded slightly to Shen Min and said, "Hello."

While several people were talking, Bai Mi had already walked to the bedside.

Ji Mulan was still sitting on the left side of Xu Zhiyue's bed. She held Xu Zhiyue's left hand and looked at her with concern.

Seeing Bai Shi, she looked up in astonishment, "You..."

Bai Mi ignored Ji Mulan.

She bent down, her fingertips casually resting on Xu Zhiyue's wrist, her brows drooping.

After making sure Xu Zhiyue was okay, Bai Shen stood up. Across from her, Ji Mulan also stood up. "Are you okay? How did you get out..."

She wanted to ask a few more questions, but Bai Shi looked at her coldly.

The almond-shaped eyes were dark, without any other emotions, but with a strong sense of oppression.

Ji Mulan swallowed the concern that was about to come to her lips, and suddenly she felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart. She clearly felt that this was the only way that could remain between her and Bai Mi.

Xu Wenyao poured a cup of hot water for Bai Xi, his eyes fell on Xu Zhiyue, and he spoke carefully: "Sorry, we didn't know about grandma and Zhiyue's affairs, and we implicated you..."

Bai Shi took the cup and said, "It has nothing to do with you."

If it weren't for that gaze, Bai Shi wouldn't be so alert.

Xu En, Shen Min and Le Shaoming were still talking at the door. Xu Zhiyue hadn't woken up yet, so Le Shaoming just asked a few routine questions.

Bai Xi's phone lit up. It was a message from Jiang Fuli. She tapped the screen with her fingertips and said goodbye to Xu Wenyao calmly, "See you at school."

Le Shaoming came here with Bai Xi. When she left, he followed her, "Miss Bai, wait for me..."

The two figures quickly disappeared at the elevator entrance.

Xu En and the others sent the people to the elevator, and Ji Mulan in the room finally reacted, "Wen Yao, did you ask how Ah Xu got out?"

Xu Wenyao and Xu En already knew that the problem lay with that "Leju".

Old Mrs. Xu, who had not dared to speak, stood up and leaned on her crutches to look in the direction where Baishen left.

"Ju Le is the director of the Yunxiao Branch," Shen Min came back to his senses, he smiled and explained to Xu En, "Le Shaoming, Miss Bai knows him, it seems that I don't need to take care of this matter."

Xu En went to the police station that night, but he didn't even see Bai Shi, let alone the Le Bureau.

Upon hearing that this Le Ju was the director of the branch, Mrs. Xu turned back in shock.

They all saw Le Shaoming's attitude towards Bai Shi just now.

Ji Mulan sat back in the chair and looked at Xu Zhiyue lying on the hospital bed with a wandering gaze.



Le Shaoming went downstairs with Bai Xi, "Miss Bai, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Bai Su was holding her phone and looking forward. She soon saw a blue car in the temporary parking lot across the road. Its tail lights were still flashing, and it was obvious that it had just stopped.

She turned sideways and thanked Le Shaoming: "Thank you."

Le Shaoming saw Bai Xi off to the car.

When Bai Xi pulled open the passenger seat, Le Shaoming vaguely saw the person sitting in the driver's seat. The other person's indifferent eyes looked at him, with a cold light like a dagger when it was unsheathed.

Le Shaoming froze in place.

The blue car drove away and the phone in his pocket rang. Le Shaoming finally came to his senses. He picked up the phone and it was his friend. "What's going on with you guys?"

There was quite a commotion in the Yunxiao District, and people from the nearby districts could no longer sit still.

They received no policy changes.

"It all started with a club." Le Shaoming exhaled, "I'm reminding you, the freshmen of Jiangjing University this year."

When Sun Fei showed up last night with two reports, he knew things might be a little troublesome.

But no matter how hard we tried, we never expected it would turn out like this. The entire Yunxiao District cracked down severely, from top to bottom, all clubs were closed down to check for hallucinogenic drugs, and all relevant personnel were suspended to cooperate with the investigation.

Until just now.

Le Shaoming finally knew why Xu Nanjing appeared that night.


In the car.

Bai Shi's phone automatically connected to Bluetooth and played the interrupted English reading.

Jiang Fuli drove the car onto the main road, tapping the steering wheel with his cold fingertips, and glanced sideways: "Aren't you going to let Ming Dongheng be your driver?"

"I'm not used to it." Bai Xi lowered her head to look at WeChat.

Lu Lingxi told her that Yang Lin would come to Jiangjing in the next two days.

Without asking how Lu Lingxi knew, Bai Xi directly sent a message to Yang Lin, asking her when she would come.

Jiang Fuli drove the car onto the main road. When he saw her finish replying to the message, he hesitantly said, "Please give me your driver's license first... Forget it."

After seeing her racing, Jiang Fuli never suggested that she get a driver's license.

He was afraid that after Bai Xi finished her studies, the points earned by all of them combined would not be enough for her to deduct.

"What do you think of Chen Yongkun?" Jiang Fuli changed the subject.

Bai Zhu was not very interested in Hyundai cars. He just put his phone against his chin and said lazily, "It was just average before, but it's pretty good now."

Everyone can see how rapidly Xiangcheng has developed this year. These are the results of Chen Yongkun's work.

After turning a corner, I saw a yellow roadblock at the intersection and a bunch of police cars parked in front. The road was temporarily closed.

Many private car and taxi drivers stopped and stood together smoking and watching the fun.

Jiang Fuli calmly turned the car around and chose a new route.

Mountain and Sea Apartment.

The security guard at the gate is no longer surprised by the luxury cars that have frequently entered and left the community recently.

No one at 303.

Lu Xiaohan took Jiang He out to play, and Ming Dongheng served as their driver.

Bai Mi didn't go in and went straight to the piano room 302.

Jiang Fuli stood at the door and watched for a while before gently helping her close the door. He went to the study next door, took out his cell phone and called Director Chen first.

"These two months?" Director Chen had nothing to do today, so he went fishing with Ji Heng.

Director Chen thought that he would be demoted and would have to stay in Xiangcheng for at least two years, but he didn't expect that he would have to return to Jiangjing so soon?

"Well," Jiang Fuli obviously had no patience with Director Chen, "come back first. There will be several vacancies in Yunxiao District for re-election. You can participate in the big election."

Director Chen did not doubt Jiang Fuli's news.

He looked to the right. Ji Heng had already moved to another place to make a nest. Director Chen lowered his voice and said, "What about Uncle Ji? I heard from Xiao Tang today that they will also go to Jiangjing next month."

After Bai Xi went to Jiangjing, students from Class 15 of Tang Ming would come to see Ji Heng regularly.

So does Director Chen.

If all of this left...

Bai Xi can give him constructive suggestions, and Ji Heng will occasionally give him a few words of advice. After being together for so long, Director Chen regards Ji Heng as an elder.

Jiang Fuli hung up the phone, returned to WeChat, and clicked on Ji Heng's profile picture——

[She got into a fight]

Ji Heng rarely looked at his phone while fishing, and half an hour later he called Jiang Fuli directly.

"A-Xie was bullied?" Ji Heng's voice sounded anxious.

He couldn't imagine that Baishen would fight with people.

Jiang Fuli turned on the computer and said, "She was brave and courageous. Although it was dangerous this time, fortunately she was not injured."

I wasn't injured this time, but I may not be injured next time.

Ji Heng heard it, he put down his fishing rod, picked up the pipe on the ground, and lowered his head to light it.


Yu family.

Grandma Yu was watching the chef making soup for Yu Hongjing. Her silver hair was all combed back, looking capable. "Yiyi hasn't answered the phone yet?"

She wanted to know what the Xu family was doing now.

But since she came back from the hospital last night, she hasn't been able to call Yu Hongyi.

The female bodyguard replied: "Yes."

Grandma Yu narrowed her eyes but didn't think much about it. Yu Hongyi often participated in confidential activities.

Just as I was thinking about it, the servant came in panicked, "Madam! Madam!"

Grandma Yu walked from the kitchen to the hall, "What a panic..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the police behind the servant. The police officer took out his ID and said, "Please cooperate with our investigation."

"Investigate what?" Grandma Yu had never encountered such a thing since she was born. She looked at the other party calmly: "If you two have anything to say, you can talk to my granddaughter in detail..."

The person who did it did not return but took her to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

Grandma Yu was very polite at first, until she saw Yu Hongjing with gauze wrapped around his head in the interrogation room.

Yu Hongyi came to see her an hour after she came in.

Seeing Yu Hongyi, Mrs. Yu's forced calm expression finally broke down, "Yiyi, why did they bring me and your brother in here?"

Yu Hongyi closed her eyes. "Because of Yu Hongjing, all the clubs and bars in the entire Yunxiao District have been closed for inspection, and the relevant personnel have been suspended from work and stayed at home."

Yu Hongyi couldn't find out any information and she didn't meet anyone from the Chen family.

She was able to get into the police station only because of her previous connections.

"I..." Old Madam Yu recounted the events of the past two days. It was only the Xu family. "The Xu family, Xu Zhiyue...Xu En's stepdaughter..."

Xu Zhiyue was sent here personally by Old Madam Xu, so she knows her inside and out.

There is only one person.

It is said that Baishen is related to a "Master Chen". There are rumors in the circle, but Mrs. Yu did not take it seriously at all. The Yu family is surrounded by people who flatter and curry favor with Yu Hongjing since he was a child. If he encounters any problems, everyone will come forward to help him solve them.

She thought this time would be the same as usual, who knew it would be such a big commotion?

Old Mrs. Yu explained, "That's all. Let them let me out first..."

"...That's all?" Yu Hongyi finally understood the whole thing. She had always been proud, so she just pursed her lips and looked at her: "Xuan Kang, did I tell you?"

"She...she?" Old Mrs. Yu glanced at Yu Hongyi and finally sat on the chair.

Old Mrs. Yu heard from Yu Hongyi that Xuankang is a company that directly provides research drugs to the military forces behind the Chen family.


Qi family.

Qi Shuyun's family was having dinner.

"I heard there was a lot of commotion in Yunxiao today," Mr. Qi asked Qi Shujun, "Do you know what happened?"

Qi Shuyun has now successfully entered the class of wealthy ladies, and has more information than Qi's father, but she is not clear about this matter. "I don't know. They are also discussing it today."

If even they don't know, then this kind of thing really has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Mr. Qi didn't ask, "Did Mrs. Xu call you?"

"She beat me," Qi Shuyun, who was wearing a slim beige dress, pulled out a stool and sat down, her voice was calm, "She offended the Yu family, what can I do?"

The father and daughter made the same decision, but Qi Shuyun's phone rang at this time. It was a call from a sister in the circle. She quickly picked up the phone, "Sister Wen, are you looking for me?"

The voice on the other end of the line was not Sister Wen's. "Hello, I'm Yu Hongyi. I want to ask if you can help contact the Xu family."

Yu Hongyi.

Qi Shuyun had heard of her name in the socialite circle a long time ago. Although Yu Hongyi was a womanizer and not in the socialite circle, everyone was well-known to her, and so was Qi Shuyun.

She didn't expect that such a person would come to her.

"Ms. Yu, Xu Wenyao's family?" Qi Shujun stood up and made a quiet gesture to Qi's father and mother.

Yu Hongyi was very direct, "Yes, regarding my brother's matter, I want to apologize to them personally..."

After hearing the first part, Qi Shuyun couldn't hear the rest. "Okay, I'll try to tell you."

She hung up and sat down in a daze, holding the phone.

"What's wrong?" Qi's father looked at her.

Qi Shuyun looked up, "The Yu family... want to apologize to the Xu family..."

"What?" Qi's father was dismayed.

Does the Yu family, who moved from Mingfeng District to Yunxiao District, need to apologize to the Xu family?

Qi's father took out his cell phone and made a call, trying to get information about the Xu family from other people in a roundabout way. "You mean Mr. Xu? He even attended the Federation of Industry and Commerce's event today," the man said in a low voice, "I also saw the chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce meet with him alone..."


Yunxiao District has been cracking down on this for several days, and any rat passing through the club would be hit with a stick.

The white mulberry in Shanhai Apartment was not affected.

Mr. Xu's birthday is the day after tomorrow. Early this morning, Gao Yan came to Shanhai Apartment to see Baishen with the snacks she made.

She has not yet given up the idea of ​​adopting Baishen as her goddaughter.

Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing were discussing important matters in Room 302.

303. Bai Xi put the printed paper in her hand on the table, pulled out a stool and sat next to Lu Xiaohan.

Ming Dongheng changed the tea and poured it for her.

Jiang He sat on the left side of Lu Xiaohan. Lu Xiaohan took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his hand, "Eat quickly, Bird Brother."

Lu Xiaohan took another piece of plum-shaped cake, took a bite, and looked at Bai Xi: "When are we leaving?"

"I'm done eating." Bai Xi picked up the teacup, lowered his head and blew it gently.

With his other hand, he opened his phone and saw several messages on WeChat.

Yang Lin: [Just finished watching Grandma, tomorrow's train]

Bai Xi pressed the screen with one hand and replied: [I will pick you up when you arrive. ]

Tang Ming sent a message in the group: [You all went to Jiangjing? ? ]

"Where are you going?" Gao Yan heard that they were going out again and was very concerned.

"Auntie, Sister Xi and I are going to see Sister Lu," Lu Xiaohan narrowed her eyes, because she and Gao Yan were also familiar with each other because of the pastries, "our classmates will also be here in a few days."

Yan Lu arrived in Jiangjing at six in the morning and had already arrived at Jiangyin. They hadn't seen each other for a long time. In addition, Lu Xiaohan had not visited Dean Jian since coming to Jiangjing, so the two planned to go to Jiangyin first.

After eating, Bai Mi and Lu Xiaohan went out.

302 next door.

Jiang Fuli had just taken the car keys and was slowly opening the door, with Xu Nanjing following behind him.

Seeing Gao Yan, Jiang Fuli nodded to her politely.

As soon as Gao Yan saw the key in Jiang Fuli's hand, she knew that he was going to send Bai Xi out.

After everyone left, Xu Nanjing tilted his head and asked, "How is it, did she agree to go?"

"No." Gao Yan glanced at Xu Nanjing. "How come you have so many friends in Jiangjing? No wonder you are useless."

Many people came to the old man's birthday party, and Gao Yan wanted to introduce a few of them to Bai Xi.

Xu Nanjing was not surprised that Bai Xi didn't go. He walked upstairs and said, "Even if she doesn't have any friends, she's busy. Jiang Xijue hasn't even seen her yet."

Gao Yan thought about it and followed him, "Have you finished installing upstairs?"

"It's still early. He is at home every day. I don't have time to install it." Xu Nanjing was also afraid that the renovation would disturb Bai Xi and the others.

Gao Yan: "Why are 302 and 301 so fast?"

"If Brother Jiang wants, he can ask ZTE to build him a mobile living room and move it to 302 in two days," Xu Nanjing looked at the three apartments upstairs, "Mom, please don't say anything."


At the same time, Bai Shaoqi also rushed to Chang'an District early in the morning.

The Yin family is in Beihong District, which is far away from Chang'an District. One has to go through Yunxiao District to get to Chang'an.

The driver was the Yin family's chauffeur, Mr. Yin sat in the passenger seat, and Song Min and Bai Shaoqi sat in the back.

After Bai Shaoqi finished her morning class today, she was going to Jiangda to find Bai Shaoke, so Song Min accompanied her.

There have been police officers in Yunxiao District these past few days, and many roadblocks have been set up, which have not been removed today.

Bai Shaoqi looked at the roadblock outside, "What's going on here?"

"Something happened," Mr. Yin glanced out the window and sighed, "We've been investigating for seven days, and several clubs have been uprooted. I heard that several people in Yunxiao District were removed from their posts. I don't know what happened, but it's not something we can control."

The Yin family naturally didn't know about this kind of thing and could only hear about it from others.

Bai Shaoqi just looked at the roadblocks and was shocked.

Beside her, Song Min was looking down at the challenge question bank without looking up.

President Yin stopped at the Yin family's company and the car continued to drive to Jiangyin.

Song Min and Bai Shaoqi got out of the car. They were already very familiar with Jiang Yin, so they went straight to Jiang Yin's building.

"Shaoqi," the girl who had been taking classes with Bai Shaoqi saw the two of them from afar and waited for her to come, "Song Min, you are here to accompany Shaoqi to class again?"

She chatted with Bai Shaoqi and headed towards the building.

During the summer vacation, there were a few people who came to Jiang Yin's morning classes.

There was only one elevator in the building. Bai Shaoqi and the other two waited at the elevator door for a few minutes before the elevator came down from the fifth floor.

As the three of them entered, they saw a "No Parking" sign on the third floor.

The girl looked at the sign and was stunned for a moment, "Is there someone recording on the third floor again?"

Bai Shaoqi and Song Min both glanced at the no parking sign and asked, "Who is using the third floor?"

It's summer vacation and you're still so busy.

"It's just those few," the girl explained, "Our school's recording studio is the best in Asia. Not only people from China, but also from abroad come here to record. When can I go to the third floor to record?"

As she spoke, she pressed the button for the fifth floor and waited for the elevator door to close.

at the same time.

A female voice came from outside the elevator door, "Beautiful lady, wait for us!"

A white hand blocked the closed elevator.

The girl quickly pressed the door open button.

"Thank you, thank you," Lu Xiaohan thanked the girl and shouted outside, "Brother Bird, can you hurry up?"

As soon as the elevator door opens, you can see a few steps away.

A girl was walking in front with her long legs, her eyebrows slightly lowered, holding a white jade fan in her hand, with the crystal clear fan ribs resting on her bent joints.

She was wearing a long dress with three-quarter sleeves and a very large hem. The base of the dress was white, and poppies of various colors were hidden among the folds, blooming with her steps.

Behind him, a boy with delicate features was jogging with difficulty.

The two of them reached the elevator in a few steps.

The elevator was very large, and there was still plenty of room for three more people. Song Min and Bai Shaoqi stood on the left.

Almost as soon as the elevator door opened, the two recognized Baishen.

Bai Shi used to be good-looking, but this year she has changed even more, with her introverted and independent temperament becoming more obvious.

Song Min, who had been looking down at the app, finally looked up and his eyes fell on Bai Shi.

Bai Su stood at the elevator door and paused. She looked up, her eyes swept across Song Min and Bai Shaoqi, then to Jiang He standing on the right, leaving a large empty space in the middle.

He lowered his head, took out his cell phone, and told Dean Jian that he had arrived.

He didn't look at Bai Shaoqi and Song Min again.

"Brother Bird, you really need to drink more milk." Lu Xiaohan stood beside the buttons, rubbed Jiang He's head, and spoke earnestly.

Jiang He lowered his head and poked at his watch, sending Jiang Fuli a bunch of commas.

Lu Xiaohan didn't notice the atmosphere between Bai Xi and the others. She just turned her head and asked Bai Xi, "Which floor are you on, Sister Xi?"

"Third floor." Bai Xi leaned towards the elevator, opened his folding fan, and spoke casually.

As soon as she said this, the other three people in the elevator couldn't help but look over, especially the girl who had just given Bai Shaoqi a brief introduction.

Lu Xiaohan saw a "No Parking" sign on the third floor, but Bai Xi said the third floor, so she reached out and pressed it.