

Marcus Crassus dies in an unmarked grave outside ancient Rome with ambitions of domination left unfulfilled, betrayed by his own troops. However, when he is reborn into the Galactic future with the new "Automation Design System" he begins to see visions of mechanical legions marching across the stars doing his every bidding. But "God" (or whoever) isn't making it easy. His new body is feeble and on the verge of death, his family is dead, and this damn system is trash! And worse yet, he owes $1 Million credits to loan sharks! The galaxy would be his, but it wouldn't be easy!

Sinister_Pen · Sci-fi
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43 Chs

A New Job

Marcus left the casino, feeling both relief and frustration. The streets of Centari-IV were crowded and noisy, filled with vendors and people going about their business. He limped through the masses, his cane tapping rhythmically on the ground.

He needed to get home. It was time for his dialysis treatment.

His apartment was small and dingy. It was in the slums of the city, on the fifth floor of a ten-story building. The stairs creaked as he ascended, his limp more pronounced with each step.

Of course the elevator didn't work...

Finally, he pushed open the door to his apartment. Inside, the room was bare and unkempt. Dust and cobwebs covered the corners. Medical equipment took up most of the space: a medical bed, dialysis machines, and other devices required for his treatment.

Marcus moved slowly to set up his dialysis. The equipment beeped and hummed, filling the room with mechanical noise. His body moved on its own obviously retaining the muscle memory after doing this with it's past inhabitant.

That explained why he had the [Medical Treatment I] skill already unlocked. Alex must've done this a hundred times.

Until he finally died that is.

As the treatment began, he lay back, feeling the machine work its course through his frail body.

He stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. The $10,000 he had received was a small fraction of the $1 million debt he had to pay off. His primary source of income, the casino, was now barred to him.

"System," he thought.


"Show me Automation Design."

[Initiating Automation Design...]

Marcus's surroundings faded, replaced by a more abstract interface in his mind. It was a new space, a headspace where he could apply his knowledge to create and design. It was like a vast world of pixels and everything was covered with a faint grid.

Huge holo screens hung in the air constantly following Marcus, not blocking his vision but being ready. He saw that he could scroll through the menu's and they had lists of components, techniques and programs. Like building blocks meant to be connected.

Such a wealth of knowledge would have been well guarded back in Rome. Instead it was all available right here.

He began to explore it. There were many options: blueprints, energy cores, weapons, modes of movement, tools, directives, wiring, material and designs for a variety of purposes. Each with a wealth of even more knowledge and intricacies in how they worked together and how they didn't.

Marcus explored it for what seemed like hours.

"This is amazing," Marcus whispered, finally he attempted to click one such design, bring its concept into the space.

[You are missing required knowledge and skills to proceed.]

"What's missing?"

[Advanced engineering principles, robotics, and several other skills you do not yet know.]

Marcus frowned. This System was supposed to help him, but it seemed he was still far from being able to use it effectively.

[To design the most simple of automations the skills required are Materials I, Programming I and Robotics I.]

"What do I need to unlock these skills?" he asked.

[Automation Points (AP) are required, additional initial knowledge of the skills are required. You could also go to school and study if you wish.]

"How do I gain AP?" Marcus asked ignoring the last option, he had neither the money nor time to do this the traditional method.

[Complete quests, accomplish difficult tasks, achieve awe-inspiring entertaining things, and survive life-threatening situations.]

Evidently God was messing with him, using him as mere entertainment.

Marcus sighed. He was stuck. Without the necessary skills or AP, he couldn't make use of the Automation Design system.

With a thought he left the headspace and returned to the real world. To his shock he checked his wrist-holo and mere seconds had passed.

He had spent what felt like hours in that space and here in the real world only seconds had passed!

"Truly this System is a boon from God." he sighed.

Or a curse, he though after.

Lying back as the machine continued its work, he felt a wave of frustration wash over him. He needed another way to make money, fast. His health was declining, and his debt loomed over him like a dark cloud.

Just as he was about to drift into a restless sleep, a buzzing sound woke him. He looked down at his wrist holo. A new message had arrived.

"Mr. Black," he said aloud.

The message opened, showing a simple job.

"Kill a man called 'The Librarian,'" the message read.

Marcus felt a chill run down his spine.

"Onward," he whispered to himself, cracking his neck.

He might have lost his primary income source, and he couldn't use the System's full capabilities yet, but he had another job now, another step forward to take.

Mr. Black's job might just be the opportunity he needed to start paying off his debt.

As the dialysis machine continued humming, Marcus strategized his next move. The game was far from over, and he was determined to win.

When the treatment finished, Marcus rose from the bed, feeling weak but resolute. He walked to the bathroom to freshen up, changed his clothes, and stared at his reflection in the mirror.

He was frail, yes. Weaker than he had been in lifetimes past. But he was still Marcus Crassus.

Lighting a pipe full of wakeleaf, he took a deep drag and exhaled slowly.

More determined than ever, he planned his next steps. This "Librarian" had to be eliminated. It was a simple job, but the implications were enormous.

The message from Mr. Black had merely the barest information of this persons location and it claimed the man was 'Harmless'.

Marcus scoffed, harmless men rarely needed to be killed. He would need a weapon and information if he was to accomplish this with his feeble body.

"System," he thought again.


"Prepare for the new mission. I need details on The Librarian."

[Understood. Gathering information...]

He waited. The System took a moment before responding.

[Information on The Librarian is limited. Name: Unknown. Occupation: Keeper of rare data and artifacts. Location: Sector J-9, Centari-IV. Recommended Action: Recon and Weapon Procurement]

Marcus nodded. It wasn't much to go on, in fact it was the same information Mr. Black provided but the System had wrapped it up nicely, it reminded Marcus of the tactical aids he had in the past. Consolidating information and summarizing it.

As he prepared to leave, the message from Mr. Black rang in his mind. This job could give him the leverage he needed, maybe even some AP to unlock more skills and knowledge in the System, and maybe even more larger jobs from Mr.Black.

First he would need a weapon and some tools.

Stepping out of his apartment, Marcus felt a renewed sense of purpose.

"Onward," he whispered again, stepping into the bustling streets of Centari-IV.

The game, the fight, and his quest for survival continued. And Marcus Crassus would keep moving forward, no matter what obstacles lay in his path.

'The Librarian' was as good as dead.