
Being a God is a Game

I'am tired of this life. losing my mom, being deceived by my own father, then living like an actor to deceive people around me... Well since I don't have anyone to blame so I can just blame it all to the the Gods right?? "Fuck you all so called gods out there for making my life like this, at least give something fun for my life you bunch of shit!" *DING* [WELCOME TO GOD GAME ONLINE] [PLEASE SELECT YOUR WORLD TO START] . . . "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" . . . Well... come and see how I become a being that I just cursed out from being pent up, yup I become a fucking God. ________________________________________________________ Average Words Chapter 1,5k-2k words This is my first time writing my own original novel and English is not my mother language so please tell me if there is any mistakes in grammars or wrong wording, or even any missing words. I'm writing this novel all by myself right now without any editor help at all so your help if there any mistakes is very appreciated.

SenYong · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Food Crisis and Solution

Currently I'm watching my own people bowing their heads to my saint. It looks quite amazing from seeing this from above.

"Everyone, listen to me. The God has chose me to be his saint and he has spoken to me. He want us to send a hundred people to seek food at the outside world. He said to put your faith in him and he will show you the way. He also demand an offering of knowledge, it can be any kind of knowledge in the form of a book."

When the people heard her words, they shouted and cried happily. They felt that their god didn't abandon them and actually shown his own self to help them. Seeing them looking happy like this somehow make me feel something. I don't know what that feeling is but I know it's not a bad feeling.

'Alright then, no more wasting time. I need to search some food source for them first' I then try to take my cam outside from the underground but I didn't expect that it can't move through solid things. So I don't have any other choice than to wait for my people to move out and follow their track.

Fortunately I don't need to wait for to long because the people start to move following my order. I followed the hundred mans out and left the rest to wait and worship me. I hope they have a book or two here, I really need more information to lead them to the path of glory.

After following them for a few minutes, We reached the outside world and they start to search for food in teams. Each team have about 3 to 4 members and I think it is the right choice so they can cover each other if they got in danger. I should have been the one to give this strategy but it seems my curiousness and playfulness covered my own incompetence from my sight.

I should learn how to lead people and some management skills, well I will do it later, for now I need to focus. I spent about an hour to check the surrounding area and I realize that this area is quite dangerous. I saw a lot of monster in the surrounding area such as dire wolves, large spiders, a lot of small green creatures that I assume as a goblin. I even found a small village of kobolds. I miss them before at my village searching journey before because I was in hurry and to occupied following the dwarf.

I can't seem to find any animals here for my people to hunt, should I go further? At least I can search in peace without worrying about my safety. I then went further from the area around the cave entrance and try to find some food source. I really hope at least to find one food source to fed my people.

-????? POV-

"Hoohh... he seems start to change for better. Without realizing he started to think those people as his own people and worried for them for real. It seems he didn't treat this game like any other newbies usually do. And to find an epic grade village for his first war, that's quite an achievement there. When did the last time newbie found an epic grade village? " (unknown 1)

"About 700 years ago maybe? I don't really remember since that player isn't that interesting to watch. Well unlike that player, this newbie really make me interested but to survive he have to find the solution for his current predicament first. But the other 2 newbies also doesn't lose to him, I can't wait to see who will be the last winner."

"For someone who cursed the gods, he really do his god work very seriously huh. Ha ha ha ha! That's fucking hilarious. I really can't wait to see what will he become in the future. Ah... just the thought of it makes me really wet." (unknown 3)

"Be quiet! You are disturbing me. Can you move like a few worlds away from me? I'm sick of your pervertness!" (unknown 4)

"Fu..fu..fu... There, there. Do not fight each other and be a good kid kay~~ How about some bets to make this much more fun?" (unknown 5)

"Don't treat us like children bitch/you fucking whore!" (Unknown 3&4)

"Fu..fu..fu.... what an energetic bunch~"(unknown 5)

"Enough! Let's make some bets and continue to watch the show, you don;t want to miss anything interesting right?" (unknown 1)

-End of ????? POV-

After searching for more than 3 hours, I finally found something. It is a small to medium size human village located north east from the cave and about 10 km distance away. The good news is they have a big cattle farm. I felt really relieved seeing this. Well I can't say that the farm is that big but from what I see, there should be more than 60 cattle there.

Now I need to choose between trading with them or just fuck it all and invade them. Well the system mention about some competition between the players before and I think there will be some fight here and there or maybe even worse, a war. I need to give my soldiers some fighting experience and give them a blood bath to make them a real warrior so I will choose to invade them.

It should be easy for my 20 soldiers to defeat them since their population is around 50 peoples and only around 7 of them have some a wood spears that I assume the only soldiers there. My 20 soldiers are equipped with a full iron armor and their weapons is also made of iron. But still I don't want to underestimate them.

I learned to be careful and be cautious of all time this past 3 years, and the one thing I learned that harsh way is to underestimate a person. Just the act of underestimating someone can cloud my judgement and it is a very dangerous thing to do so I with that in my mind all the time, I never tried to underestimate others and always think for a plan to make the best decision.

'Well, I should go back and tell this to my saint first' I went back as fast as I can and saw some of the dwarf teams came back without anything, but there are still some teams that manage to brought back some berries, small animals, and some fruits as well even though it's in small quantity but a success is still a success.

I then enter the cave entrance and found my way to my village by myself. I already memorized the way to make it easier for me to go out and enter the village. The first think I have in mind is to search for my saint and there she is standing in front of my village totem, leading the other villager to worship me.

Without any further I use my Saint Revelation authority to speak with my saint.

"Heed my words my child! I am touched with your faith and worship for this great me so I will give you the way to be away of your starvation and I am benevolent and kind." (Valir)

Urgh! I'm already tired at this divine talking now, what did I even think in the first place when I started this? Well, the water has already been spilled and it's already become Valir no way home decision. *sigh* I am really an idiot to even think that divine talking is cool.

"Oh... honorable god, I represented my whole village to give you our gratitude for your generosity to us." (Kagura)

I think I have turned her as a my own devout believer now. I never thought that the day I will deceive a girl to be mine would come like this, I mean every guy in the world should have some fantasies about this at least once right?

"Tell the warriors to brace themselves as they will go through a trial blood. Tell them to put their full armors on, lift their weapons high and shout my name to spread my glorious name. Tell them to head 14 Km North East and attack the human village located there. Half of the village man should follow as well. There will be a cattle farm there for you to take and bring back to the village, also do not kill all the human, spare some of them to teach you how to take care the cattle farm. Use this chance to learn and grow your own food my child." (Valir)

"We will do as the lord command!" (Kagura)

"And remember, I command to all of you to return alive no matter what as every of your life is precious to me." (Valir)

I don't think I can continue this shit anymore. It's to hard to think some lines that looks divine or something like that. Fuck it, I will just talk to her normally next time.

After that Kagura face towards the villagers and said "The lord has spoken to me once again. He has give us the way ...." In short she my words to the villager and they started to prepare for the attack. I see one of the villager went outside to tell the food expedition team outside to come back. "And remember to come back alive! It is the order of our god to return from the battlefield alive!" (Kagura)

After waiting for a while, the food expedition team came back but not unscathed. There are 9 people who got some minor injuries and fortunately there is no casualties among them. After being told about the plan to attack the human village, everyone in the village got busy doing their own preparation.

I hope everything will be just fine. Without realizing it, it seems I got a bit worried about this attack, after all this will be my village first fight. I really hope everyone can come back alive.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

And don't forget to give me your honest review, comment, and critics for me so I can fix my mistakes and improve my writing skills. Thank you for reading my novel guys!

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