

I woke up in the middle of the night with a loud scream and horror on my face.

No no not again!!

Not that dream again,not his face!!

I was panting heavily,I quickly draw the duvet to my chest.

Shortly after my room door was opened and granny walked in hastily wearing a concerned look.She didn't bother to ask me what was wrong,she just drew me to her chest stroking my back thoroughly.

"It's going to be fine Olive".Granny encouraged me.

I didn't say a word I let out a cry,why won't him leave me alone for crying out loud.How could he want to hurt an innocent child,I was really burning in fury.

"You have to overcome your fears,fear is the path that leads to anger". Granny exclaimed,it was like she read my thoughts.

I can't take it anymore!!

I was sobbing while granny on the other hand consoled me.

"if you simply close your eyes,feel your breath,and listen to your heart,you can easily re-enter and orient yourself back to now.fear is only activated when we're focused on the past instead of the future".granny implied.she is great at giving advice though but which is hard to follow and definitely understand,I don't know if it's me or the past.

I just wanna move on and forget or should I sent that b*stard to jail.

Too much pressure I guess,I'm depressed.

"you should rest now dear"granny ma suggestions.

I can't sleep, sleeping is like calling all my worries, I'm sure they're ready to hurt me.

stupid dreams!

stupid thoughts!!

stupid anxiety!!!

damn everything!!!!

"I feel like I'm caused"I told granny after a long silence.

"you aren't dear, infact you're blessed"

"I wish"I said drying my tears.

"Tomorrow is school get some sleep"granny suggested.

I can't sleep alone!!

"can you sleep close to me granny?"I asked giving the best puppy eyes I don't want her to leave me.

"Okay dear,just this night"granny said and I laid down which she did the same.

"Thanks granny ma"

"you're welcome dear".

I woke up in the morning feeling better than I expected.i turned and granny wasn't there maybe she's in the kitchen.i sluggishly stood and went to the kitchen which I saw Granny making breakfast."hmm.....smells delicious".I said then granny turned to me slightly."you're up go get ready for school,you don't wanna be late right?"granny warned.

"sure, consider it done ma".

Then we both burst into laughter,I walked up stairs to my room and went the the bathroom.i had a quick bath and put on some light cosmetics before putting on my uniform,after which I sat at the chair opposite my mirror and combed my hair thoroughly.

I style my hair in ponytail which was my favorite way of styling my hair because it felt more relaxing.

I just remembered what happened last night.it was terrible.

I feel miserable.

I don't really know how long this things are going to come to an end.i just wanna be free and live my life the way i wanted it.

I miss my dad,the question is why didn't he come for me.my dad was my everything and back bone till he disappeared.now my granny ma was my everything.

she makes sure I put in my best,and live the past behind.

But how could I for pretty sake.

I moved the thoughts away and headed to the the dinning,which I saw granny serving the meal.The sent of the meal is already invading my senses.i sat down and thanked granny,and she sat too to join me.

"Thank you so much for everything and especially yesterday night granny"I said.

She glanced at me and laughed like what I said was some funny joke.

sometimes I ask myself if granny is okay because you know why she always laugh to a serious issues.

I didn't know what got into me and I joined her,she stopped abruptly which I did too.

"Why are you laughing?"granny asked.

"You was laughing I decided to join you no offense right?"

"you silly girl, eat up already you're gonna be late for school it's almost 8pm."

"yes captain".I said gesturing my fingers to my temple and with a cold face.

We both burst into laughter at my reaction,I felt weird.

Another day for a adamant folk!!