

I walked hastily into Lakewood high it's so huge no wait!!,huge is an

understatement.well they're lots of students though.some are taking stuff from their locker.

There are the cheerleaders.

The baddies,their dressing will really speak for you.

There are the good ones.

And definitely the minding businesses type.

How ironic!

I walked slowly to look for my locker's number and maybe I would be the minding businesses type.

sure right?

I finally saw my locker's number, it's number 25,I quietly opened it.it looks just my type,I think it needs some designing though sure like some purple designing.I put some few things in my locker and closed it.Then suddenly there was "Bo!" right in my face.

I scream from my lungs and jumped to the ground like a frog then I shortly covered my face with my bag.

I heard mocking laughs around me,I was really panting now.

I removed my bag slowly from my face and I saw a petite female figure and green orbs staring and smiling at me.The person was a girl about my age I guess.

I can't believe it,is she insane or something or do the principal also allow lunatic people to the school.

Why for pretty sake will she scare the daylight out of me!

I stood up and dust my clothes,then the girl said."Hi,I'm Ellison,and you?".with a a gesturing handshake.

I don't have time for this!!

I don't need friends,in all my life I have never had one,and never will right?

She seems nice though.

Granny said I should confederate and make friends and have fun but I don't want any of those they're just waste of time gosh!!

"Thank you for scaring the daylight out of me Ellison!!".I said with a cold tone.she might be nice but I don't want her friendship.

How hilarious!

She just laughed and smiled." Sorry about that uhm, what's your name?"

"none of your business ".I said in a corrosive tone and started walking to get to the principal's office so I could get some schedules.

I can feel stares Around me,why are they looking at me like that!

was it about the fall?

I suddenly heard that same voice"Hey wait!!,none of your business wait up."and there was footsteps behind me.

This girl has lost it definitely, who would want to bear the name 'none of your business 'she's typically nuts.

Then it came to a halt,there she is the Ellison girl right in front of me.

"What'd f**k do you want?"I asked.

And the annoying part was she was still smiling like a maniac."I just wanna be friends with you,if you don't mind?".

"I mind and I don't wanna be friends I'm good thanks now leave me the f**k alone".I yelled at her this time,but I felt bad when her mood changed to a sulking one and she quietly gave way for me to pass.

Was I being too rude?

Well call me toxic but to be friends with someone isn't a force,right?

I walked to the principal's office.



"clean my shoes you witch".Kelly said in horror.

Olivia stared at her with a frightened look she couldn't do it.she couldn't use her uniform to clean Kelly's shoe which was Kelly's order,but she have been standing for some minutes without doing nothing.

Well let's say Kelly James is a pretty rich spoilt brat,only child of Mr and Mrs James,they pampered her with everything in their power so she won't lack but they were definitely wrong.Her parents owns the school which is LHS(light house schools) and she felt no one can go beyond her.

"I said clean them with your pathetic uniform".Kelly roared angrily giving olivia a heavy slap.

Olivia fell to the ground with a red cheek,tears were streaming down her eyes, Kelly's friends laughed sarcastically behind.

"you deserve it you witch after stepping on my foot on purpose."

"I didn't step on your foot on purpose please believe me". olivia begged crying rivers.

As heartless as Kelly she didn't give a damn she hated excuses then suddenly an evil thought struck her mind,she smirked."Girls!!!"Kelly called.

"yes kel"both girls answered in unison.

Meanwhile olivia was still sobbing,they were at the back of the school after closing hours.

"hold her tightly for me"Kelly commanded gesturing to Olivia.

"No no nooooo please"Olivia begged profusely but the girls didn't give a listening ear they tore her uniform using razor blades and Kelly used it to clean her shoes in disgust.

end of flashback.