
chapter 1

Laxmire was sitting in his room after waking up from an extremely crazy dream. He was huffing trying to catch his breath as he was recalling the dream which seems to have felt more real than any normal dream should be...it was as if he went to sleep and woke up in a completely different space or the world. Laxmire looked around but everything in his room looked to be in place and relaxed. This however was short-lived when he got out of bed to go to see his family as when he tried to open the door it was locked. Trying to slam himself against the door to open after frantically rotating the doorknob he started screaming for help hoping his family would come help. After some time Laxmire stop exhausted from trying to open the door slide with his back against the door almost falling into despair before a loud noise was heard almost robotic or like a woman making an announcement for your flight at an airport. Welcome, all.

We are sure you must be wondering where you are. Well, I am Kriste, and will introduce you to what will become your new life. As you all might have noticed the space you are in should be where you are the most comfortable however this space will soon disappear please exit your space after the door opens those who do not will be wiped out with the space they are currently in. Listening to this Laxmire thought he was insane as it was not a voice from a speaker but as if someone had taken over his inner voice and relayed the message to his brain. while doing this a loud CLICK occurred behind his back and immediately got up to open the door. swinging the door open he stepped out slowly as it was a while hallway which when looking left and right saw a few people coming out of their own separate sections. stepping out completely the door slammed behind him making the same CLICK as before displaying a locking mechanism that Laxmire knew there was no going back. While standing in the hallway he scans the people there all types of people look to have been in this situation with him. while observing more people come out of their rooms a new message forced it into his brain. Everyone that has left their rooms please make your way towards the sanctuary hall for processing an arrow on the roof will guide you. Those who have not left your room will now disappear. Suddenly several loud clicks were heard where people had not come out were heard and Laxmire immediately broke out in a cold sweat knowing if he had broken down he would probably have never left that room. Shortly after the rooms were locked the LED-type lights glowed on the high-raised roof indicating that people needed to follow that direction.