
Beginning of Cultivation

I stopped with that book. I found it too boring so I wrote another more interesting book.

TheCharacter · Eastern
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At the enemy camp, something unusual had been detected. Originally, they had planned to leave quickly, but for some reason, the number of people missing kept increasing, leading them to decide to stay overnight to investigate. 

At this time, one of the earliest knocked-out soldiers had run back to the camp to report. He hurried to the general's quarters, but as he approached, he was stopped by the guards. One of the guards asked:

"Why are you coming here at this time?"

The soldier hastily replied:

"I was knocked unconscious by someone unknown, I only saw a vague white shadow before losing consciousness. It was as if it was a demon." 

The guards were initially skeptical, but they considered this might be related to the thousands not returning.

The town of Jun Wu Xiao, though not densely populated, covered a vast area, and there was a forest nearby. Therefore, when he knocked out the soldiers, he hid them for fun without any other reason. 

"Hold on, wait here for a moment. I'll go report to the general for further instructions." said the guard. 

He then went inside to inform Chu Wu:

"General, one of the soldiers, possibly one of those missing, has returned. He said he was knocked out by a vague white shadow, like a demon."

Chu Wu found the report puzzling. He had been on the battlefield for decades. Many had died uncountably, but he had never seen a demon. Yet, now, before anyone had died, there were soldiers knocked out by a demon, which seemed utterly illogical. 

Chu Wu stroked his chin, thinking, and after a while, he said:

"Don't rush, if he has returned, then it won't be long before more come back. Ask them first to determine what really happened."

"Yes sir." the guard replied and went back outside to continue his watch, he also informed the newly returned soldier about this. 

Indeed, just as Chu Wu had predicted, not long after, more people returned. They bore no dangerous wounds, only dirt from lying on the ground. 

Chu Wu began to interrogate them, and after asking a few dozen people, they all mentioned the vague white shadow, like a demon hitting them. This gave Chu Wu an immense headache. If it were truly a demon, how could he fight it? But he didn't believe it, having been on the battlefield for decades, he had seen plenty of blood but not a single ghost. How could there be a demon?

"What the hell is really going on in the world? Why does everyone claim they were knocked out by something like a demon? How am I supposed to deal with this?" Chu Wu said, holding his forehead.

Just when he was about to despair, he finally received a somewhat normal report. A soldier said:

"General, I was knocked unconscious by a young man wearing white clothes, holding a wooden stick. His speed was terrifying, not at all like anything a human could achieve."

Hearing this, Chu Wu felt he had more clues. He was also astonished that just one person could make thousands disappear in a day. After receiving more reports, he could finally confirm that it was just one person causing all these incidents.

"It's unbelievable. Since my birth, I have never seen a human being so powerfully formidable. But who exactly is this young man? If he were an enemy, he should have killed my soldiers by now, but if he is a friend, why knock them unconscious and hinder our army's advance towards the capital?" Chu Wu mused.

Unable to understand, Chu Wu decided not to dwell on it further. He figured that if Jun Wu Xiao truly intended to attack, he would eventually show himself, and at that point, Chu Wu did not believe that he and his hundred thousand troops wouldn't be able to capture a single person.

Now it was the morning of the next day, and Jun Wu Xiao finally woke up. He quickly found something to eat and then ran up to a high place to observe.

After watching for a while, he said:

"Why haven't they split up yet? Are they waiting for me to come to them? This is strange, who would charge alone into an army of a hundred thousand?"

But after a moment, he felt a real desire to charge in, completely confident after the easy victory of the previous day. He felt that no matter how large the army, it was just a number to him, not to mention a hundred thousand, even ten million would be meaningless.

"Ah, ordinary people wouldn't charge in, but can I be considered ordinary? Do you want to challenge me? I accept this battle." Jun Wu Xiao said and then, holding his staff, walked straight toward the enemy troops.

The soldiers seeing Jun Wu Xiao slowly approaching, hurriedly reported to Chu Wu: 

"General, the demon-like man is coming here." 

Chu Wu was quite surprised, having only intended to test a little bit, not expecting to actually lure Jun Wu Xiao. 

"Should I call this too strong or naivety? Or does he think so little of my command that he approaches on his own?" Chu Wu pondered.

He quickly dismissed the latter thought, for his strategic talent was even respected by the emperor, so it couldn't possibly be due to his own incompetence. If not him, then the fool must be Jun Wu Xiao. 

"It seems I must give him a lesson he'll never forget. I need to show the whole army that one person challenging an entire army is nothing but a pipe dream." Chu Wu said.

He then went up to a high place, preparing to command his troops to attack Jun Wu Xiao. If Jun Wu Xiao died at this time, it would only be because of his own foolishness.

On the other hand, Jun Wu Xiao was quite relaxed. He did not believe that he would be unable to escape today, even though he knew he couldn't possibly knock out everyone present.

But what he didn't realize was that he would soon learn a lesson from Chu Wu on how to conduct oneself. The lesson Chu Wu intended to teach was: Don't be arrogant in life, or you'll surely die.

As Jun Wu Xiao got closer to the army, he suddenly used his full speed to launch an attack. Although he seemed to be leisurely walking until now, he was actually conserving his energy for a surprise assault.

The soldiers, taken aback by his sudden attack, were thrown into disarray, and more than a dozen were knocked out in the blink of an eye. Since the soldiers were standing close to each other, those who fell also distracted the nearby soldiers, giving Jun Wu Xiao the chance to knock out even more.

Chu Wu, witnessing the scene, was utterly astounded. He quickly grabbed his binoculars to observe Jun Wu Xiao. Without looking, he was unaware, but upon seeing, he became frightened, never before having seen anyone move so fast like that. 

"Is... is this even a human?" Chu Wu cursed inwardly.

The sounds of collisions continuously echoed across the battlefield, and in a short amount of time, Jun Wu Xiao had knocked out several hundred people.