
Being Bobby B : Robert Baratheon SI

some guy died and reincarnated in Robert baratheon body. The novel is game of thrones/ A Song Of Ice And Fire fic It's for fun, nothing too much, a bit of a wish fulfillment novel. . I don't own anything this is novel belongs to George R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R Martin .. English is not my first language and I will have some grammatical and spelling errors, please just point them out and I'll correct them I write for fun , no regular release .

mask95 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

The Lannister

{Robert POV, The Red Keep, King's Landing}

The second day in king's landing was good time for Robert to reflect on what he accomplished so far, and he found that he started a lot of projects but he didn't finish any of them yet.

But he did settle down in the new world quite nicely, he didn't want immortality or godhood otherwise he wouldn't have come to this place, but he didn't know what he wanted, living here he didn't get a chance to examine his motivation to closely but with is large vitality he knew he can live long life , and after killing the ice zombies he can look more closely into magic.

Meanwhile he had to get stronger physically and get experience in leadership if he want to win the wars to come . And in that front he made a good headway, from training to sparing and killing the Kingswood Brotherhood.

Robert knew that in terms of physical prowess he didn't have equal, but fighting isn't physical power alone, that's why he wanted to spar with the kingsguard, and he had to get his battlefield bloodlust under control.

Robert looked at the map in the system and saw multiple underground tunnels, rooms and most importantly the treasury. The treasury had one main entrance and it was always guarded but there was a secret tunnel along the back of the room, although there was no other entrance, if he can get one of the saplings that he had in his inventory in a room near it he can travel there anytime he want and then dig the back walls of the treasury slowly and rob it all, and if he can he may do the same to the Lannisters, after all building a city is not cheap, and it's beat to steal something while you are in another continent.

With that on the agenda he knew that he had a week to figure it out before going to Harrenhal and the Isle of faces.

After Ned woke up and joined me for breakfast, he asked me " how can you not say anything to the king after you promised those men that surrendered that they will be going to the Wall, you gave them your word Robert how could you break it" I looked at the angry Ned, and found a naive child looking back at me, like I told him that santa wasn't real.

" Ned my friend, the king is paranoid and going mad, if I disagreed with him publicly then he would have saw it as an insult and our heads might have been taken to, and beware of repeating what I say to you until we leave this city, everybody here is a spy for someone, from the hand to the king and even the septons and septas are spying for someone. Here everything you say can be twisted and used against you, the maid that was in my room yesterday was a spy for the hand and I'm sure that she wasn't the only one. That is why I hate this city, you can't trust anybody and one slip and your head can be found on the wall the next day " I replied to Ned with a hushed tone after checking the map an found that no one is within hearing distance.

Ned looked between angry, frustrated, thankful and confused, then the conversation went on to other trivial topics, and he said that he wants to see the city, I told him that we can do that tomorrow, because today we have other obligations.

Midway through our breakfast someone knocked on the door and one of the maids opened it up, I saw Jamie Lannister coming with some of his cousins, a smirk blasted on his face, he walked like he owned the place, so I had to dig at him " Lord Jamie, we haven't finished the eating yet, you can wash the dishes later, and there is no need for your friends to help you, I'm sure you can clean the table all by yourself" .

Jamie face lost the smirk and became angry but covered it quickly, but his cousins looked about to blow up at the audacity of me implying that a Lannister do a servant job, but before they could speak Ned came to the rescue " Lord Jamie we weren't expecting you tell later, are you short of worthy opponents or do none of them hit you hard enough of fear of offending your father" Gods I new that the old Robert liked Ned for something, behind all of his northern demeanor, Ned can be a sarcastic bastard sometimes.

Before they could speak I roared a big laugh and got up to full height, I was the tallest one in the room I knew I'm going to be taller then the old Robert and he was 6ft6 because right now I'm almost 6ft3 and with the past six months of bulking I'm like a big slab of muscle towering over them, the two hang out got tense and Jamie looked alert as I walked to the washing bowl " give me five minutes and I will come and see if you have a steel under all of the soft gold " .

And so Ned and I, cleaned ourselves quickly and went with Jamie to the training yard, when we got there I found it full of people from guards to knights and even a few of my own guards, bt most importantly I found Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Oswell Whent sparing with many watching them, Barristan was dancing circles around Whent, but Whent was younger, That reminds me I need to make sure that if Rhaegar is the one who proposed the tourney that he does it three years later than intended.

Jamie and I went to get ourselves armed and armored, since it's a spar and I can't use my hammer or my glaive, I had to pick something from the blunted weapons, I choose a simple sword and shield compo I trained for the past six months in every weapon that I can find, although I'm not a great talent when it comes to swords I make up for it with inhumane strength and speed, and if use a warhammer or a glaive I might kill Jamie or at least cripple him .

Jamie choose the same weapons, Ned helped me with my armor and told me not to kill anyone today. We went to a place with relatively few people and faced each others after a couple of insults back and forth Robert was the first to advance shield on his left and sword on his right.

Robert choose to advance slowly with his left shoulder forward, then he fainted lunging with his sword, Jamie thought that Robert was going for an overhead strike, so he got ready for it, but Robert tucked his right arm in and used his shield to bash Jamie back, Jamie was on his ass from the power behind the blow, it felt as if a bull hit him and not a man .

Jamie looked up and found that Robert was waiting for him to get up, his eyes were forced now like a predator waiting for his prey. Jamie got up and looked to the left but he was hoping that Robert would fall for the trick and he went for the legs, Robert jumped back then forward with a speed that shouldn't be possible for someone his size catching Jamie's sword as i was returning with his shield and punched Jamie's helmet with his sword guard.

Jamie's ears were ringing from the punch, he got disoriented and Robert swept his legs from under him . Jamie was facing the sky the second time as he was about to get up he found a sword pointing at his neck and Robert was saying something but the ringing was to loud so he couldn't hear him.

Robert saw that Jamie probably had a concussion he signaled that the fight is finished and helped Jamie up casting a healing spell that no one can see on Jamie, he didn't want to kill Jamie just yet .

After the spar Robert continued challenging anyone that was near him, he stayed in the ring for more than three hours, he went undefeated until the sword of the morning came, Robert was so focused on beating his partners to the ground he didn't notice the crowd that was forming around him.

(Arthur POV)

Arthur Dayne came to the training yard to get Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Oswell Whent, but found them both watching someone else spar he went to Ser Barristan and asked " Ser Barristan what's going one, why the crowd is gathered here" , Barristan looked at his fowllow brother in white " it's lord Baratheon he has been going on for three hours and no one able to win against him, I heard on of his guard saying that he usually spar for four hours a day back at Storm's End and with multiple people against him. I watched his last couple of matches and he is good and getting better by the hour, and his main weapon is not a sword, but a warhammer or a glaive, but even with a sword he is good, he has a monsters stamina and when fighting a better swordsman he would tires them out first then go for the kill."

Arthur watched three more matches and was able to guage Robert's strength and weaknesses. true to Ser Barristan words, Robert has a monsters stamina if someone wants to win against him they need to do it fast because if it's a battle of attrition then the Baratheon would win, seeing that he had nothing else to do Arthur choose to spar with Robert.

(Robert POV)

Robert saw Arthur Dayne coming for a match couldn't help but grinn from ear to ear. He new that this man was one of the best if not the best swordsman in Westeros, but a fight does not go to the better swordsman but the better fighter. Arthur got to his stand with no shield both hands on the sword, Robert threw away his shield and went against Arthur with a sword only.

The fight was different from those before it, Arthur was skilled and faster than anyone Robert had faced before, but even with his speed Robert was faster, but not as skilled, so the fight dragged on . Arthur thought that he had Robert measured but he was wrong, Robert blew were heavy and solid if he didn't parry and deflect the strikes but took them heads on the he wouldn't have had the strength left to continue fighting. and Robert was faster than he pretend to be so even if Arthur faint and Robert fell for it he would correct his stance faster than Arthur could strike.

The fight continued until Ser Oswell Whent came in to the ring, he asked us if we would consider the match a draw . I nodded my head because I couldn't win against him without killing him and I would need my warhammer to be sure, Ser Arthur to nodded since he couldn't win against me, he knew that he is the better swordsman between us but still couldn't win, that hurt his pride a little.

We shock hands and Arthur invited me to spar with him tomorrow and everyday I was here , I agreed with him it would do me some good getting an experience like this and I wasn't about to let it slide.

[Robert Baratheon

Age : 16

physical stats

Strength: 500

endurance: 500

vitality: 2020

defense: 350

speed: 400

dexterity: 400==>405

Mental Stats

Intelligent: 122

wisdom: 175

perception: 260==>270

magic energy: 4450

Charm and Charisma: high as F@#k

Skills and abilities

Regeneration ...

16× the regeneration power of the average person.

add 1600 to vitality. and 200 to the physical stats.

Concealment .

hide your presents from magicians and gods.


Green seers magic.

the ability the warg into different animals. Ability to use nature magic. can speed up or slow down plant growth. ability to control trees. close affinity to the old gods and children of the forest. can use a Weirwood tree to spy on people near Weirwood trees .

Mental Magic ( mind arts)

Able to read people thought, and control them. able to hypnotize people., you have to be close to the person that you want to use your abilities on or you have to dream walk .

dream walking is the ability to inter a person dreams and control them or just watch them. you can make a them remember the dream or forget.


The ability to teleport from Weirwood tree to another . can take a maximum of 4 people with you.

Healing Magic.

You are able to heal small wounds sickness and even genetic disorders, but you will have to use a lot of your power and sometimes it may take you a long time to heal someone.


12 one kilograms Valyrian Steel cubes .

1 half kilograms Valyrian steel cube.

2 millions gold dragons.

20 weirwood saplings.

200 enchanted weirwood seeds.

25 kilograms beef .

20 five leter waterskin.

50 bread .]