
Chapter 12

[ Punishment ]

—🕊Yasha Koizumi Kōsei (POVs)

( My dad will probably kill me after this.)

" This way sir." Kichi (A servant from King Akuma)

As I entered the room which is.. King Akuma's private room-.. I then saw my father and my mother, staring blankly at me, and..I saw a woman standing besides King Akuma and..

That little pumpheaded little demon on the Queen's side.

( I'm f*cked up, this will be last of my life.)

" My King and Queen, there's no way my son threatened your child." Mother

( So.. This demon is really her parents.)

( That little demon.)

I then looked at that little demon besides from Queen Runa who was just hiding at her back.

" We'll, shall we ask about my servant about that matter, both from my loyal servant, your son has threatened my child. " Queen Runa

" I am really sorry My King and Queen, for my son's behavior, I apologize from my son's behavior today." Father

" You should ask my daughter about it, she was the one who was threatened not me. " Queen Runa

" What do you say sweet cake? *smile*" King Akuma

" A-ahm.. He did not threatened me, I - I.. " she said

( What? Is she trying to cover me up? )

( That won't work.)

" I was the one at f-fault, I bump into him twice, and I d-didn't mean it, so I said s-sorry to him. " she said

" Why did you get mad to her!? She said sorry on the first place!!  " Mother

" Let me explain okay, I was just trying to make her cry, cause she just looks... Looks so cute, that's why I'm trying to scare her, not until those two arrives, that's why I was misunderstood. " I said

" Base from your behavior young man, the punishment wil be.. You accompany my daughter since she's new to this school, I will transfer you to her class, so you and my daughter will be going to the same class as she is. " Queen Runa

" I agree. " Father

" I couldn't agree more, you should be responsible for your act, you're a we'll known demon yet you act foolishly. " Mother

( I hate my life.)

As I was about to speak, my mother and father than walked passed in front of me and then talked to this little demon, like I was invincible to them, so I just sighed and looked at those two servants who were glaring and staring at me coldly.

" Yurina, go along and follow Yasha, he will be guiding you, so go to your classes now, Yoru and Zenaku will come to pick you up after school. *smile*" Queen Runa

" And we will give you a new present. *smile*" King Akuma

" Oh please no gifts, I don't need them, I just want to spend time with my family. *smile*" little demon.

( She's one kind demon I have seen yet.)

" No No, you will have present. " King Akuma

" Go now sweet darling. " Queen Runa

As we both walked away from all of them, I then looked at this little demon in front of me, who was looking at me too.

" What are you looking at? " I asked like I was annoyed.

" Where are you horns? Did you hide them? " she said

( Lots of questions that she can ask, but she asked where are my horns!?? Seriously? )

" I'm hiding it." I said

I then started to walked away from her and she just then followed me, while humming.

" What's you're name?  " I asked

" My name is Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō.*smile*" she said with her cute tone.

( Damn.. Why is she so cute.)

" How old are you? " I asked

" I'm seven years old. *smile*" she said

( Ah, she's still a baby of course.)

" What's your favorite colors? " I asked

( Why am I asking this little demon with silly questions!? )

( We'll she's still a little demon, so why not.)

" I like red a lot, it resembles blood and war, and I like blue too, it also resembles peace, and I like white, it resembles innocence, and lastly-. Black, it resembles to death." she said

( Wow, blood, war, peace, innocence and even death, she must have like horrors.)

" You like watching horror movies? " I asked

" No, I'm scared of monster's. " she said

( Seriously? We demon's are monsters.)

" But, demon's are actually monsters." I said

" I believe not all of them, some are cruel, some are nice, some are dangerous and some are not. " she said

" As a little demon, what do you desire the most, I mean, all of demons desire something and some of them are greed. " I said

" I have no desires anymore, because -.. I already have them, and that is.. Being born to be in this family that I had now. *smile*" She said

( This little demon is something.)

" What's your motto in life as a demon? " I said

" It's worth trying than just giving up easily and just watch that opportunity to fade away. " she said

( She's still a little demon, but the way this little demon thinks and the way she talk, she's like a demon who's age is one thousand year old. )

" And I love candies, eheheheh. " she said

( I take what I just said on my thoughts right now.)

We then entered inside a classroom where our first class will be about using our power properly and she's sitting next to me, right now .

" Good Morning students, first thing first, attendance early on the morning." Professor M

As the professor calling our name, I then looked at this little demon who was just sitting right next to me with her hands on her lap and she was just looking straight in front of her, not until she look back

" What's wrong? Do you still hate me for bumping into you? " she said

( Geez, why does this demon has to be this cute? )

( I can't f*cking focused.)

" Keep quiet, you're name will be next." I said and she then looked away from me.

" Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō?  " Professor M

" Here, Mr.M *smile*" she said happily while waving her little hands up on the air to Professor M, and so he smiles.

And after calling her name, some of the students in here are now whispering, but I can barely hear them.

" What are they whispering about? " she said

" They're curious of you're last name." I said

" Little Miss Yurina? Are you a relative to King Akuma? " Professor M

" No, his my father, I mean, yes, I guess. *smile*" she said and then here's everyone in here gasped and everyone is looking at her now.

" Oh my, you're such a very lovely cute and sweet child of King Akuma and Queen Runa, may you have a blessed day, my princess. *smile*" Professor M

" Ah, okay. " she said and then smiles to everyone and she then whispered on my ear.

" Can you please make them stop staring at me? I'm a little bit uncomfortable. " she said

" Eyes straight everyone, mind your own business, eye's on board. " I said

( Wait-.. Why did I helped her!?? )

" Thank you.*smile*" she said

( Damn she's cute.)

( You're lucky that you're a cute little demon, or I had already bully you just now.)

( But you're just so cute—so you will be exempted for now.)