
Being a Nobody

When Tang first opened a book as a child, he was mesmerized by a world teeming with billions of people. But amidst the crowd, there was always that one extraordinary individual who defied the odds, embraced adventure, and lived a life filled with excitement and purpose. Determined to script his own thrilling narrative, Tang made a solemn vow. He delved into countless projects, honing his skills and talents to perfection. Yet, he couldn't escape the realization that there were others who far surpassed his abilities. As he grew older, Tang became a daring helicopter pilot and found love with his high school sweetheart, who now carries their first child. It seemed that Tang had finally discovered the exhilaration he had always craved, but little did he know, this was just the beginning. During a routine client escort, tragedy struck as Tang faced a fatal helicopter crash. Just as he was about to succumb to his fate, a mysterious voice echoed in his ears. And when he opened his eyes, he found himself in a strangely familiar yet unfamiliar room. Tang soon discovered that he had been transported to a magical realm, where he yearned to reclaim his role as the protagonist. But it quickly became apparent that this new world wouldn't make it easy for him to seize the spotlight once again.

JL_San · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"We got a lot," Mikko cheerfully  announced, while carrying a two backpack full of Inkin fruit on his back and front because Sebastian couldn't handle to carry the bag half way so Mikko insisted but when Sebastian wouldn't agree Mikko just let him carry a small basket full of Inkin fruit.

Both of them are currently walking back towards town, and it appears that they will arrive just in time for lunch.It didn't take long for the two boys to return to town and head towards Shiy's shop on the outskirts of the marketplace.

 It took them about ten minutes to walk from there. When they arrived at the said shop, they knocked on the wooden door before entering, and the moment they entered, they immediately spotted Shiy who was sitting behind the counter.

"Mr. Shiy, we got the Inkin fruit," Mikko announced, placing the bags on top of the counter with the basket Sebastian was holding while Sebastian looked around the shop.

It was a typical weapon shop you see in fantasy movies, with shelves upon shelves of axes, knives, swords, and spears.

Sebastian looked around curiously and honestly, he never thought he'd see something like this, after all, it wasn't that common to see one in his previous life besides in the movies he watched, and he honestly doesn't know what to think about it. But, on the other hand, there was always something new to learn every day, so he should be able to adjust if he ever decides to join the knights or something.

Shiy nodded, "Great, I'll see you later then" he grabbed the bag of Inkin fruit and handed Mikko a couple of silver coins, which he counted and gave half to Sebastian, who looked at him puzzled.

"But you did all the work," Sebastian said as he attempted to return the silver coins to Mikko, to which he quickly shook his head, telling him not to worry because he had enough pay himself.

"No, it's fine," he said again as he opened the door and walked out the shop, followed by Sebastian, who shut the door behind them.

"What should we do by then?" Sebastian inquired, as Mikko took a small pouch from his pocket and placed the coins inside it.

"Big brother told me yesterday that he's planning on producing new products to sell in the capital; do you want to help me taste them?" Mikko asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

Sebastian can't help but smile back at Mikko. Sebastian would probably say Mikko is as close as an actual brother, if not closer it almost remind him of his relationship with Seth.

"Sure," he agreed as he followed Mikko to their shop. When they entered, they were greeted by the aroma of various pastries and sweets displayed in the shop.

The shop appears to be a regular bakery, complete with shelves of various pastries and snacks. The counter was placed at the far end of the room, with a large glass window overlooking the kitchen where the process is being completed.

There was a large kitchen in the back of the building with tables and chairs, a fireplace and brick oven where the pastries were made, and several pots and pans hanging over a small furnace.

There is also a pantry where all of the ingredients are kept. On the other side of the store, there were some neatly organized shelves with various types of baking and cooking books and papers. 

As soon as they entered Mikko dashed to the back where Al was cooking something in the pan, and when he heard footsteps, he turned around to greet the two boys who were standing behind him.

Al looks down on both of them and waves his gloved hands, "Hey," he greeted. "Did you two get the job done?" he asked Mikko, who grinned broadly and replied.

"Of course," he answered before turning to Sebastian with a smirk on his face. "Come on, let's taste them!" he exclaimed, grabbing Sebastian's wrist and dragging him to one of the back doors that leads to their house, which is connected to the shop.

As Mikko let Sebastian take a seat, he noticed a couple of cookies and pie sitting on top of the dinner table, while Mikko took forks and placed a piece of pie on each of their plates, service it in front of Sebastian.

He then turned around and prepared some tea. After a few moments he returned with a tray of tea and some water since he know Sebastian doesn't like drinking tea.

Mikko began eating eagerly as soon as he sat down while Sebastian ate slowly, looking around the house and noticing a thick wooden box almost as tall as his shoulder, and only has a small hole on top which piqued his interest.

"What's that box for, Mikko?" Sebastian asked, pointing to the box.

Mikko paused eating for a second and smiled at Sebastian. "It's my dream box. You remember how badly I want to be a leader's advisor? I'm saving up to continue my studies in the capital for that dream," Mikko replied, returning his gaze to the box which appears to be Mikko's piggy bank.

"Leaders" are the head representatives of each race, and Sebastian remembered Mikko wanting to become the advisory of the leader of the demon race, but he can't remember why he can't just be the advisory of the leader of the human race, which would be easier because he wouldn't have to study demon race tradition and behavior.

Sebastian smiled as he continued to eat the various pastries placed in front of them, and he couldn't help but smile whenever he thought about Mikko; he knew deep down that Mikko would achieve his dream someday, but he couldn't help but feel jealous seeing him so confident.

He can't quite put his finger on why he was feeling that way. It was just a feeling he had whenever he was near Mikko or anyone else on that matter.


Sebastian and Mikko lay down their heads on the table, finally realizing that eating a lot of pastries wasn't as healthy as it sounded, but it was too delicious to pass up, and they couldn't bring themselves to walk after finishing it all.

Mikko closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and stretching his arms, groaning as he let himself fall backwards on the chair. "I think Mr. Shiy should be done by now," he said, rubbing his neck to relieve the sensation that had formed there.

Sebastian, on the other hand, tried standing up with the help of the table because he was too full to stand alone. After regaining his balance, he turned to Mikko and muttered, "Okay, let's return to Mr. Shiy then," taking a step forward as Mikko grumbled before finally deciding to stand up and follow Sebastian.

They arrive at Shiy shop's door once again, where Mikko knocked twice. They waited for Shiy's muffled voice of "come in" for a few seconds before entering the shop.

The two pushed open the door just enough to notice Shiy setting down a fancy glass full of ink. Then he returned his gaze to the two.

"Are you ready?" Shiy inquired, looking directly at Sebastian, who nodded his head despite having no idea what he meant by that.

Shiy helped Sebastian sit on a chair in the back of the shop, then sat next to him as he began pouring ink into a tube shaped like a pen.

"Just sit still and don't move," Shiy instructed, leaving Sebastian perplexed as to whether he should be concerned about what was about to happen to him.

"The tattoo will dry before-"

"Wait, what tattoo?" Sebastian asked, causing Mikko to look up. "You didn't tell him, Mr. Shiy?" Mikko asked, surprised. "I thought you already did," Shiy replied, looking back at Sebastian.

"It's a town tradition for the men to get a tattoo on their neck to represent the chains that our forefathers had to wear when the undead first attacked," he told Sebastian.

A chill runs through his body when the word "undead" is mentioned, and he knows from his memories that they are monsters or creatures that shouldn't exist, making them the most dangerous enemy of the five races.

"Will it hurt?" Sebastian wondered.

"Nope," Shiy replied as he prepared the pen in his hand, causing Sebastian to sigh in relief.

"Probably," Shiy muttered under his breath, and when the pen's tip collided with Sebastian's skin, he screamed on top of his lungs in pain like a sudden bolt of electricity run across his whole body.