

Adam Coakley an normal teen to people standards, he drinks,party's,hangs with friends all normal teen stuff but hes an other side and that is he's scared,has anxiety and he likes anime/manga, star wars etc. but what will happen to him when dies meets god gets wishes and a universe of his choosing will he become an emperor and conquer worlds or will live he the free life adventuring the universe (disclaimer) i don't own star wars obviously this is just my fantasy and dream also there might be sexual scenes depends how well i write them.

outerself19 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Throne Room

Adam and the clones made their way to the throne room, on their way some of the clones broke off from them, Adam, Doom and 15 of his men made to the throne room to see Gunray sitting on the throne surrounded by 70 of his b1 droids and 5 droideka's.

once they were in the room all the droids had their weapons on them and nute gunray was laughing and said " you're outnumbered" and the droids started marching forward closing in on us, their guns made a sound meaning its ready to fire.

Adam smirked and looked at Doom giving him signal, Doom takes out his two pistols and shouts " Get em boys" next second clones popped out on the second floor overlooking the throne room and started blasting them, Doom and his men took cover behind the pillars.

the clones on the second floor were focusing their fire on the droids in the back, they also had some heavy troopers with mini guns mowing down which ever unlucky droid that it targeted, soon the droids were dwindled and commander Doom was speaking into his gauntlet.

soon After speaking into his Gauntlet Doom got out of cover with his men and started blasting the droids while walking slowly, then suddenly glass started falling from the sky and you could see 12 501st Airborne troopers repelling down from a LA-AT firing down on the droids with Dc-15s.

two landed beside the throne with their blaster aimed at gunray stopping him from running they moved closer and kept their blasters close to his head while he looked on to the destruction of his battle droids.

Once all the Droids were dealt with Adam starts walking towards Gunray, he steps on some of the destroyed droids and looks at some of the clones shooting down droids to makes sure they are down.

He arrives in front of gunray and starts looking at him intensely and say" you're ugly as a mother fucker" and starts walking while the clones nudge their blaster on gunray back telling him to follow.

they were walking back to the hangar with gunray shouting like a crazy person " what are you going to do me, do you have any idea who i am and who i have backing me" it was so annoying that the clones were about to shoot him straight on the spot.

they arrived at the hangar and Adam tells him to shut up and look out the hangar,he see's a red consular-class flying towards them, once it lands the front ramp opens to reveal a clone commander with his men escorting padme and her entourage.

the clones had red markings, yes that's right its the coruscant guard and it was commander thorn in his phase two armor while his men armor looked like rys and jax from the clone wars ( look it up)

padme walked in front of gunray " hello gunray its good to see you" and she slapped right across the face, leaving everyone in shock including Adam who currently had wide eye's.


i Know its short and i apologies but i hope you enjoyed it