
Beginner's Guide to Assimilating Another World

When a group of chosen ones are summoned to save a fantasy world, a bystander is picked up in the magic on accident! When he arrives he is sent to a far away place as he is seen as unworthy. Unfortunately for the goddess who summoned him, another immortal took pity upon him. Will the abandoned hero take his revenge upon the gods who abandoned him in another world, or will he join his fellow heroes to fight for the survival of all species?!

Reflexive_Gamer · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Village beyond the Mount

I did not push Gluttony on her origins, as she did not seem keen on explaining them. Nevertheless it was nice to have someone to talk to. I managed to fashion a couple more bowls from some of the trees I cut down, which allowed me to carry and store more water. It did not seem like she needed neither food nor water to survive, regardless I continued to bring her some, as even then I figured she felt the pangs of hunger and thirst.

It turns out I was correct in my assumption, as she looked healthier and happier by the day. In between our extended conversations I would go and gather firewood, food, and water to store. After a few days of gathering materials I made a makeshift loft bed, as well as a small wall to keep the wind from blowing away the heat during the night. After a few days of hard work I even gained a couple of new skills, as well as going up a level.


Name- Nicholas Steinberg

Level- 1->2

Race- Human

Age- 16



Skill(s)- [Discerning Eye(E)], [Survivalist (E)], {New!}[Logging (F)],{New!}[Foraging(F)],{New!}[Wood Splitting(F)],{New!}[Primitive Construction(F)]

Status- Satisfied, Fascinated


It was strange honestly. With the assistance of the level up and my new skills my every day life became much easier.



Rank- F

Your body has started to adjust to chopping down trees. You have become more proficient at logging.



Rank- F

You have gotten more skillful at gathering food from the wild! Your ability to pick and discern food from the wilderness has increased.


Wood Splitting

Rank- F

Your body has begun to learn the correct movements to accurately split wood. Efficiency and speed of wood splitting is increased.


Just like the skills said, I was in fact becoming stronger. Every time I did an action according that corresponded to one of my skills it felt almost natural. Like I had been doing it for months, even when It has only been about two weeks since I came here. It was a fascinating feeling.

I continued the same routine of gather food and water in the morning, washing my clothes and leaving them to dry, gathering wood, then eating a meal with Gluttony as she told me about some of the history of this world. That is, until today...

As I was gathering food for the morning I heard a loud cry and what sounded like something falling. I ran over to where the sound came from and I ended up finding a large buck lying on the ground, still twitching as the last bit of light left it's eyes, and an arrow sticking out of its neck. I was slightly shocked, as this was the first time I had seen any living creature besides a couple of birds here and there and a few passing rabbits. But now there was a massive buck that had just been hunted.

I hid behind a tree and waited. A few seconds later a strong looking man jumped into the clear, a bow in his hands and an arrow ready to be fired. After a few seconds of looking around he threw the bow over his shoulder and put the arrow in his quiver. He carefully pulled the arrow out of the carcass and put it back in his quiver for another use after a quick inspection. He started to pick up the buck and put it over his shoulders but stopped suddenly.

"Come on out now." he said with a slightly country accent. I walked out slowly with my hands up as he turned towards me, hand on a large knife situated on his belt. "Well now you just a kid. What in Androx's name you doin' out here boy?" he asked curiously, hand still firmly on the handle of his knife. Androx was a name that Gluttony mentioned when she was explaining the religions of the world and the gods.

Androx is the god of the underworld, working hand in hand with that bitch of a reincarnation goddess, Amelie. They are supposedly married as well, which makes me feel slightly bad for Androx given Amelie's personality.

For a moment I was wondering how I could understand him when a new notification popped up.


You have unlocked a new skill based off of a function with the Reincarnation System! [Language Translation (A)] has been created!


"My name is Nicholas. I was just out gathering some food when I heard some noise. When I came to investigate I saw this animal with an arrow in it. I just wanted to see who had hunted it. I have not seen anyone in quite a long time." I replied as a bead of sweat ran down the back of my neck. He stared at me with a stern gaze for a few minutes before his eyes softened.

"Aight kid, I will believe ya for now. There is a village over yonder. 'tis where I live with ma family. If ya bring some of them fruits that grow out here I will treat ya to dinner." He said, hauling the massive buck onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. My mouth watered at the thought of finally having some meat so I ran back and grabbed some of the fruits I had dropped on the ground and ran to catch up to him.

"Where'd ya come from kid?" The man beside me asked casually.

"I-uh can't really remember. I woke up here a few weeks ago and have no memory of any previous life other than my name." I replied, trying the best excuse possible. He gave me a sideways glance then chuckled.

"Well, ev'rybody's got their own secrets. I ain't gonna press you on it. Considering you look like you could use a hot meal right 'bout now." He said giving me a sideways smirk. As we walked I took a closer look at him. He was stout, probably 6'4 with muscle packed on his body. Tan skin from working in the sun and scars dotting the parts of his body I could see. A particularly large one on the side of his cheek, going from the right side of his jaw up to his nose.

"Might as well introduce myself, the name's Alexander Showman. It's nice to meet ya kid." - Alexander Showman

"Nice to meet you as well Mr. showman. If you do not mind me asking, how did you get all of those scars." -Nicholas Steinberg

"Call me Alexander kid. Anyways, back in my heyday I used to be a C-Rank adventurer. That was until I met Loretta and she got pregnant. At that point I decided to retire to take care of my family. We settled down in the town ahead, Lattonia, I don't know, about 14 or 15 years ago. My daughter is about your age, maybe a little younger. I bet you will get along fine." Alexander told me with a hearty laugh. I couldn't help but smile myself from his infectious laughter.

We made small talk as we made our way into town. Alexander got many waves and smiles as he walked through the rural town. A few of the older gentleman came out to congratulate him on his catch and ask who I was. He just introduced me as a guest he met and we continued on our way. It took a few more minutes but we finally ended up in front of a large house with a small stone wall enclosing the property. It wasn't that large, about the size of an average family home in the US. It had a large apple tree in the corner with a few ropes hanging of various sturdy branches. A small garden was the centerpiece in front of the house. Various vegetables lined the front side of the house, with a woman tending to it. She wore a traditional looking, black and white maid outfit. Her bright red hair tied into a ponytail to keep it out of her way as she put a few of the ripe vegetables into a small basket.

"Alice, I got some meat for dinner tonight!" Alexander shouted out, a bright smile on his face. The maid, now identified as Alice, got up and turned around to bow to Alexander.

"Master, I am glad you have safely returned. I will begin preparations for dinner at once." She said respectfully, but her light blue eyes sparkled with joy and her freckled face seemed to shine.

"Dad's back!" A few childish voices echoed out through the courtyard as three kids ran out of the house towards Alexander. He didn't even budge as they slammed into him full force. He just laughed and patted them on the back.

"It's good to see you too kids. Now let dad go so he can go and clean this dear!" He chuckled as they backed up. The oldest child, a girl, looked about a year or two younger than me. She had blonde hair and a fair face. Emerald green eyes glowed with curiosity.

"Daddy, who is this?" She asked.

"Met this kid in the forest where I hunt. Says he has been out there for a few weeks. He looked so pitiful that I figured I ought to treat him to a meal. He brought some fruit as well for Alice to dice up. Tonight's dinner will be delicious." Alexander was almost drooling as he spoke causing his daughter to giggle.

"Hello there, my name is Cassandra Showman. I am 14 now." She said extending her small hand. I took it gingerly, careful to not spill the fruits that I was using my shirt to carry. Her hand was slightly calloused, and her plain clothes were slightly dirty. It was obvious she was someone used to outside work.

"My name is Nicholas Steinberg. Pleasure to meet you." I replied with a smile.

"Now these two kiddos are Alfred..." Alexander said pointing to a boy slightly shorter than Cassandra. He had black hair and brown eyes just like his father, and had more muscle than you would expect for a kid. "...and this little tike is Tyler." Alexander continued, pointing to the youngest one who was hiding behind his big sister's legs. He had blond hair like his sister but brown eyes like his father.

"Darling you are back!" I heard a silky smooth voice come out from the house. A beautiful woman came into the door way and stared tenderly at Alexander.

"Ya better believe I am. Got a juicy buck for dinner too. Honey, this kid here is Nicholas. I met in the forest. Said he's been there for a bit. Figured he needed some meat since he looks so scrawny so I invited him over for dinner." Alexander beamed at his wife. She smiled softly at me.

"It is nice to meet you Nicholas, my name is Sasha. Since my husband has invited you inside I welcome you to join us." She said ushering us all inside. I walked inside with the 3 kids and Alice followed closely behind. Alexander shouted that he was going to go and prepare the deer and walked over towards the back of the house. It was pretty neat and tidy inside for a medieval house. To one side was the kitchen with a wooden cooking stove and a dip in the counter that served as a sink for dishes. There were some wooden plates and utensils hanging on a small shelf on the wall and a few wooden cups as well.

It was very quaint and homely. An air of peace and comfort flowed through the house as the three children of Alexander ran up the stairs to the second floor giggling. I heard the sounds of footsteps behind me and turned to see what it was. Alice stood behind me with a cup full of water in her hands. She smiled respectfully and offered it to me.

"Thank you Miss Alice. And thank you for your hospitality Mrs. Sasha." I told them both gratefully. Sasha turned and smiled sweetly.

"It is no problem dear. Now if you wouldn't mind sitting down and telling me a little about your story while we wait for my dear husband to finish preparing the deer for dinner. " She said, taking a seat at the dining table. I pulled up the closest chair to her and sat down. I took a long drink of the water and sighed happily. It tasted similar to mineral water and was super fresh. Like it just came out of a fresh mountain spring. I sat the cup down and thought of what to say.

'Its not like I can tell her that I come from another world. I don't know how the people of this world would react to that. Especially since my class mates were all summoned to the capital of Altera. I know what to say...'

"Honestly, I do not remember much. I woke up inside of a limestone cave a few minutes away from here and have just been staying in the small area around it since I was unfamiliar with the land in which I woke up in. I managed to fashion a few primitive tools and make a small home for myself near the entrance of the cave. That has been where I lived for the past couple of weeks." I lied to her. I was nervous that she would say something. She stared at me for a moment intently and a purple box nearly made me jump out of my seat.


Warning! Lie failed due to skill of subject!


I gulped and stared at her trying not to let my anxiety show. She just smiled softly and sipped a cup of tea that Alice had given her.

"Everyone is entitled to their own secrets young man. Just please do not make it a habit of lying to me if you plan on staying around." She said giving me a warning look. I nodded profusely and bowed my head.

"I apologize ma'am." I said sincerely.

"It is fine dear. I am sure you have your own circumstances and I am not one to pry. You seem like a kind hearted child regardless of your secret, and Alexander would not have brought you here if he was suspicious of you in any way." She told me and smiled warmly. I smiled in return. I was curious as to why my lie failed so I decided to use my skill to observe her stats.


Name- Sasha Showman

Level- 84

Race- Human

Age- 36

Blessing(s)- [Sylph's Adoration]


Skill(s)- [Lie Detection(A)], [Mana Heart(B)], [Wind Cutter(A)], [Wind Barrier(C)], [Sylph's Blessing(A)], [Home Cooking(A)], [Cleaning(A)], [Child Care(S)], [Fellatio(A)]...

Status- Expectant, Curious, Happy


'The Lie detection skill explains why my lie failed. I will have to figure out counter measures to that if possible. The rest of her skills are nothing to laugh at... especially the last one... Her husband is such a lucky bastard.' I thought to myself eyeing the last skill that showed up with a slight bit of jealousy.

"Alice! I got some meat for you. Get everything ready!" I heard Alexander shout from outside and Alice set to work, gathering a few pots and pans and getting the fire started.

Two Hours Later~

The dining table was set and even Alice sat with us all. Alexander had found an extra chair in their small shed and brought it in for me while Alice was finishing the venison soup. While it was bland compared to normal modern food it was much better than just eating fruits like I had been doing for the past few weeks.

"So how old are you now Nicholas?" Cassandra asked her mouth half full of meat.

"I am 16 now. What about you three?" -Nicholas

"14"- Cassandra

"11"- Alfred

"7"- Tyler

"Say kid, ya want to make some money?" Alexander questioned.

'I definitely need money. That way I can get some clothes and tools to continue learning skills.' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, what kind of jobs are available?" - Nicholas

"Well, old John has been needing some help down at his smithy. Ruby has been needing some help out on the farm, and I think I heard that Emma was needing help in her bakery. There are a couple more odd jobs I am sure you could find. They all pay pretty decent too. You could also go hunting for some monsters nearby and sell the loot you get to the local guild. There are a lot of slimes and other weaker creatures around. They do not sell for much but it's better than nothing." He explained. I nodded a long with his explanation and thought about it for a moment.

"That would be wonderful. There are a few things I would like to try and buy so I will definitely need money." -Nicholas

"Alrighty then. I will take you into town proper tomorrow. For now, lets eat and get some sleep!" He said joyously, raising his glass into the air and taking a long drink of beer. We raised our glasses in response, even Alice, and just chatted the rest of the night away.

'Little did I know, that this night, this family, this moment... would be what truly changed everything for me. I had no idea that my presence here would drastically alter my future... for better... or worse'

I do realize that I never explained how Nicholas was able to understand Gluttony. Let us just overlook this.

Also just realized that the letter E does not come after F. So that is why some skills started at E and not F

Reflexive_Gamercreators' thoughts