
Beginning Beyond The Horizon

From reluctance to friendship, from friendship to love. Being deeply loved by the other person gives them strength and being deeply in love with the other person gives them encouragement. Sending each other across the Endless River of Sorrow, these two lovers, who will give up their lives first?

UndyingSoul · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 03 The Mage’s Request

Inside the grand royal court, Jawara listened to the ministers in his court, expressing their thoughts on solutions on how to improve the economy and how to help the people. He looked at them, and while they were talking, giving him good ideas, the only thing on his mind was how on earth would he get a powerful mage to help him get the white dragon tail, clear the negative energy from his land and prevent his kingdom from perishing.

Jawara knew that without solving the first problem, there was no reason to continue improving the economy. The more he thinks about it, the more intense his headache became.

"What does Your Highness think of the idea?" asked a minister.

Jawara didn't pay attention to the minister's solution, so he didn't know how to answer the minister. He looked at the person standing a few feet below him and said, "Please write down your thoughts in detail and send them to me. I will make a decision after reading the details."

The minister bowed and said, "Your Highness, I will definitely finish it and deliver it to his highness within three days."

"That's fine," Jawara said, looking at the ministers in the court. "Does anyone have anything to discuss?"

Kazan said, "Your Highness, our kingdom will perish within twenty years, which means that everything beyond the River of Sorrows toward the north will be destroyed. Last night, I was thinking about moving, opening our boarders, and slowly letting people leave."

Jawara looked at Kazan, and while he didn't like the idea of ​​Kazan giving up his kingdom, it was the best solution for now. "We don't even know what lies beyond these bases. How can we believe that there is civilization waiting for us on the other side of that river," he said with a heavy heart. "From the very beginning, the people we sent out never came back to report to us."

Kazan said, "I think this is the best contingency plan, if there are no sorcerer or if our initial plan fails." He looked at Jawara.

Jawara said, "Well, since this is your contingency plan, I'll leave it to you."

Kazan said, "I will not let you down."

As the morning session concluded, a guard approached the courtroom and knelt in front of Jawara. He quickly asked, "What was the result?"

The royal guard said, "Your highness, no mage come forward."

Jawara scowled, "No mage come forward does this mean all the mages are dead, so no one dares to come forward? Or is it because our offer wasn't good enough?" He slammed his hand on the armchair. He looked at Kazan and sighed. "General, execute your plan immediately..."

"I'll make a plan right away," Kazan said.

Jawara didn't understand that he had made it clear that he would not jail or punish anyone who came forward, but his words seemed powerless. He said impatiently, "Two months... two months, nothing has changed."

U-ri saw the look of defeat on Jawara's face. He stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, please be patient. Maybe the time is not yet ripe. I believe there will be someone willing to stand up and help our kingdom."

Many ministers in the imperial court expressed their agreement with U-ri.

Seeing his beloved ministers speak words of comfort to him, Jawara was both happy and relieved. Although his kingdom was about to perish, everyone still supported him and never gave up, so he shouldn't give up.

With a relieved sigh, Jawara said happily, "I'm so sorry for worrying everyone. I want you to know that I am so grateful for your deepest sympathy and unwavering support. It makes me very happy seeing everyone wishing me peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time. Thank you for your full support in every moment." Jawara stood up and looked down at his beloved ministers. "U-ri, what about preparation?"

U-ri said, "Your Highness, everything is ready. We can set off as soon as the mage appears."

Jawara said, "I wonder if anyone is willing to step forward?" He sat back on the chair. "Is there thing else we need to hear? Otherwise, you could be dismissed."

Just when the ministers bidding their farewell to Jawara, a guard shouted from the main entrance, "My King…My King…" The guard knelt in front of Jawara. "My King, the mage appears."

Jawara jumped up from his chair excitedly. He thought he had misheard the guard. He asked, "What? What did you just say?"

The guard panted heavily, but said with a smile, "The mage has appeared. As we speak, she is entering the palace."

Jawara stepped awkwardly from his chair. His voice trembled with excitement. "Bring her in right away," he said, turning to Uri. "Prepare a chair for the mage."

Jawara and his councilors waited silently and patiently for the mage, and no one dared to speak. In the distance, they heard the jingling of bells. The mage entered the meeting hall under the escort of ten royal guards. U-ri approached the mage, took her hand, and led the mage to the prepared chair.

The people in the court chamber stared at the mage sitting a few steps away from them. The black long-draped covered the bamboo hat preventing the ministers and guards in the court chamber from seeing the mage's face.

Jawara looked down at the person in black sitting below him. He asked happily, "May I know your name?"

Hajime coughed, and replied in the voice of an older woman, "Hajime." He coughed again.

Jawara asked, "Mage Hajime, are you willing to help us?"

Hajime said, "Yes, that's why I came forward."

Everyone in the court chamber breathed a sigh of relief.

Hajime said, "Don't be too happy, everyone." Hajime's words made everyone's eyes refocus on Hajime. "King Jawara, I don't need much for this trip, but I have one request."

Jawara said, "Please speak freely, whatever you want, I will try my best to meet your request."

Hajime said, "Well... I want to get married before embarking on this unknown journey."

Jawara said, "I have fourteen princes. Six of the fourteen are here."

Hajime stood up and said, "I don't want anyone else except the people in this room."

Jawara said, "We have thirty-seven people here right now. Including myself."

Hajime said, "I want to marry a man who is no older than forty or no younger than sixteen."

Jawara stood up and said, "Anyone who is not in the age group, please go to the right." Jawara looked at his six sons and young people of high status. "Are you willing to marry mage Hajime?"

Everyone replied in unison, "We are willing to marry mage Hajime."

Jawara, "Mage Hajime, since everyone is willing to marry you, let's choose one."

Hajime sighed, "Alright." Hajime took off his bamboo hat. Everyone in the courtroom gasped in shock. Hajime is an older woman with silver-white hair. Hajime smiled at the twenty young men. "Now, everyone has seen my face. Who wants to marry me?" He stared at the young men standing in front of him.

Jawara's voice trembled, "Everyone has seen the face of the great mage Hajime now. Is anyone willing to marry her now?" There was a long dead silence inside the courtroom. "Anyone…?"

Hajime put on his hat and said, "King Jawara, I don't think I will go on this journey because my request has not been fulfilled. Maybe another mage can take over the job."

Yul calls out from behind a prince, "I will marry you."

Kazan grabbed Yul's arm and looked at Yul, "Yul…"

Yul patted Kazan's hand lightly, walked to Hajime and said, "Your Highness, I am willing to marry mage Hajime."

Hajime approached Yul and asked, "Aren't you afraid that others will make fun of you for marrying me?"

Yul said, "If it was the royal order, no one would dare to laugh at us."

Jawara said, "That's correct."

Hajime said, "Okay, let's get married tonight, and we can leave tomorrow."

Kazan stepped forward and suggested, "Why don't we talk about it after the completion of the journey."

Hajime said, "I'm so old, the journey is unknown, and there is no return date. What if I die on the journey? I will become a wandering soul. I don't want that."

Yul said, "Father..."

Kazan said with worries, "But she is old…She can't bear children."

Hajime said indifferently, "Even if I am young and beautiful, I cannot conceive." He looked at Kazan coldly. He turned to Jawara. "Since everyone is still not sure, then come to me when you are ready." Hajime proceed to walk out.

Yul grabbed Hajime's left wrist, "You can't go."

Hajime pulls his hands away from Yul. "I do whatever I want. I came here voluntarily, and I will leave voluntarily. No one can stop me. Don't forget, I am a mage." He said frantically.

Yul said, "It's because you're a mage, so you can't leave." He looked at Hajime's wrinkled face. "Kneel."

Hajime asked, "What?"

Yul kicked the back of Hajime's left knee and Hajime fell to his knees on the ground. Hajime murmured frantically, "How dare you kick this powerful mage…?"

Yul knelt beside Hajime, held Hajime's left wrist, and said, "Your Majesty, please declare us husband and wife."

Jawara knew he had to do everything in his power to keep the mage from leaving. He hastily said, "Bow to the Heaven."

Hajime looked at Yul and asked, "Are your sure… young man?"

Yul bowed once.

Abrafo, who was standing not far away, walked up to Hajime, and said harshly, "Mage Hajime, he already bowed, why don't you bow too?" He snickered. "If you dare to lie to us, I will be the first to cut off your head."

Jawara said, "Second bow is to the elders."

Yul and Hajime turned to Kazan and bowed.

Jawara said with a heavily heart, "The third is…" He hesitated. "Third is…is…to each other."

After the two bowed, Yul helped Hajime up. He looked at Hajime and said, "From now on, we are husband and wife. We will take this journey together. I can't give you a decent wedding right now, but if we survive, I promised I will give you a decent wedding. Can you accept the title of a wife for now?"

Hajime sneered in embarrassment, "Ah…I guess so."

Jawara said, "Mage Hajime, when everyone comes back, I will give you a grand royal wedding."

Hajime laughed and said, "Let's talk about it when we return."

Jawara asked, "When are you leaving?"

"We're leaving tomorrow," Hajime said, turning to Yul. "Walk me back to your house. My back hurts." He stopped after taking ten steps. He turned to Yul. "My dear, you are a young and strong man. Why don't you carry me home."

When Yul walked in front of Hajime and gave him his back, the young men in the meeting hall gave Hajime an ugly look. Hajime happily climbed onto Yul's back and the newlyweds walked out of the court chamber.

Everyone in the chamber expressed sympathy for Yul and Kazan.

One of the ministers said, "General, there are many beautiful women in Tanzang. The young captain is really a hero sacrificing himself for our kingdom."

Another minister said, "Don't worry, In Tanzang, a man can have many wives and concubines."

Jawara stood up and walked towards Kazan. He said, "General, when they come back, I will marry one of my daughters to General Yul as a token of gratitude for his sacrifice."