
Being alone

All her life Cherry had always believed she was meant to be alone until Jake showed up

Eze_Wisdom · Urban
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Greenwood's high

Greenwood's high has high reputation in the whole of Southburn district ;mainly because of it's high academic standard and friendly environment .The legendary Statue of late Sir Greenwood is located in front of the school.Most students can't walk past without touching the statue.The school is only attended by elites or those schooling with scholarship privileges because it is expensive.Most scholarship students are often bullied and mocked by the "elites".Cherry is one of those students that are always bullied.

Cherry has always have one motto; "stay on your own and you will be safe". Cherry is a girl of sixteen that loves novels more than anything else. Cherry's mother has tried her best to get her dauginose out of her books but all to no avail.Ken who is Cherry's brother always teases her that one day she will end up getting married to a boring Librarian.

Everyone believes that cherry is attractive if only she will become more social.No one knows why she is a loner and she doesn't know why either .With Cherry,as far as novels exists;she will be fine.

# A tree doesn't make a forest or so they say

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