
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

We're going on a Skank Hunt

Becca's POV

"give me one reason why I shouldn't kill your cheating ass and you better make it good cause I've been known to be a little trigger happy" I say as my gun stays trained on the space between his eyes.

"Becca I need you to fucking relax. Listen we can talk this whole thing out in the living room like civilized human beings" Nathan says with his hands raised in an effort to calm me down while his redheaded skank hides behind him

"No fucking way Nathan. We're going to talk this shit out right now, right here" I say as his skank continues to hide behind his chiseled body that is still distracting even though I might just shoot him right now.

"Ok we can talk it out right now but you're going to have to drop the gun Becca" Nathan says as he tries to calm me

"No fucking way Nathan. You're just going to have to accommodate me and my little friend" I say as I feel my sanity slowly slipping away and pulling the trigger starts to seem very enticing.

Nathan's face suddenly washes over with relief and I'm not left wondering why for long seeing as the barrel of a gun is currently pressed into my neck.

"Now why don't you just give me the gun and save me the task of cleaning pieces of your brain out of the carpet" a voice sweetly says in my ear as I freeze completely.

"You can relax Isaac, she might have come here with the intent to kill but even if she tried she wouldn't have been able to kill me" Nathan says as he walks forward and plucks the gun out of my hand and pops out the clip after which pops out the bullet that was in the chamber.

"Next time you try to kill someone in a fit of passion, make sure you at least remember to turn off the safety" Nathan says as he hands me the pieces of the gun then goes into his room to put on some clothes.

He emerges a few seconds later and with a wave of his hand the gun that I was beginning to think was glued to my neck is lowered and Isaac walks forward in nothing but a robe with the words 'daddy's lil princess' printed on the back. He goes straight to the pan that I now notice was turned off by Nathan's skank.

Isaac scoops everything into a plate and starts eating it as he starts to walk back towards me

"You're aware that you are wearing bunny slippers right?" he asks as he takes a mouthful of the food in his plate

"it's a fashion statement" I reply as Ryan comes out of nowhere in a robe, with a fork already in his hand and makes a beeline towards the plate of food in Isaac's hand and after a lot of fighting Isaac eventually gives in and they settle down to share the food.

Nathan comes in and my anger quickly returns as he joins the two hulking immature children at the table to eat. Tired of being ignored I join them at the table as the skank goes through a door at the end of the corridor.

"Who would like to explain to me what is going on here?" I ask angrily as they drag over the last piece in the plate, a battle that Ryan wins by poking Isaac with his fork and kicking Nathan in the shin before swiping up the last piece and throwing it into his mouth with a smile which causes Nathan to finally turn to me.

"Ask your questions" he calmly says

"First off what's with the skank? I know we are not yet married but still its common courtesy not to fuck around on the person you are about to marry" I say angrily but it doesn't seem to get a reaction out of him although it does bring out a reaction from his bitch who is now fully dressed but must have come in while I was questioning Nathan.

"did you just fucking call me a skank?" she screams and I nod which infuriates her further causing her to remove her earrings and her heels as she tries to reach me but Isaac and Nathan quickly restrain her

"Just go, I'll call you later" Nathan says to her as he forces her into the elevator. He then turns around to face me and he says

"That 'skank' has been my best friend since childhood and I would like to ask you to please refrain from insulting her" he says calmly as he walks to the refrigerator to get a glass of water.

"bullshit" I say angrily "if that was true then why do you all look as if you've had a wild orgy?" I ask still not satisfied with the excuse that the idiots in front of me are giving

"Well once upon a time, 4 friends went out for coffee. Down came the rain and drenched all of their clothes. They went to the home of one of the friends and they washed up and dried all of their clothes. Then they were hungry and their host graciously fed them while they waited for their clothes which were in the dryer. And they all lived happily ever after, the end" Isaac replies with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Oh" I say with all my anger gone seeing as they tore apart my reason for being angry in the first place.

"Now that that's all cleared up, we're going to have a lovely talk about why the fuck you brought a loaded gun into my house where I live with my daughter" Nathan asks as he quietly seethes and as I look to Isaac and Ryan for support I suddenly notice that those cheesy motherfuckers have already ran away leaving me alone with the angry 6ft 2 giant.

"So you're going to give me shit even though Isaac also had a loaded gun?" I ask angrily as I mentally give myself a pat on the back for thinking up an excuse that fast.

"You mean the gun that he pulled out of the floor safe under my table because you were going to shoot me?" Nathan retorts sarcastically. I open my mouth to reply but no words seem to come out because of the fact that Nathan has me undeniably backed into a corner with no escape in sight.

"Why were you even here in the first place?" he asks as his anger seems to grow even more

"I just came by to drop in and give you some hotdogs from Joe's truck" I say timidly as I motion towards the table where I had dropped the box but it's no longer there.

"Oh we took the hotdogs and we're sorry, but they're really delicious. Anyway we'd appreciate it if you could forget this and just go back to arguing cause we are definitely not listening at all" Ryan says with a thumbs up as he pokes his head out of the room right beside Nathan's room.

"So you brought hot dogs, your mission is complete, you can leave now" Nathan says as he stands up and goes towards the elevator. He pushes the button and gestures for me to get out.

"So this is how it is? You ghost me for 2 weeks and when I come to see you, you just kick me out. Real mature Nathan" I say as I tuck my reassembled gun back into my waistband and step into the elevator.

"well our business arrangement as you reminded me doesn't really mean I owe you anything till we get married, so I'll see you in 3 months and 1 week Ms Esposito" he says as the doors close.

As I go down I mull over his words in my head and as I step out into the lobby it all finally rushes back to me.

'Oh fuck' I think to myself as I cringe at how stupid I was 2 weeks ago. Looks like I'm going to start researching on how to apologize to a 6ft 2" blue eyed demon after you mistakenly imply that your marriage is a business move. Any suggestions?