
being an empty human isn't easy

This story is about a cold heroine who is unable to understand human feelings, who will change when she comes into contact with different kinds of "love", and is bound to understand her own feelings in order to discover true "love".

Mahazoldikya · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 01: A place lost in time

-Good morning, Ivan...

huh?? A voice calling a name?? A thick and gentle voice at the same time, I raised my head to see who was calling me... Shougo Sera, third year student, half long blue hair with blood red eyes, tall He is the student council president, he seems to like me...

-Ah, good morning, Sera

-Oh, it's a beautiful day today too, isn't it?

-Yes, it's very sunny

Seira is popular, kind, and very popular with all the students, even though he's a senior, he remembers my name very well, and Seira probably knows the names of all the students in the school...

-I think the lessons have begun, you must go to your class quickly

-Well see you later ...

in class ...

-Ah!, Evan, ~Good morning~

Damn, his voice pierced my eardrums, that despicable kyu ,his golden hair, his hairstyle like a wolf, his eyes inspired by the color of a sunny day's sky, that bright smiling face, whack, whack, it always bothers me, can't he be silent when he sees me...

-Kyu...you're annoying as usual, how can you have such energy every morning?

- Don't call me noisy! I just welcomed you... Sensitive as usual, quickly you can piss him off like I did now, though Kyu is my only friend, if you take a look at him, he is able to lift your spirits, his kindness and energy know no bounds, he is like an endless pit, his personality reminds me of an honest dog, I don't know why He loves hanging out with me so much he cares about me and has saved my life on several occasions...

-Class will start soon, you should take a seat.

- Don't you want to talk more? I have no club activity today, do you have any plans?

- not really...

- Perfect, let's go home together, there's a coffee shop I want to go to.

- Honestly...we'd better not go. I want to go straight home when class is over.

-You're awful... It's good to go out once in a while! I want to have a soft drink with you

- Go buy it yourself. Nothing stops you

- I don't want to do it alone! Why are you so cold?!

-Because I don't care...

- Here we are again, Ivan, do you know that this phrase has become a bad habit? You're repeating the same thing over and over, so why don't you really pay attention? Are you not curious about anything?

Ringing... 🎶

, Look, class is about to start

-Boo, you're boring, you won't run away next time.

i looked at Kyo, who had left his seat, and sat down on his chair…

I don't care is the phrase that became a bad habit before I launched it, I don't know if I'm happy or enjoying, nor do I know sadness or anger because as I said before:

"I don't really care", emotions seem stressful, I don't need them..

I looked From the window, birds are flying in the sky... I wonder if flying is fun for those birds. They say flying has to be good. How do they know that if people can't do that? I personally can't make sense of it, it's not like I care enough...

With that in mind, my attention goes back to class...

...after class

Ringing... 🎶

-Oh, and it's finally over~! Ivaaaa~...wait for me, I'll come in a minute, I'm getting ready to go...

-I told you I was going home

- Oh, I thought you'd change your mind. -Anyway, see you later...bye...

-Yes ! At least let's take a walk together... Oh she is gone...

Sorry Kyu, I'm not interested in going out with you. I like my boring routine, go home, read a book, have dinner alone, finish reading and then sleep. I am happy to repeat this normal routine, my classmates describe me as empty of feelings, I don't think so too... I am just an empty person and I have no feelings or feelings, but I do not know the problem with this, I do not see the point...

I took my shoes that were in my locker and replaced them, when I put on the second shoes, I heard a sound coming up the stairs. -Wow, you're really going home early, Kyu won't go with you??

Sera was...

- We're not together all the time

- Oh, I didn't know that. I thought you two were very close, which made me think that you were dating. I thought that was suspicious. I was curious.

Is this how people see us??!! It's true that Kyu worries about me a lot and sometimes makes me nervous, but that doesn't mean that our friendship will progress to a second stage and that our friendship will last...

-Did you finish your student council job?

-Uh, yes, but there's a bit of work on the papers, just boring papers.

- Oh, I see, good luck with her.

-Thank you, be careful on your way home -okay see you ...

huh? Where did this smell come from? I could faintly make out the strange smell of cigarettes, the smell came from where Sera was standing now, Why did he come looking for me? When I was about to ask him, Sera turned back to me :

-Don't go this way, Ivan, go straight home, you never know what's there.

He approached me and whispered in my ear. The smell of cigarettes was stronger than the smell that entered my nose

-Oh? Yes...?!

-Well, bye, see you tomorrow...

-Uh, see you tomorrow...

I continued examining Sera's body as he returned to the council and then left from the same way...

...on the way home...I looked at that clear sky as usual and took a deep breath, a little kitten rolled between my feet, I advanced from half of it Heading home.

the same life every day, a miserable and old life, just boring days with no new things to do and no feelings. -Ah...

Just thinking about it makes me sleepy... I stopped in front of the second bookstore that intercepted me today. I didn't expect it to be here, next to the house here. I remember well. This bookstore wasn't here in the morning. Did I lose my mind or what?! I guess I can take a look at it...

I entered the library to find a man with green hair the color of tree leaves, tall and taut, with eyes that the same color of his hair, thin eyebrows, a tattoo of a pink star under his left eye, the color of flowers, white skin, white of cotton and snow, with a charming smile, wearing round glasses, tall. he greeted me kindly with a smile on his face.

-Welcome to our humble library

-Eh, sorry, which of these books can be borrowed?

-Would you like to borrow books, hmm, let's see...the bookshelf over there, there are many good books in it, if you take a look you will find something that impresses you...

He pointed his finger at the bookshelf at the end of the hall and continued cleaning as if nothing had happened...

- Oh, for example, I'd like to read psychological books or... things like that

For a while I felt embarrassed, why the shame, Ivan, you're not doing anything wrong...

-Oh, I know~ Go to the back of the hall, the shelf over there...

-Huh?! Th-Thank you...

I was amazed at his answer, as if he knew what I was thinking. I bowed to him to express my thanks to him, then I went to the place he described to me.

I looked at those shelves full of neatly arranged books. I don't know if they were books for sale or not. Perhaps some of them have a high price these days, but they are too many for the first opening of the library. I tried not to touch them insistently... Hey, what is this book?!

Among all those old books, I found a white book that looked as if it was new. It is a white book, with no writing on it, not on its cover, not even on the first pages, and there is no price for it. Is it wrong?! For many reasons, waves of curiosity swept through my mind, which made me flip through the book.

- What is this for the sake of the creator of the earth? Even his papers are all blank white,

first thing, there is no new book in the bookstore that sells used books. It could have been taken by mistake, I can imagine someone working in the library put it here by mistake, I wonder if that person is the librarian?!

If it is, it's too bad, is it okay to put this library its way? A man like him is really terrifying, as if I'm reading someone's memoirs, not as if I'm interested but as expected, I don't feel comfortable reading someone's memoirs without asking them... The worker offered me and I was about to return the book to its place. I took this book, you have good taste. No, I put him back

- Oh why are you doing that?!

-Because there is nothing written in it, I thought it was here because of a mistake only

I took the book and gave it to him, but the worker put his hand to his lips and smiled, then said:

-This white book, you can write on it as you like and color it as you like too, I am sure you will like it, it will make you enjoy your curiosity..


What do you think I am? Do I look like a 3-year-old girl to you, let's start by telling me that I can write and color it?! I paid no heed to the meaning of his words and then tried to get out of the library, but the book I was holding (the empty book) started to shine...

-W-what is this??!!!

-This means that the time has come... The book has chosen you...

- What are you talking about this?! Ugh, how radiant,

I hid my eyes with my left hand, and that man started looking at me with a smile on his face. -What do you think, what do you decide, this is what will happen to you ... I will be grateful to see you, I will wait for you ...

-I don't understand what you mean by... waaaaaaaaaaa...

The light began to shine brighter and brighter, and the book began to browse itself, I don't know what the hell is going on, I can't try not to answer the book that draws me to it, why do I catch the face of that trustworthy one smiling and waving his hands as if saying goodbye to me and saying:

Good luck~ have a nice trip...

At that moment, I couldn't move my body and escape, as the book was taking over my body, and I couldn't stand well

-Uhhhh !

Isn't that a deck?!

I turned my head to explore the place I am above as I find myself on the roof of my school, though, I feel uncomfortable, I didn't know what this was, but it gives me the idea that this thing is strange... everything makes me feel that this place is far from normal, looking from Around me I notice familiar faces...

It's Kyu and Sera... Are they here too?! Although I was about to say something, I saw a little clown, not even a clown doll, smiling at me, round like a ball, in his eyes a pink star, a mouth of green color, next to him a triangle of blue color, he scared me, what is this happening here?!

-Oh, looks like the sleeping princess has finally woken up~

What is that talking doll?!

- Iva, I'm glad to see you.

-As usual Kyu you came running to me

-Hey you pierrot, stay away from Ivan!

By the time Kyo came between me and that clown, he yelled at him

-Evan, thank God, you look fine.

Sera called me from a distance, hmmm he looks worried I guess he doesn't want to be considered any more, maybe he's worried about that clown...

- Kyu, where are we?!

- I don't know, me too... When I realized that, I found myself here...

- I see, the same thing happened to me too

It's just a hunch, but it looks like both Kyo and Sera were transported inside something and placed in this unknown place...

-And you, what the hell are you?

-I'm a clown, you see, you can call me Piru, I'm funny, aren't I ?!

-Let me change the question, why the hell did you bring us here? And where are we?!

- I did this out of fun, I love seeing people lose their prestige and get in trouble.

-You have bad taste, like your face...

-Haha, I've been through this a lot, but I don't care why idiots like you say it, oh, is it possible that the empty barrel is filled not as usual?

...! My heart raced at piru's words, as if he really knew me, who was he? Or rather, what is this scum really?! I have always heard this speech and did not give it importance, but this time is different. I felt as if my head and body were being weighed down by something. I did not understand what this feeling was.

-You, piru, apologize to Ivan now!¤ Evan is not empty

kyu was about to hit piru, but I stopped him the moment he reached out to hit him. It was an unexpected and inappropriate move at the same time. Yet piru didn't say anything wrong, he just said what he saw, and I agree that this is my reality as I am used to. on it

- Iva... . It's okay, kyu You don't have to get emotional. I'm fine.

I proposed to piru and said:

-I still have one last question, do you know where we are?!

When asked, I thought I saw the clown flipping through his clothes

- A brief word, we are in no place, a place that time has missed, where are the universe and darkness relatives? We're in another world, if you want to call it that.

-A place lost in time?

-Exactly here you will not feel hungry, you can do what you want whenever you want without depending on the time you spent, the outside world is not influential anyway.

It's just nonsense, it can't be true

-Here you can do whatever you want or nothing, you have everything and nothing at the same time, you can just enjoy it

- it doesn't make sense, it seems impossible...

I felt as if I had separated from my world, from my boring daily routine. Is it possible that God chose something irrational, inconsiderate of the consequences?? Is this really appropriate for it??