
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Realistic
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114 Chs

Somebody New

When Kanzaki was streaming originally he had been using his living room as a base of operations so he could look from the outside window out into the city whenever he wanted. However, ever since he had moved into the new larger apartment he felt that the living room was too big and spacious for him to stream there. It made him feel lonely and out of his element which he thought could affect his streaming.

With this he now was using his bedroom as his main place to stream that way it felt like his past living room also making it feel more like home, 'I wonder if that guy ever emailed me the information.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he went to check his email.

The person he was talking about was CakeKnight99 the person from the day before. They had been the one to set him up as a partner while also inviting him to the streamer-only event. They told him that after a little bit of time they would send him the bracket for the even along with every other piece of information he needed.

Luckily when he went to his email to check he was happy to see that he had been sent an email not even an hour prior from the official Witch company, 'Let's see how all of this works. It looks fun.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he opened the email. He had only ever interacted with 2 other streamers and he thought this would be a good time to meet a bunch of them.

[CakeKnight99: Good morning! I have gotten more information on the event for you to look at. We have chosen multiple team captains who will choose 3 other streamers to be their teammates. You have already been chosen by Rose13 and will be playing on her squad for this event. We're still unsure of how many people will be joining but I can tell you the event will be in 3 days from now in the early morning at 9 am your time. Hope to see you then and good luck!]

While Kanzaki was reading the email he was excited to see he was being given the opportunity to meet more streamers but there was something that surprised him more than any of that. The fact that a team captain was chosen to choose some of the streamers was a cool idea but he was more surprised to hear he was chosen by Rose13!

'Why does she always find a way to interact with me?' Kanzaki thought in confusion. She hadn't messaged him on anything yet but had still taken the time to not only raid him on Witch but to also choose him as a partner for the streamer event, it was truly odd.

Since he already knew he was going to be on a team with her he decided it was finally time to take a moment and message her. He hadn't thanked her and he also wanted to introduce himself since they would be working together for the streamer event. With this thought in mind, Kanzaki opened up Tweeter and went to Rose13's account.

There he was surprised to see that she had passed over 100,000 followers! She had more than 5 times Kanzaki's current following which blew his mind out of the water. It was like comparing an ant to an elephant. Regardless Kanzaki didn't care about this and hit the message button in the top right corner of her profile.

When he got to the message screen he was surprised to see a little box beside Rose13's name. It said that she followed him on Tweeter which was a huge surprise to him but also made him realize how lucky he was. She more than likely only had messages on for those that she was following since she's such a big streamer.

'I dodged a bullet.' Kanzaki thought as he tried to imagine trying to get in contact with Rose13 any other way. The only other way was through her stream and he had already met some of her viewers before and he had no intention of threatening their position with their so-called queen again.

Since Kanzaki could message her he began typing his message as best as he could trying to make a good first impression. In addition to this, he also wanted to practice the game with Rose13 and the other people so they were prepared for the competition.

[Mask: Hi this is Mask! I was told that you chose me for your team during the streamer event being held soon. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity but I also wanted to ask when will we be having a practice? I'm sure that you also want to win the event and to do that it would be better if we practiced as a team at some point before the event. Also thanks for the raid the other day it helped a lot!]

When Kanzaki finally finished typing his message he sent it and was surprised to see that Rose13 opened it within a few minutes. He had expected not to get an answer until after his stream, but it seems he had been mistaken. When Kanzaki saw that she had read the message he decided to wait for her response but it took a little longer than he had expected.


'What is this?' Fria thought in complete surprise and confusion as she looked at her Tweeter messages. She had just chosen the rest of her members for the streamer event and was planning to get some practice in when she suddenly received a message on Tweeter.

The reason for her surprise was quite simple, she never messaged people on there. She didn't normally interact with very many streamers but most of all those that could message her she had muted since in her mind they were a bother.

Whenever she felt like messaging them she would but somehow she had gotten a notification from there meaning it was someone new.


Witch: 26,935 Followers

Tweeter: 24,059 Followers

Authors Note: Thank you all for reading! Don't forget to send you power stones so we can reach the top 70 in WSA and you can get extra chapters on Sunday! I hope you all have a great day and see you tomorrow!