
Behind closed curtains:A scandelous mafia secret love affair

Camilla Romano the daughter and heiress to the Romano family who is a famous actress is a woman admiredby many. She has her own secrets with the biggest being her secret Affair with Luciano De vinci anotorious billionare and also knows as the richest man in the country,he is feared and respected by many,his reputation being he doesn't keep women. Unknown to them Luciano has a woman and a woman who he treats like a queen. In front of the world they are nothing but two strangers. BEHIND CLOSED CURTAINS they become lovers Their affair however is threatened when Camilla's father announces that she is getting married. Luciano will not sit by and watch the woman he loves get away. Camilla learns secret about Luciano that threaten to break her love for him Will this secret affair stand. ~~~~ ''My daughter and heiress Camilla Romano will be getting married soon''Papa announces and instantly my gaze moves towards Luciano silently begging him with my eyes not to react as there are too many people out here

Empressking · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 :Angry


 They get to the shopping mall and look around the place deciding where to start from.

 Being a shopper and someone that loves sparkling things Camilla drags Sebastian towards a jewelry shop.


 ''I knew you would come here first'' Sebastian says teasingly earning a small smile from Camilla which makes him chuckle.


 ''I just love diamonds''Camilla says''And remember Diamonds a-''She is interrupted by Sebastian who raises his brows and continues are words for her.


 ''Are a girl's best friend''He finishes already used to her words a scowl appearing on his face to which she grins.

 Being in a place filled with rich and wealthy people there was a lower chance of Paparazzi taking pictures of them or even focusing on them.


 And while the world doesn't know a thing about her secret relationship with Luciano who is reffered to as an emotionless ruthless man they all knew that she is friends with Sebastian with some even suggesting that they are dating.


They enter the jewelry shop and instantly they are bombared with eager sales attendant who look willong to do anything to please them.

 Camilla being the only daughter to Romano and the heiress and Sebastian De Vinci the second young master of the De vinci family.


 Having this two big shots in their shop the people look visibly elated and even run to call their manager.

 The manager a tall french looking woman steps out her brown hair in a neat and professionally done bun.


 The blue dress makes her look taller the hat placed on her head revealing her obvious sense of fashion.

 ''Miss Romano,Mr De vinci it's an honour to have you''she says with a flattery smile on her face.


 Sebastian and Camilla smile back politely'' Oh thank you''Camilla replies again not in the mood for small talks and excited for their shopping.


 ''This way please,let me show you our newest and finest collections''The woman says with a little bow and Camilla almost rolls her eyes at the woman's behaviour.

 Yes she comes from money and all but has always found it unnecessary for these things for her they were all humans.


 The manager starts showing them the different jewelry pieces on display''Anything caught your eye yet''Sebastian whispers to which she shakes her head.


 ''I'm planning on buying something for Gia''at the mention of that name Sebastian tenses but quickly relaxes nodding his head with a clenched jaw.


 ''I want that one''Camilla says pointing to a neclace with a thin gold chain and a diamond shaped butterfly emeralds sorrounding the wings.

 Her eyes sparkle just imagining the look on her best friend's face.


 ''Pack it''Sebastian says and with that they continue buying different types of jewelry and Camilla even goes as far as buying one for Luciano's mother but tells Sebastian to give it to her as nobody knows of them being together.


 ''Excuse me''Sebastian tells Camilla who nods her head and he walks to the other side to answer his phone as it is a call from Luciano.


 ''Brother''Sebastian says the moment he picks up the call but receives a grunt as reply from Luciano making him roll his eyes.his brother is only ever sweet with Camilla around.


 ''Did you take my baby home'' Luciano asks reffering to camilla his eyes softening at her thought.


 ''No we are in a shopping mall now''Sebastian says and tells Luciano how they decided to come shopping instead of just heading home.

 Luciano smiles but soon frowns at the thought of not being able to go to public places with the woman he loves.


 Sebastian continues talking to him and turns to see Camilla glaring at a tall blonde while saying something.

 Sebastian hurriedly ends the call before walking towards Camilla knowing his brother will kill him if anything happens to her.



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