
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Realistic
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114 Chs


After Samuel found out that Kanzaki was going on a date he didn't hold back and even paused the workout to go on a 30-minute rant about the walks of love, "So you see this thing goes here and you do a little spin here which makes this explode!" Samuel explained with his hands as he tried to explain to Kanzaki how love worked.

Kanzaki may have been sitting there looking at Samuel nodding his head but inwardly he was more confused about what he was talking about than his date at this point. Samuel had started off comparing pancakes and waffles before going on a tangent about how hotdogs aren't as good as eggplants.

There were so many different words and phrases that Kanzaki couldn't keep up for very long so he just nodded his head over and over before the class finally ended, "I'm going to go get ready for that date now. Thanks for the help, Samuel!" Kanzaki said with a smile as he waved Samuel goodbye as he once again took his personal transport.

Kanzaki smiled at the moving car until it was far enough that Samuel couldn't see him. Once that happened Kanzaki let out a deep sigh as he was finally done with not only the gym session but also listening to Samuel's crazy antics.

At first, Kanzaki had taken him seriously thinking that somehow Samuel had some sort of in-depth knowledge that Kanzaki didn't know about but that was proven to not be the case quickly, 'I guess I will just have to wing it.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he walked passed the restaurant he would soon have to come back to with Selena.

Kanzaki walked all the way to his apartment where he got ready for his date with Selena. He made sure to wear something that he found appropriate from the many articles he had read about the proper attire for a date.

Kanzaki had decided to go with simple khaki pants and a nice black collared shirt over it that went well with his overall look. The scar that Kanzaki had gotten from the fight with Landon gave him a very unique look that would attract many gazes.

Selena knew this as well and with that information decided to rent out the entire restaurant for the night so no other girls would have eyes on Kanzaki. Of course, Kanzaki would never know about this and stay confused about why there was a lack of people.

Once Kanzaki finished getting ready for the date he took out his phone and texted Selena letting her know that he was done with his plans for the day and was ready to go whenever. However, what he didn't know was that Selena had been ready for hours not wanting to miss even a second once Kanzaki was ready.

[Kanzaki: Hey Selena I just got back home sorry for the wait. I'm ready to go whenever you are just let me know when and I will escort you from your apartment.]

Kanzaki sent the text off his phone before going into his kitchen to pick up something that he had bought on the way home. Even though Samuel may not have known much about love or dates the internet still seemed to know a little.

Kanzaki had seen on shows and movies that the best way to start a date was by giving the person flowers or a small present of some kind to show your sincerity. With this in mind, Kanzaki had stopped by a small stall on the way home to buy some red roses to give Selena when he picked her up.

*Knock Knock*

Before Kanzaki could check his phone to see if Selena responded there was a knock on his door, 'Who could that be?' Kanzaki thought to himself as he walked toward the door thinking that Selena might have been getting ready or still waiting in her apartment for him to arrive.

However, his expectations were shattered when he opened the door to meet a smiling Selena, 'Wow.' Kanzaki thought to himself when he saw her. He didn't even have a moment to question why she was at his door before he was mesmerized by her beauty.

She was wearing a long black dress that went well with her shimmering diamond necklace. She also had a blood-red handbag that was hanging off of her wrist as she stared at him with her pretty eyes and long black hair, "Hello Kanzaki~" Selena said with a smile seeing his reaction.

Kanzaki could only stare in shock but her voice brought him out of his thoughts albeit barely, "H-hi what are you doing here? I thought I was going to pick you up." Kanzaki stuttered in confusion as he tried to recover from the appearance of the beauty in front of him.

It would be one thing if he was prepared and waiting at her door but for her to appear out of nowhere, took him by surprise. It shook him to his core since he was underprepared, "Oh I just decided to bring you myself. We should hurry up since the car is waiting outside." Selena said with a wide smile toward Kanzaki seeing his shocked expression the more she talked.

"A car?! I see you prepared a lot more than me." Kanzaki said slightly chuckling feeling bad that he wasn't as prepared as he seemed he should have been. If Kanzaki knew that she was going to prepare this much then he might have tried to do something more so he didn't feel bad.

When Selena heard this she just laughed, "Don't worry about it I was the one that asked you on a date after all. It's my turn to treat you and you can just do your thing the next time, you look very handsome by the way~" Selena said seductively as she looked him up and down like a predator looking at her prey.

"T-thank you. You look drop-dead gorgeous. I-i got these for you." Kanzaki said slowly recovering from his shock complimenting Selena and extending his hand out that held the roses.


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