
Behind the scenes, you and me

I'm just a simple photographer, I'm plain and get paid less than I should. I think anyone in my position would jump at an opportunity given to them. " -Aisha lee( FL MP) ( ) A 20 year old Photographer who gets minimum wage, and is on the verge of quiting her job or getting fired. What could be worse? "She has amazing looks but just doesn't know how to use them. " - Her friend Yoru Halae Her friend is always trying to convince her to be a model. Yes, Your main protagonist is a photographer for models, and is hot enough to be one. A male model, Yun Jung-hee , in his Mid twenties one of the hottest and biggest models known in South Korea, is now this poor photographers client. He is known to be rude, incompetent, and cold. But will she find out what he is really like underneath all those rumors? Will they find salvation in.. each other? ( Book cover does not belong to but the artists who name remains anonymous.) (All credits to the artist and their amazing artworks!) ( Sorry that I don't have the email or information to the art.) (this story is a version of my other story that did not save)

LonewolfGems5286 · Urban
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4 Chs

we meet again

I sigh, finally finishing up the shoot.

"Okay we're done, come back tomorrow. " I grab my bag and walk towards the door. Just as I am about to head out, out the corner of my eye I see my manager storming towards me.

Grip- She grabs my arm and pulls me into the bathroom

I catch a glimps of Jung-hee looking at me before I get dragged into the bathroom by my manager.


"You thought I'd just let you slide? " She stepped closer to me poking her long nails into my chest.

"Ms. Woon could you please refrain from jabbing your fingers into my chest? " I grab her finger tightly as I remove them from my chest.

"You could get charged a lot of money for what you do to your employees. " I smirk stepping closer to her as she backed away.

"Oh so your getting smart with me, don't forget I am your manager I could fire you at any given point of time! " She raises her hand to slap. me again but I catch it.

"Ms. Woon I would refrain from doing that if I were you. " I glare at her tightening my grip on her wrist as she gulps.

"A.. are you threatening me? " She said nervously.

"No, I'm using self defense. " I throw her hand to the side.

"I hope we won't have this conversation again Ms. Woon, remember you don't run this shoot Jung-hee does, and it's up to him to fire me. "

I open the door and walk out leaving my manager shocked.

*Sigh* I sigh as I walk out the bathroom

"Sheesh what's that croans problem she's such a- AH WHAT THE HELL-" Yoru was standing outside the bathroom waiting for me? Geez she scared the hell out of me.

"Was that Manager brothering you again, I was going to come in but it seems like you handled it. "

"Yep sure did, I don't know what her problem is. " We start to walk out the door. "So I heard your doing a shoot with the hottest MODEL Jung-hee!? " She claps my shoulder.

Yoru: (。>﹏<。)

I sigh. "It would be more exciting if he wasn't such a jerk. " I scoff.

"Fine whatever we'll talk about this more in the car. "

"Car!? " My eye brows lift up. "Yep I got us a ride, my girlfriend is an incredible driver." She laughs. I sigh. If we're riding with her girlfriend that normally means we're going to a party. I groan, not really feeling for anymore socializing.

We get into the elevator and ride down to the first floor. We walk out of the elevator and into the car. "Hello love! " She hugs her girlfriend. "Hey! " She smiles and we drive and shop for hours before finally heading to my apartment.

-3 hours later- 7:54 PM

"We need to get you changed into something... better. " She took out an outfit from her bag. It was a dress!?

"Yoru, Im sorry but I already have an outfit.

I laid out a cute open sweater, that showed a bit of shoulder and wasn't to thick. I then laid out a skirt , not too short with tights and some boots. I winced in regret. "Sorry I didn't think you would by me that, you know I hate dresses. "

Yoru laughed. "I didn't buy this, I'm too broke I borrowed it from my girlfriend.! " I rolled my eyes and got dressed. We headed out the door and into the car.

"Where are we going exactly? " I ask curiously.

Yoru smiles and looks behind her shoulder. "We're going to my studios after party, all the famous models are going to be they're, plus it's your birthday you've got to have fun. "

I had totally forgotten it was my birthday.

"Aisha, Don't tell me you forgot your birthday?! "

I sigh. "I guess I've been so caught up in work and bills I just... " I look out the window of the car.

"Oh no, you shouldn't have to go through this Aisha, you deserve better that to forget your own birthday. " Her girlfriend (Lee Hae) Looks in the rear view mirror at me sympathetically.

-1 hour later-

We pull up into the drive way of my friends three story house. She and her girlfriend had offered me to live with them Numerous times, each time I would refuse not wanting to be a bother.

We get out the car and enter the house. There are decorations everywhere.

[ HAPPY 21'ST BIRTHDAY Aisha lee]

There was a big banner that said "Happy 21'ST birthday AISHA lee, hanging on the wall. I feel my heart warm. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her.

I look around to see food and waiters, and lots of people. I don't like parties much but its just the fact that Yoru had planned this all for me. I didn't want to disappoint her. I smile and hug her.

" Thank you so much Yoru, you really didn't have to do this. " She hugs me back. "Its really no problem, Lee really cares about you, I care about you. We're friends and we'll always be. " She pulls back and smiles at me, before going upstairs with her girlfriend.

I sigh, grabbing some soju from one of the waiters and sit down on the couch, watching the people in the party. I look to a group of people in particular, looks like everyone had gathered around. Curious I go a little closer.

OH. MY. GOD. What is Jung-Hee doing here!?

I stare at him in shock and his eyes meet mine. I jump, cold shivers running through my body as I look away. Well that was awkward, I hate making eye contact with people. I turn on my heel and go outside to the pool area, where the guest room is.

I sit on the chair and take off my boots. I grab the VR headset and put it on my head, logging into my account I start to play an RPG game. "I haven't played this in a week, I really am a workaholic. " "My boss is a Karen so that makes it even worse. " I sigh as I play.

"Oh really? " I jump as I hear a males voice. I log out and take off the headset and sit it on the bed beside me. "Mr. Hee.... what are you doing here!? " I run my hand through my hair nervously, a bit anxious. "I could say the same to you, aren't you the birthday girl? " He said as he fixed his sunglasses on his head. He leaned against the desk. I sigh.

"Not that it's any of your business but, I'm not really into parties. " I take out a pocky stick from my back and put it in my mouth. He nods his head. "I'm not much party person either, I only do it because I have to. " He looks off into the distance.

"Hey... uh, it sucks being at something you don't like and it's your birthday, if you want I can take you somewhere? " He mumbles, but loud enough so I can hear him. I hesitate, but nod my head not wanting to be here any longer. "I'll just text my friend I'm leaving, she prepared all this anyway. "

He nods, we then walk to his car where his driver is waiting and we ride somewhere.