
Behind The Screen!

Warning: This is a yandere romance novel. Kanzaki is your average everyday guy. He has just finished college for a degree he didn't even care for but luckily by the grace of God he was able to get a job that he liked much more than the one he got a degree for. He became a V-Tuber! Kanzaki was quickly becoming a streaming sensation at an astonishing rate but there was always one person that commented strange things about loving Kanzaki. Where will this lead? Read to find out!

Unmasked63 · Realistic
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114 Chs

Mod Of The Month

[BigBertha05: Well that was something.]

[LotusMan: Agreed.]

[Owu: Remind me to never get on their bad side.]

[Mimic: Ikr.]

[Zenithal: I pray for those that fall to the new mod. (Insert sadge emote here)]

Many different comments were going off in Kanzaki's chat when his first viewer Boss413 began banning people at a rapid rate. Kanzaki had asked for their help but didn't expect them to move so quickly.

Within a few moments of being a mod they had already banned every single person that had sent a message that was demeaning or just mean in general. Little did Kanzaki know that she went even farther and had their accounts permanently terminated by the Witch site.

"Sorry for the holdup guys! I had to sort out a few things but it's all good now. Let's get back to gaming!" Kanzaki said laughing thinking to himself that it was a good choice to choose Boss413 as his moderator. They had come in handy at a good time and he would remember to pay back the favor sometime in the future.

Before he began officially playing his game once more he sent his only moderator a thank you message that way they knew he was thankful for all of their work. Otherwise, he would feel like a total douche and not be able to talk with them anymore without feeling guilty.


Selena had finally finished banning all of the losers that she wanted to murder. After banning the last one she leaned back in her chair with a smile on her face as she wiped the slight drop of sweat on her forehead. There were a lot of people trying to mess with Kanzaki to see if he would crack under the pressure of so many people bothering him but he held on and now with her addition, they were kicked out.

She heard Kanzaki say he was going to continue the stream so she quickly leaned forward to pay attention while also responding to a few messages in the chat that were asking how she became a moderator. She simply said that she had been there in the beginning and that she had built up a lot of trust with Kanzaki.

Of course he missed these messages but even if he saw them it wouldn't really bother him especially after seeing how she handled all of the people that were disrupting his stream. However, before Kanzaki continued she suddenly got another message on Witch.

Selena thought it was a message from one of the people in the chat asking her more questions but when she checked who it was from a smile appeared on her face.

[Mask: Thank you for what you did just now. I know it was sudden but you did a great job. I won't forget this and keep up the great work, I appreciate you.]

When Selena read the message she focused on the last three words over and over again printing them within her mind so that whenever she wanted she could pull them out of her memory bank and stare at them in enjoyment.

It meant so much to her that she even screenshotted the message and saved it to her phone. When she read how much she was appreciated and wanted, it made a good feeling rise within her chest. The fact that he applauded her for her efforts and recognized what she did no matter how small made her shiver in delight.

'This is exactly what I want~' Selena thought in her mind.

While what Kanzaki did he considered being a normal everyday occurrence and it was only polite to send a thankful message to someone that did you right. She thought it was a one-in-a-million occurrence since the only time she has gotten such respect and thankfulness was from Kanzaki. It cemented further in her mind that she needed him and that she needed to do everything in her power to stay as connected to him as possible.


Kanzaki continued his stream for most of the day and it went quite well after all of the trolls and annoying people were gone. People seemed to really like his down-to-earth personality and enjoyed the fact that he tried to connect with every single person that chatted.

Even though he may miss a few they didn't blame him for it since there were so many, it was the thought that counts. In addition to this, he seemed to have an above-average level of gameplay no matter what game he was playing. At one point in the stream he swapped over to a new game that had just come out and he was already destroying every person he came across.

He even managed to find a new spot in the game that was quickly clipped and sent all over the internet. The clip went so viral that he gained more followers even after he stopped streaming for the day.

"Thank you everyone for joining! It was a blast and I hope you all enjoyed it! I will see you tomorrow! We will play that new game some more for sure!" Kanzaki said as he moved his model side to side imitating a very cheering and lively action in response to him leaving.

[ShartedMyself: See you later!]

[ICanDrinkISwear: I'm going to go get a cold one! See you later!]

[Pregnancy: Bye bye!]

Kanzaki watched as all of his viewers told him goodbye before quickly turning off the stream. Once he knew the stream was offline he let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back in his chair similar to many days before.

The job took a toll on him especially mentally since he had never interacted with that many people for that long of a time for multiple days straight. It was definitely a new experience that he had to get used to but at the same time, he loved what he was doing.

It was everything he could have ever hoped or asked for. At first, he thought he would do it and see what happens, maybe get a few people to join and chat but it had gone beyond that. Now there were many people counting the hours until his next stream and they really seemed to enjoy it and so did he.


Witch: 470 Followers

Tweeter: 322 Followers