

'' Sir, how many times would I say to you that I'm not accepting crime cases anymore? Sir Toredo, I'm now into business. '' I said calmy to the caller. He's been calling me for a month. '' You're son already plead guilty and admitted that he committed crimes, and the evidence is all about him. '' I continued.

"Yes i know, Miss Carlos. But i have a good offer to you--"

"Sir, i repeat, I'm not accepting any cases anymore. You're son can't bail of the jail now, the jury gave him the punishment of lifetime imprisonment. '' I said nonchalantly.

"Hear me first, Miss Carlos, I know you can do anything about my son's case. You can manipulate the prosecutor and the jury. I can pay you, name the price. '' I rolled my eyes as I heaved a deel sigh. I'm disgusted with this old man.

"You know what Sir? I don't have enough time to talk to you. I've been telling you this for the nth time, stop calling me because I have a company to manage. Now, if you won't mind, I'll end the call. Have a good night, Mr. Toredo. '' I said continously and ended the call. That old man is making me stressed.

Back to what i am doing, i sign the papers that my secretary gave me. This is are the expenses of the company for this month. Then there i saw some of the folders containing some papers from the other company who are offering partnership.

The APH Steeling and Cement Corporation is owned by Ayla Clementine Hera, she inherited their corporation at the age of 18. Wew she's so young tho. Her parents are an investor in my company, now they're gone, the APHSCC is managed by their first born, offering a business partnership.

Well, i think it's a good idea to accept her offer, i made a background check before, their sales are good.

"Mikee?" I called my secretary when I noticed a white sealed envelope.

"Yes Miss Andrei?"

"Miss Carlos, Mikee, not Andrei. '' I said as I averted her gaze. '' By the way, who's this from?" I asked, pertaining to the envelope.

"Ah. It's from ACECS. '' I furrowed my brows as I looked at her with sharp gaze. She smiled like she was teasing me for something.

"What? I just declined their offer, didn't i? Astley Cousins ​​Engineering Construction Services, psh. '' I said like I'm reading a word that can make me vomit.

I took the envelope and took out the paper to read what's on it. There's nothing on it but an offer again. It's like what the fuck, i just declined their offer!

"Message them, Mikee. Tell me I won't accept their offer. '' I said to my secretary that I guess she's observing me. Oh gosh why did I hire her?

"Final answer, Miss Andrei?" I looked at her intently, she's wasting my patience. '' Just kidding. Alright, I'll message them Miss Carlos. '' She said and plastered a playful smile in her lips aa she pushed her thick eyeglasses.

I shaked my head and shrugged.

"It's seven o'clock. '' I whispered to myself when I saw the time on the wall clock. I need to be out now, I have a son to take care of. He's with his maid and Carl.

I got out of work and traveled home immediately. Fortunately there is not much traffic here in Spain, unlike in the Philippines.

I parked my BMW and entered my house. Maybe Dwight is already in the room or maybe he is with Carl in the movie room. That is their hobby, watching movies after they made Dwight's assignment.

"Carl? Dwight?" I almost shout. Then i heard foot stomps coming from the movie room, as i expected.

"Mom!" Dwight ran towards me and hugged me tightly like we never saw each other for years, while my brother, Carl raised his brows and shrugged. I carried him and we sat on the white sofa. I also saw our maids who are in the kitchen.

"How's school, love?" I pinched his cheek that made him chuckle, his gray eyes shined as the light hits on it. I caressed his pretty curled hair, tsk, he inherited all this from his father. Damn skin color just inherited from me and thin lips! All to his dad.

"It's fine, Mama. We are having our test this coming Friday, that is why I'm on Tito Cal's room reviewing my notes.'' He's now in first grade, he graduated nursery school with so many awards.

"Good boy.'' I smiled and patted his head. ''By the way, had you finished your assignments?"

"Not yet, Ma. Uh, we have an assignment in English that I can't finish.'' He looked at the floor and sigher. He really look his father, tsk, his features are from my most hated family.

"Why? What's the matter? ---"

"His homework on that subject, '' Carl intervene ''Requires a photo of you, him and his ... father.'' He said and gave me a sharp look. He's against on what i did, eversince.

"W-what? Uh, you can put your picture there, Carl, can't you?" I will ask. I don't want Dwight to meet his dad anymore because when that happens, I'm sure he'll take my son away from me.

"Am I his father, Ate Andrei?" He raised his brows. "I'm just his uncle, Andrei Ethel, not his father. ''He said playfully. I know! I know that!"

"Shut up, Carl. '' I rolled my eyes and diverted my attention to Dwight who's just listening on our conversation. '' I'll talk to his teacher tomorrow. ''

"Psh whatever. '' He said and walked out. I shook my head and looked back at Dwight." Have you eaten yet? "I asked him and he nodded repeatedly. '' Go to sleep now. It's friday tomorrow tomorrow. , you still have school tomorrow. ''

"Okay. Goodnight Mama, i love you. '' He said and kissed my cheeks.

"I love you too, love. ''

The next day, after I passed Dwight's school I went straight to the office. Mikee said that we have an unexpected visitors from a big developers company in the Philippines. Well, there are more developers company there. Who knows, right?

'' Buenos dias, Señorita Carlos. '' The uniformed officer greeted me. I nod as a response to them and continued to walk. Every day, I wear a business attire for work. I oftenly wear a dress. Now I'm wearing a black pencil skirt, white turtleneck and black blazer coat with pumps.

"Mikee, '' I said as I saw your secretary smiling like an idiot. She's insane.

"Goodmorning Miss Carlos!" I can sense the happiness in her voice. Well, she's always like this, enthusiastic, i have never been saw her being a sad girl anyway.

"What's with the lunatic smile, Mikee Torres? '' I raised an brow before I sit on my chair and looked at the load of papers in my table.

"We have visitors, he's in the conference room. '' He? So it just mean that our visitor is male, huh? '' From ACECS --- ''

'' Get rid of me. '' I said emotionless, I just heard the acronyms of their company, I was disgusted. Yes, until now, I still can't forget what they did to my family! They ruined my life, my family and my everything!

"But it's been a while ---- '

"Will you fire or will I fire you?" I said bitterly as I looked at her.

"E-eto na nga. '' She scratched her nape and pouted her lips before she walks out. Talking on one of Astley's is not my cup of tea. This past years, I'm swamped and exhausted from managing this company but I'm over the moon and excellent with my son. For what else if I talk to them? To ruin my life again? I have learned my lessons before.

'' S-sir it's forbidden. '' I heard Mikee's shattering voice not so far from here.

"I will just talk to her, Miss. '' My world stops, i almost froze here. I swalloowed hard as i process on my mind that that voice is his. The voice that i once loved! I don't know what to do, I can't be bothered! I ... I hate him! His whole family!

"Sir ---- sir ---"

I was surprised when the door of my office suddenly opened and a corporate attire man was exposed to me, he's looking at me intently.

"Goodmorning, Miss Carlos ---"

"What are you doing here ?! Mikee, call the security guard!" He was also looked at badly and examined. He's still the same, if anything has changed in his body, it will grow even bigger. He even looked more mature now than before.

"Why the need of Security, Miss Carlos? I just wanted to talk to you for awhile. '' He said and raised his thick eyebrow.

"What are we going to talk about, Mr. Astley? We don't have anything to talk about. '' I said nonchalantly He heaved a sigh and shrugged. He sat down on the couch and looked at me as if judging it.

'' Well, guess what, Miss Carlos? You're wrong. '' He said and he plastered a teasing smirk on his lips. '' Do you still remember your father's credits to our company before he died? '' I stopped and looked at him.

"My father didn't die, Mr Astley. He was ... killed. '' The last word is almot a whisper. '' Anyway, I don't know about Papa's debts. But if you're here to get the payment for what Dad owed before he was killed, all right, how much did he owe? " So you can leave. I can't stand this situation with this man. I can't deal with him! He, his family ruined my family! And he is ... the father of my son. I don't want him to meet Dwight! He would probably get my son's custody and he will never let me see my son.

"No need to pay, Ms. Carlos. '' Your Dad mortgaged something to me before he died. Just in case, what he mortgaged to me before, it's mine now. ' "He said as he smiled evilly. I can feel the anger on his eyes."

"So what's the sense of coming here? You're wasting your time, Mr ---" i got halted by his sudden interfering.

"To claim what's mine. '' I seemed to stiffen in my seat when I heard that.

"What the hell are you saying, Mr. Astley?" My jaw clenched and my fist as well. He shrugged and smiled evily.

"I'm here to take you. After 7 years of running, ''

'' Wait --- what ?! Where are Mikee and the guard ?! "My eyes glared at him but he just kept looking at me without emotion.

"You're the payment of the credit that your father got on me. You should be thankful, Andrei. I have let you run for seven years. '' My eyes are starting to heat, dad, my father, he did. my compensation? For what ?!

"Shut up, Darren! How much does my dad owe ?! Why don't you tell ?! I'll pay!" I shouted as the tears fell on my eyes.

"Great, Andrei. He doesn't owe me all your property. '' His jaw clenched and averted my gaze. His dark hooded eyes reflected by the light coming from the sun.

'' I'm ... not going with you, Mr. Astley. '' I said with a powerful voice. He eyed me, look that downgrading me.

"Whatever you say, Andrei. You're coming with me because you're the payment --- '' I glared at him, chasing my breath, i clenched my jaw.

"I have a son, Mr. Astley! I can't go with you!" I cut him off. Mark my words, Astley. His dark eyes are now more darker and wild, envy, that's what on his eyes. His jaw clenched as he torn his eyes on me.

"Even so ... Andrei. '' He swallowed hard. What the heck ?!

"No, Mr. Astley. I won't leave my son here! '' Out of anger I stood up and smashed the table. His gaze went up to my eyes and he sighed.

"Take him with you, i didn't say that you can't take him. I can father him anyway ---"

"No! No ... no ... '' I want him to be gone! He can't father his own child, he shouldn't see his son because that's the thing about him! to a man like him!

"Are you out of your mind ?! You're not fathering a child that isn't yours!" I shouted, trying to stop from what he is thinking.

'' I'm marrying you, Andrei. I need to get married before I turn 31 years old so I can inherit our business. '' He's insane! A freaking insane!

'' You're insane. I can't believe you ... '' I was shaken a few times and sat down again. He changed ... a lot. He isn't the man i loved. He is not the Laurent Darren Astley that i loved before.

'' Yes ​​i am. So pack your things with your son's. We're leaving tomorrow night. '' He said with finality. My eyes widened with his sudden decision.

'' I'm not going --- "

'' Yes ​​you are. I'll stay in your home to make sure you're going with me. ''

'' No you're not! My son will be lost to people! "I shouted at him.

"You're still not good at lying, Andrei." He stood where he was and walked over to me. His jaw is clenched i can see the anger on his eyes. '' You're going with me. '' He said with sharp eyes and leave me dumb founded.

This is the payment of everything i did against and behind the rule that i have violated with him before.