Ian died at the hands of a mysterious disease at the age of 20, expecting only darkness after his death but instead got reincarnated to an alternate reality where creatures of myth existed.
𝙄𝙖𝙣'𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫
We woke up just in time, the streets were empty and we couldn't hear anything with normal hearing, but when i used my heightened hearing and extended it to cover this small city all i could hear is.
'Bump..Bump..Bump..' heart beats, plenty of them and all i could think about was the heart pumping blood, lots of it and i was in a daze drooling and i only broke out of it when my ears picked up Amelia who i even forgot was beside me.
"What.." I said, and wiped the saliva drooling out of my mouth.
"Where were you at? I was calling over and over but you were too far out, and your eyes were glowing intensely than normal" Amelia said to which i just smiled and tried to take a breath to control myself.
"Just thinking about blood, you know I'm hungry that's all" I replied, then we started walking at a normal pace along the empty streets until we came upon a mansion. I don't know if you can even call it that, it has the mix of a small mansion and a castle but weird…
"Who lives there?" I asked.
"Ah, the lord of the city. Not exactly any lord but a warlord" Amelia answered my question.
"What's his name?"
"Let's go pay a visit then, i'm interested in this Viktor" I said as Amelia followed and we jumped over the stone fence, when we reached the door I said "ok here is the plan, i knock then we disappear with speed like i showed you when we woke up, when someone opens the door we go in but be careful not to show yourself and first thing control, i know we're both hungry so keep it in for now"
Yes, I showed her how to use heightened speed which was easy and she got the hang of it pretty quickly.
"Okay, I'll try my best," Amelia said.
I stood at the door and lifted my hand to knock.
'*Knock* *Knock*'
I extended my hearing slightly and waited when I heard no one knock a second time. That's when i heard someone moving behind the door so i just disappeared with Amelia, but we were still in front of the mansion.
That's when I saw an old man come out of the door, he checked who was knocking when he found no one, he stepped outside to check if there is anyone outside.
Just when I was about to get in the house with Amelia, the thought of being hungry resurfaced. "I changed my mind, I think I'll just eat the poor man. Wanna come?" I said to Amelia and when I turned I saw her fangs and vampire face out, and when she heard what I said she nodded and we flash to the poor old man.
I appeared directly in front of him, when he saw my face he looked terrified. He tries to back away but stumbles on Amelia who stood behind him.
I nodded at Amelia, she took the right side of the man's neck while I took the other.
We both kept pulling blood, although it wasn't filled with much flavor as the ones we previously ate, I think that's because he's older and doesn't have that much longer to live, or it's a blood type thing, I don't know so I just leave it at that.
「You have leveled up」
Ah level five, but still a long way to one hundred.
I pulled out from the now dead old man, as Amelia did the same, the body didn't even bleed from the wounds on the neck, I guess we emptied him.
I lift the body on my shoulder and went inside the house with Amelia, closed the door behind me and put the body down and extended my hearing throughout the mansion to pick up the location of the sleeping residents, and there were seven of those.
"Does he live with anyone else like a wife or children?" I asked.
"Only a daughter, but if you are wondering about the other heart beats, those are servants" Amelia answered my question.
"Ok come I need to teach you something once and for all" I said as we walked towards where I heard most of the heart beats and it led me to a room filled with servants.
We got in and closed the door so that no one can hear us.
I clapped my hands a few times and said "wake up, it's dinner time or breakfast i have no idea" two jumped out of their small beds first and looked around who just said that but it was dark in the room, the other three were still in their sleep.
"Who..ay did ya hear that?" one of them asked the other and lightened a candle, when he stood from his bed to light the room with the candle in his hand he saw me and jumped falling with his butt on the floor.
"Ah, don't be afraid I won't bite, yet anyway" I smiled and too the candle from the floor and used it to light the other candles that are embedded on the walls.
Once i was done i walked towards the one on the floor, that's when i heard someone munching? I looked beside me and I saw Amelia feeding off the second guy and she only dropped his body when there was nothing left in him, I raised my eyebrows and said "really?"
"I was hungry, and there were four more people and I'm guessing you only need one peson to teach me?" Amelia said while lickling her lips off the blood.
I sighed and picked up the guy and looked into his eyes and compelled "Don't move"
"See, that's what I need to teach you," I said to Amelia as she moves towards the man.
"Now all you have to do is look and into his eyes and focus then tell him what you want him to do" i tell her and leave her to train on it.
I moved to one of the three sleeping servants and bit into his neck while putting my hands on his mouth. Once I drank him dry I looked at Amelia and the guy she was training compulsively on.
Which I found taking a knife with his hand and slitting his own throat with it, Amelia does what we do best, suck all that blood out before it goes to waste.
I gotta say these servants' flavor is quite good, they are between youth and adults. But i'm still hungry, i wiped my face off the blood with a cloth and went toward the two that are still sleeping and woke up the first and compelled him "Don't talk and do everything i tell you" and i do the same thing to the other one.
"These two are for the new ones who will join us, I thought about it and decided that it will be great to have a warlord among us, now come you three follow me" i said and left the room moving towards the last two beating hearts.