
Chapter 6: Is He Being Considerate of My Feelings?_1

The class meeting lasted for over an hour.

Chen Gong had spent an hour reading and had many questions, which he noted in his notebook, some of which he tucked into his book, planning to read it again later.

Studying is a process of reviewing the old to understand the new.

On the stage, Yang Li looked at everyone and said with a smile, "Alright, today's class meeting is now over."

"Lastly, I want to remind you all that the second year of college marks a new beginning in your university phase, as well as the true start of your medical journey."

"As students of the clinical department, you must solidify your foundation. Moreover, if you want to enter a good hospital, you must participate in the postgraduate entrance examination, and the courses this semester are quite important for that."

"I hope, in this academic year, everyone can balance life and study."

"In life, I hope you can enjoy a wonderful college experience."

"In terms of study, I also hope everyone can lay a strong foundation."

"Hmm, if you have any problems with life or studies, you can come to me."

Yang Li was just 27 this year, and had successfully stayed on at the school after completing her Ph.D.

She hadn't fully shed her student-like naivety and liked to blend in with everyone, so there wasn't much distance between her and the students.

From high school to university, the image of teachers had changed over the year from the stern disciplinarians to a "sweet and savory big sister" like Yang Li.

After the class meeting.

Shou Weixiang turned around and said to Chen Gong and a few roommates, "The association is having elections; I'll head over in a bit, so I won't be joining everyone for lunch. I'm off then."

Ji Chao laughed, "What's up, gonna be Director Shou soon?"

Shou Weixiang chuckled, "Pretty much, shouldn't be a problem. See you, brothers."

There were many like Shou Weixiang; once the class meeting ended, everyone started getting up to leave the classroom.

Those involved in the student council were also busy and left one after the other.

Yang Li was discussing matters with committee members of several classes from the clinical department. The classroom quickly emptied until only Chen Gong, still engrossed in his book, remained.

Seemingly unaware of the passing time, he would frown from time to time due to the difficulty of the knowledge, or get excited when he resolved a question that puzzled him.

After finishing her discussion, Yang Li was about to leave when she suddenly noticed Chen Gong was still there.

Yang Li didn't have much of an impression of Chen Gong; after all... this kid was hardly noticeable, rarely participated in class activities, and seldom approached her.

Of course, Chen Gong's excellent grades were her only impression of him.

She hadn't expected to find him reading here?

Yang Li saw Chen Gong's focused expression and furrowed brow suggesting he was facing a difficult problem.

So she smiled and walked over.

As a medical Ph.D. and a member of Dean Yang's research group from the School of Basic Medical Sciences, she was quite confident in advising a second-year student like Chen Gong.

Perhaps, this was an opportunity to get closer to Chen Gong.

"Chen Gong, are you having a problem?"

Yang Li bent down, tilted her head slightly, and offered Chen Gong a gentle smile. Her long black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, bringing with it a fragrance akin to lily flowers.

Chen Gong was startled for a moment, then looked up and saw Yang Li, "Instructor, you... are looking for me?"

Yang Li smiled lightly, "Why so nervous? Reading a book? What's it about?"

Chen Gong scratched his head, "It's about biochemistry, just doing some advanced preparation. It's quite challenging."

Yang Li wasn't concerned; college biochemistry didn't seem that difficult.

"I see you're all frowning here. What's the matter, you encountered a problem?"

Chen Gong nodded, "Yes, indeed. I've come across a few issues that I'm confused about."

At this point, some class representatives and committee members laughed, "Chen Gong, our instructor is a Ph.D.; you can ask her any questions. What insights can you get from reading alone?"

"Exactly, the instructor is a talented member of Professor Yang's research group; just ask away!"

Yang Li also nodded affirmatively at Chen Gong.

Seeing this, Chen Gong was hesitant at first, but seeing that the instructor was well-meaning, he straightforwardly asked,

"I actually do have a few questions. I hope the instructor can help clear some of my doubts."

Yang Li smiled slightly, "Sure, go ahead."

Chen Gong flipped open his notebook, furrowed his brow slightly, and asked, "I'm thinking about the relationship between the forward and reverse reactions of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle."

"The main function of the forward Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle is to thoroughly decompose fuel molecules, oxidizing carbon atoms into carbon dioxide."

"However, the Carnot Cycle is quite prevalent in eukaryotic cells."

"Given that eukaryotes have inherited the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle from prokaryotes and even reversed its direction, turning the reductive Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle into an oxidative one, does this mean... that all Tricarboxylic Acid Cycles in eukaryotic cells are performed in the forward direction?"

"I'm wondering, is it possible to use this as a means to investigate the process of human diseases?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Li was suddenly stupefied!

What is... the Carnot Cycle?

The forward and reverse reactions of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle?

Disease process inquiry?

Is this... biochemistry?


These specialized terms are absolutely biochemistry, but… is this the biochemistry they were familiar with?

For a moment, the smile on Yang Li's face vanished, replaced by an unprecedented embarrassment.

Not just Yang Li, the class committee members around her were also left perplexed by Chen Gong's question.

Among them were those who had pre-studied biochemistry.

Many study committee members had!

But why hadn't they seen anything like this in their textbooks?

They understood the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, both forward and reverse reactions.

But why were they so confused when it all came together?

Were they using the same textbook?

Instantly, the classroom atmosphere became quieter than ever before.

Seeing this, Chen Gong also felt a bit embarrassed, and he apologized to Yang Li with a smile:

"Sorry, counselor, I have something else to do, I'm leaving first," he said.

"The question just now was just a random thought of mine, don't mind it, there might not be an answer."

As he spoke, Chen Gong picked up his books and hurried out, leaving everyone disconcerted in his wake.

Yang Li, looking at Chen Gong's smile, felt even more awkward inside.

He... he was actually considering my feelings?

I... I actually needed a sophomore student to save my face?

Me... him...

Yang Li's face turned red at that moment, her eyes filled with shame.

So embarrassing!

Why did I even come here to join the commotion?

Now look, I've made a fool of myself, haven't I?

Seeing Chen Gong's departure, the other class committee members smiled in relief and said to Yang Li with a smile:

"Counselor, don't mind it, that's just how Chen Gong is, he likes to read on his own and often has some strange thoughts and questions."

"Right, I've already pre-studied all of biochemistry, where have I ever heard of any Carnot Cycle or reverse reactions? He must be asking about whatever comes to his mind."

"Counselor, shall we have lunch together at noon?" they asked.

Upon hearing this, Yang Li smiled at everyone: "You go ahead, I have some things to do here, I'll treat you next time."

As she spoke, Yang Li also left the classroom.

One reason was that she felt embarrassed and awkward.

The second reason, which was also the most important... was that Yang Li didn't think what Chen Gong said was nonsensical.

The so-called forward and reverse reactions of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, she now realized, were part of advanced professional biochemistry.

Not something a college student would be exposed to.

As for that Carnot Cycle...

She hadn't heard of it herself, it just sounded vaguely familiar.

After hesitating for a while, she quickly caught up with Chen Gong: "Chen Gong, wait a moment, please," she called out.

Chen Gong stopped and turned around, noticing Yang Li jogging toward him, slightly out of breath.

"Counselor, is there anything else?" he asked.

Yang Li's face reddened slightly with embarrassment before she gave a light cough and said:

"This... sorry!

I don't quite understand the question you asked," she admitted.

"But don't worry, I'm going back to look it up for you right now."

"I will contact you with any news."

"Can I add you on WeChat?" she asked tentatively.

Chen Gong nodded: "Okay, then I'll trouble you, counselor."

"But, this might just be my wild speculation, don't take it to heart," he added.

After that, Chen Gong got up and left.

Yang Li watched his retreating figure, deep in thought.