
Beginning Of Multiverse Saga

What happened, when the super guy lost his powers. And to recover back his powers he needs to play the simulation game. But he is also kick out of his Universe, because his powers were not able to adjust it. So then, he will start his Multiverse Journey and his simulation journey. Both going to be amazing, just read and you will found it.

Sharky_Monster · Sci-fi
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91 Chs

Meeting Eternal Sovereign

In the present scene, the family gathered in the elegant living room of the Alexander mansion. Stephen, Alexa, Sylvie, Sharky, Sophia, and Rosie occupied the two sofas, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.

Seated in the center on one sofa, Stephen was flanked by his wife Alexa on the right and his sister Sylvie on the left. On the adjacent sofa, Sharky sat in the middle, with Sophia to his right, while Rosie to his lap, like always.

As they settled in, the family atmosphere was ready to talk about the new project. Stephen, a successful businessman, acknowledged the substantial worth of the Alexander Space Travel Agency, valuing it at 50 billion dollars. Turning to his daughter Rosie and her boyfriend Sharky, he inquired about the plan they had in mind for the esteemed company.