
Behind The Terrifying Darkness

A fishy smell wafted around the place. Men, old people, even innocent children lay motionless with cold body temperatures. A man stood indifferently around where the bodies were scattered. Holding the sword that was still stained with blood, he headed for a place that was not affected by a single drop of red stain that adorned his surroundings. He knelt down to caress the pale cheek of a girl hidden behind the shield he had created. He took off the fluttering black cloth he was wearing and gently draped the robe that had been stained with warmth over the girl. "You see." "They died because of you." "You should never have run away from me." "Let's go back Rosalia." whispered the young man softly among the gusts of the night wind that choked.

Renza_Lo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Forest of Death

The two of them rode down the cobblestone road quickly. The more they walked, the more Rose felt that the place was truly depressing. The two of them drove slowly as they entered a city.

The city that Rose saw was different from the city she had in mind. Chaos. That was what she had in mind as they entered the city. Many people are fighting each other for what they want. Their exchange does not use currency, but uses power. Whoever wins, he is the one who gets everything.

"Don't look if you don't want to be dragged into it." Steven warned the pretty fairy.

"Doesn't Your Majesty want to stop them?" Rose asked concerned when she saw a child separated from her mother.

The dragon race bastards were seduced by the beautiful woman who was carrying a baby and little girl.

Stefan just stared blankly ahead. Didn't answer the pretty fairy's question.

"Never go against my orders." Steven growled when he felt the girl sitting in front of him want to jump down.

Rose felt her waist almost crush as the man gripped her tightly. She wanted to help a little boy who was being beaten by a group of adults.

"But Your Majesty, the child could die if left unchecked." Rose tried to beg for mercy from the ruler of the dragon race.

"I'll help him if you're willing to trade it for your life. But remember. If you fail to complete the task I gave you because die in this place, your fairy race will also be wiped out." Steven whispered in the fairy girl's ear.

Rose stopped rebelling as soon as her race was mentioned. Maybe that's selfish. But compared to the life of a child, she prefers to save the lives of all her people.

"Down." Stefan only ordered the girl when he entered an inn. The king did not extend a hand or help Rose to get off the dark horse.

"We will continue our journey tomorrow morning. Be prepared to wake up early." Stefan handed Rose a room key.

"Third bedroom second floor. Don't come out until I pick you up." Stefan left immediately after handing over the keys.

Rose walked up the stairs in her flat shoes. She was grateful that she wasn't wearing high heels this morning. It would have been a disaster if she had sprained her leg when she had to jump off the tall horse.

Inserting the key into her bedroom door, Rose felt that a seal was broken. She thought that the quality of the inn they were staying in was very good. There weren't many people who could do the seal perfectly at this point. Moreover, wasting the seal to become a room key in an inn.

Rose entered the room that became her room with light steps. She was satisfied with the extra protection she had. Not long after, she fell asleep after her head touched the soft pillow on the bed.

Behind the inn which was covered by lush trees, there were body parts that were already beyond recognition. The red blood there still felt warm which proved that a terrible event had just happened there.

"Please forgive me."

"I will not repeat it again." with frightened eyes, a middle-aged man was seen crawling using only his hands.

The legs that supported his body to stand were no longer there. Only the lower thigh was torn apart.

"Hahaha .." the perpetrator laughed viciously.

"Who are you to dare to harass my people." the question was said in a bored tone.

"Don't you already know the laws of this kingdom?"

A flash was seen when the perpetrator swung his right hand.

Simultaneously, blood gushed from a head that was separated from its limbs. Make the perpetrator smile seeing the results of his actions.

Glittering gold could be seen scattered on the robe that fluttered in the night air. The black shirt he wore was not stained with the red color that was splashed from his victims.

"Sorry for the disturbance sir." a man dressed as a servant stood not far from the perpetrator.

"Prepare the item I asked for and send it to the girl who came with me." The perpetrator's voice sounded a little tired.

"Yes sir." the waiter tried his best to be polite. Respect the guest of the inn who looks very strong and cruel.

The dragon race bastards who often showed their power in the riots finally met their end. He felt sympathy because the way they died looked so tragic. They really picked the wrong guest this time.

The next morning, Rose finds a maid delivering black equestrian outfits. She tied her hair into a ponytail and used magic powder which she carried with her everywhere.

"Where are we headed, Your Majesty?" Rose asked after the two had finished their breakfast.

"The Forest of Death." Stefan answered blankly. Making the beautiful fairy gulp nervously.


The sound of horse hooves was loud. The beat of the reins continues. Rose nervously tried to increase the speed of the horse she was riding.

Tried her best to follow the black silhouette that was rapidly disappearing from behind the clouds. She could only try to guess the direction they were headed because it took a while for the black silhouette to reappear.

"Ahh.." a loud scream sounded.

Rose was too focused on looking up so she didn't realize the black horse that was carrying the fairy was moving towards a pine tree. As a result, she crashed into a towering tree.

Rose lay with her head throbbing. Her whole body ached. She felt that some of her bones were broken. Blood was seeping from the clothes she was wearing. Before falling unconscious, Rose saw a handsome man standing firmly staring at her coldly.

By the time Rose woke up, it was already night. She was stunned when she moved her body and did not experience the pain she felt when she fell. Rose stared at the rocky area where she had woken up from her stupor.

The light of a bonfire can be seen dancing behind a small fire next to the stone wall. She didn't see anyone else near her. Trying to sit up, something fell from her body.

A black cloak complete with warming magic. That's why, she didn't feel cold even though it was night in the cave in the middle of the forest. She wondered why the man who had no sympathy for others volunteered to help her.

"Your Majesty?" Rose tried to call the owner of the robe.


There was no answer from the king.

Rose tried to search around the cave, but she still couldn't find the whereabouts of the dragon race ruler. Although worried, she did not dare to haphazardly go out to search outside the cave when darkness reigned.

She had asked the innkeeper about their destination. The servant said that whoever entered the forest of death had never returned.

Tall trees do not have green in their leaves. There is only a dark brown color as a sign that the tree is dry because it is not absorbing enough energy. According to news circulating, people who enter the forest are used as food for the plants and other creatures that live there.

"He should be fine right?" Rose mumbled when she curled up by the fire.

"If he still doesn't come back tonight, I'll go outside to look for him as soon as the sun shines."

Tightening the robe of the ruler of the dragon race, Rose slowly rested her eyes. Hope that nothing will happen to the two of them. Because if the man had an accident, she would also not be easy to get out of that creepy forest.