(The Untold Tales Series #1) Reinn Kylie Rivera. She once believed that it is better to bid goodbye to love before it could even say the same thing to you. She doesn't like taking risks because she's afraid she will be falling for the wrong person. But this changed when she met the only person whom she loved all her life. Family. This is her only dream because it was the thing that she didn't get to experience. When this dream was about to be fulfilled with Kean, something happened. Regrets. These are the things left to them. And some things are best left where they ended.
My heart beats faster than usual. I stared at the mirror and tucked the sides of my hair behind my ear. I got out of the car afterwards.
The wedding song playing inside the church can be heard from the outside. It gets louder as I go nearer. Today is the day.
I entered the church and sat on the last row where no one would notice me. Minutes passed and the entourage began. I smiled as I saw tears falling from Kean's eyes. He must be that happy in his wedding. He rarely cries.
I stared at the woman walking down the aisle in her wedding gown. That should be me. I should be that woman. I should be the one who will be pronounced as his wife. We were close to achieving our dreams. We were close to achieving the thing that I didn't get to experience, the thing that he promised.
But he cheated.
Kean held her hand as they faced the priest. I felt my tears falling from my eyes.
"You might want to step out now." Zandro said as he gave me his handkerchief.
"I'll go with you to Spain." I said while sobbing. He smiled at me as he ushered me towards the exit.