
Being a villain is better

Zach is a normal college student who wishes to stay away from people, he considers them to be a hassle as he likes to have hassle-free days as to avoid such conundrums he usually just plays games on his free time and one such game changed his life forever.

Elysin · Fantasy
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74 Chs

18 - Entering the Holy City

Zach was standing inside the next city which was about a hundred kilometres away from Magar which was destroyed by the Empire though Zach did have some hand in murdering some of the Empires troops.

The Empire counted them as casualties in the purge mainly because their death was irrelevant and they thought it could have been done by the people or the survivors.

The city of Magar had 0 survivors as per the Imperial investigation as the news of the purge was well received by the citizens who believed the Empire got rid of cruel men who kill and torture for pleasure.

Zach was at the City of Arkanglsk, It was a religious city which was under the protection of the priestess.

The priestess is the one of the only humans who can make contact with the Gods or they say humans tend to lie and use faith as a way to manipulate and control.