
Chapter One: Short Escape

"Kokichi, Breakfast!" I heard Junko call for me in a rude voice, like usual. My hands were busy brushing my hair when she called for me, so I began to speed the process up and finished my look with a black and white checkered scarf. Junko was sending me to school, so she had given me a uniform. The uniform was dark grey and purple, apparently each person got a different secondary color depending on their talent.

White meant that the talent wasn't official.

Green meant that the talent wasn't something to make a big deal out of.

Yellow meant that the talent was okay, but not the best.

Blue meant that the talent was special.

Red meant that the talent was dangerous.

And Purple meant that the talent was none of the above, or all of the above. Unfortunately for me, mine was none of the above..

No one was sure about my talent, and there wasn't a 'not sure' color yet, so I just stood at purple. The reason that people weren't sure about my talent, was because I had 2, only one of which people knew about. Everyone that met me knows that one of my talents is the Ultimate Supreme Leader, but no one except Junko and I know the other.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled before letting go of the smile and quickly heading towards the kitchen. "Goodness, what took you so long?!" Junko groaned out in anger as I sat on a stool and faced the table. "I was in the middle of tying my scarf.."She slid a plate in front of me. On the plate were Eggs, Bacon, and Toast. Junko's food was always aamazing, and that was probably the only thing I liked about her.

"I got your schedule yesterday, I'll give it to you before you leave. OH! And since you were homeschooled for so long, they're gonna make you take a test in about a week. Just to see where you stand," Junko pulled out an envelope in opened it," I also got this in the mail. It says it's for you, but no one except for me and a few others know your here.."

My eyes widened. I knew she'd find it at some point.. I just had hope that I'd find it first.

It was a thing I ordered online. It was, of course, free, seeing as I don't have any money, but it was meant for anybody that had access to a laptop that had been kidnapped. The process was.. kinda simple..? They send a fake letter to an address or location that you're at, and when they know you've received it, they send police, or someone who can help you an email with the location. Of course, to know who they send to help, you have to put the name of the person that kidnapped you.

"What's with that face? Is this something important~?" Large, pink pigtails twirled as Junko turned around and went over to the trashcan, "Guess we don't need that."

"H-Hey! That's mine!" I screamed in the moment, realizing that probably WASN'T the right thing to say..

"Oh, really?" She smirked at me before opening the letter and reading it out loud," Thank you for signing up for... THE NEXT DANGANRONPA SEASON?!" My eyes widened, that wasn't what I expected the letter to say, but I guess it only makes sense for Junko to be fooled by something like that.

"KOKICHI OH MY GOODNESS!" Her lips formed a smile as she hugged me, causing me to flinch and wince in pain from the scars and cuts she had been squeezing. "You, Of all people.. Joined Danganronpa!! Oh my goodness.. I HAVE to approve your sign up sheet whenever I get to decide the participants!! I'll make SURE that your the mastermind!"

I heard footsteps rushing down a set of stairs as Mikan came into my view. "HE DID WHAT?!" The girl smiled as she started getting excited. Junko let go of me and looked at her. "He got a letter from another person that works for me saying that he signed up for Danganronpa!!"

Junko and Mikan fangirled together as I just stood there, not wanted to move. "Why arent you happy? You'll be accepted, of course!"

I looked over at Mikan and bit my lip," I didn't WANT to go.. I just knew that I'd have to put up with more of your stupid.. torture if I didn't.." Mikan sighed and grabbed my backpack, turning me around and putting it on my shoulders. There was a picture of Monokuma on the bag, since of course Junko picked it out..

"We don't care about your sad 'I'm being tortured' story. Just get to school. And remember, you make some.. friends.. and it'll be off with their heads," Junko paused before smiling and biting her bottom lip, then continuing," I've ALWAYS wanted to say that!! The movie was so good!!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. I then left the house and waited for the bus. Junko was probably watching form the window, so I didn't do anything to try and escape.

The bus arrived and the doors opened, allowing me to climb on, and I did.

My feet moved me towards a seat pretty much in the back. The seat I sat in was empty besides me, and it was quiet since almost everyone wanted to be in the front. That was until a certain Blue Haired Emo walked over and sat in the seat beside me..

"Uhm... H-Hi..!" The boy smiled at me as I kept my gaze out the window. "What do you want?" I scoffed. "I.. saw you were alone and thought I'd come sit with you.. Um.. M-My names Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective..!"

Don't let him be your friend.. just tell him your name and tell him to leave.

"Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader. Now, Can you leave me Alone?"

Shuichi looked at me and seemed to be pouting," Awh.. please..? Almost everyone except for a few p-people bully me at school.."

He was getting annoying, so I caved.

"Fine, just don't bother me.. or be annoying." Shuichi smiled at me and nodded. I turned my attention back to the window and sighed. This is gonna be a LONG ride..