
"Back to school Drama"

"Hey guys; it's been a while but am back for the"update"....so just relax and enjoy the "original" novel!!


uhhhh, what's the time?

oh Shit:) it's time for school, "ah man" why does it have be today! oo well

A̸ f̸e̸w̸ m̸i̸n̸u̸t̸e̸s̸ l̸a̸t̸e̸r̸

Morning Ma!!

Morning son!!, how was your night?

it was ok!!

Good, Good..... hope you getting ready for school?

yea I am mum;


"Shhhhhhh", that's the sound of my shower for some reason!!! any way "can't wait to get to school" (laugh) "yea" right, who wants to be in school, but you gotta go though.

"Brrrrrrrrr" (the bell of my school)

"oh great" it's Art class (man) I hate that class, I mean our arts' teacher does like he can draw but really we all know he can't draw "jack". like the other day me and my Fam where pulling up at his class and we saw a drawing of a fish with "enormous" lips and we were like (demmm) it was hella funny and usually my guy "******" (not gonna say his name, cause he won't let me to) any way, always jokes around and he cracks me up.

"Hey Fam? ( My friend)

Hey Boy!! (Me)

Have your finished your math assignment? (him)

Yea Fam why"? (Me)

I need to copy!!

k; here it is!!

Thanks Fam (him)

So have you heard this new song by kid laroi? (The name of the song; wrong) (Me)

Yea boy it is dope (him)

I know right (me)

"When I get back to my crib", the first I will do is listen to #wrong#.

Good morning class (my arts teacher)

"Good morning sir"!! (laughs)

Who was that? (arts teacher)

It was Haniel and Ayo (The stupid snitch in the class)

It wasn't us sir! (me and haniel)

So it's like we have some pranksters in the class now?? ( arts teacher)

No sir, they just like snitching us!! (me)

Yea sir it's true (haniel)

Hmmm ok (arts teacher)

The teacher literally used his hole period to shout at us that....

"Brrrrrrr" (Bell)

His period became over (laughs from me)

"Time for math" (me)

why I like this is that, I'm really really good at math like I could be nominated for best math student in (Year 8/jss2 )plus the teacher likes me so am pretty lucky.....

Back to the story.

Hey class (maths teacher)

Hey Ma'am (students including me)

How was the assignment, was it hard??

Na it was just right ( A student)

Marking time (Maths teacher)

90% of the class got 10/10 (me)

And you won't believe I got a 3/10( grrrr) (me)

I couldn't believe it! I almost went nuts, I started ranting "it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair"

But when she checked my book she said "oh sorry mistake, you got everything✓"

phewwww, what a relief, I would have been so pissed.

So class; what do we know bout' Ceculiar numbers?? (maths teacher)

(Man) when she said that I got so lost that I literally slept off in three minutes, I was hearing wake up, wake up, wake up but I couldn't recist but to sleep more.

In the next two seconds of that "wake up" chant,I felt this painful familiar force bouncing on my face with incredible power:)

who can guess what that was??

It was the "slap" that could end my existance in two seconds flat (fam) that slap had so much impact on me that I felt like "peeing" so bad; could you imagine it was my mean class teacher and her strict rules .

"Now look this is actually how my school is jokes jokes and jokes but we also can be very serious though cause of maybe something that is happening at that moment".

"Now" boys and girls let me point something out to you "stay in school";

Cause being in school doesn't mean you become lame infact it's just increases you popularity and am sure you will be like "what am I doing in school, everything I need to know is on the internet" well that's true but you still have to have that Feels of being in the mists of people you know?? k

Just wanted to point that out:) back to the story.

So it was the last period of the day.... Finally

Where everybody could go to each other's classes without permission!!

And there is this girl in the second arm of our class that is really cool and almost every boy has a crush on her cause she is like hot but nice tho, I admit even I had a crush on her the first day I saw her not knowing that she had a crush on me to but my annoying friend ruined everything when he went to tell her that "Andre has a crush on you" it didn't mean anything but like I wanted to tell her myself (Dem) that guy can be frustrating.

Hmmmm; seems like no teacher which means

(singing) 𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 (singing) 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅

That means we can do whatever we want :)

so me and my friends started chilling waiting for that bell to ring so that we can get back to our cribs and play "among us" on our phones but me personally I just couldn't wait to use my phone but "among us" is a really dope game but the bell wasn't ringing, have you ever gotten that feeling when you feel like time is going super super slow in school "hmm" well I don't know bout you guys but that happens to me alot....

suddenly Brrrrrrrrr that bell rang babyyyy

I hurried to my school bus to get home without thinking twice so I got home and I walked into the house just to see my mum standing like she was waiting for me to come and to top it all I could see that rage look on her face (Dem)


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this new chapter and comment on on any word you didn't get above. As always drop a comment, leave a power stone, save the book, and Share. If you have any comments on the characters or you want to say something? just comment.
