
Beginner's Guide to Assimilating Another World

When a group of chosen ones are summoned to save a fantasy world, a bystander is picked up in the magic on accident! When he arrives he is sent to a far away place as he is seen as unworthy. Unfortunately for the goddess who summoned him, another immortal took pity upon him. Will the abandoned hero take his revenge upon the gods who abandoned him in another world, or will he join his fellow heroes to fight for the survival of all species?!

Reflexive_Gamer · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Accidental Summons

My life was worthless.

Although it is the thought of the many that life should be cherished and enjoyed, it was the view of others that life is something to be toyed with, used to their own pleasure. Which is the situation I found myself in. I have been good at games since I was a child, even getting into a few state competitions in my younger years. Of course that changed once I arrived in highschool. When some of the kids in my school found out I was good at games, well, let's just say I did not have a lot of free time.

I couldn't keep the sigh from escaping my lips as I walked towards Class A-1. That was where my bullies, Ah-hem, I mean 'Seniors' had class. Even as the year 2030 encroached upon us, people who had more strength still made others grind for items for them. Alfheim Online was an Fantasy RPG game released in early 2029, which became a monumental sensation within just months, enough to even rival BlockCraft 2 that was released a few years prior in 2026. For the people who did not want to spend all of their money on buying items in the in-game store, or to spend their free time getting items themselves, they found people like me. So I was forced to spend the little money my father overseas sent me as an allowance on other people's games, as well as any free time I had. There was a specific group of notorious seniors who tormented me much more than others. The alphas of the whole school.

My feet stopped at the entrance of the door to their classroom as an even more ominous feeling took hold of me. I couldn't bring myself to move anymore. I looked backwards at the large window showing a beautiful view of the city that stretched out as far as the eye could see. 'Even if I don't have time to work out... I am sure if I ran hard enough I could break through that window' I thought to myself. The desire to just end everything was nearly overwhelming, but a person's face continuously flashed into my mind. She was also in class A-1. A girl with unmatched beauty, her long chocolate brown hair would flow through the air as if a small gust of wind was constantly buffeting it. Her rich brown eyes shown with unmatched kindness, even towards a loser like me. She was recognized as the most beautiful girl and the school, so of course my ever-so kind seniors did their best to hang around her like vultures whenever possible. I could barely even look her in the eyes myself, I was nowhere near her standing.

My thoughts were interrupted by shouts of panic behind me, causing me to turn back towards the classroom behind me. 'Sylvia!' I shouted in my head in a panic as I ran towards the door for class A-1. I threw open the door, dropping the phones I had been carrying. A light nearly blinded me once the door was open. I took a few moments to adjust my eyesight, when I finally managed to get my eyes back in working condition I noticed all the students in the room were inside some sort of circle made of light that seemed to be engraved onto the floor. Upon closer inspection, the symbols in the circle were similar to some of the runes I had seen in manga that I read previously.

"What are you doing! Get out of here!" Sylvia shouted walking towards me. Her shout knocked me out of my stupor and I rushed forward, grasping her forearm. I ran towards the door only to be violently jerked back. I turned around to see that she was being held back by something. It was only then that I noticed the air between us was slightly distorted. The light started getting brighter as I continued trying to pull her through.

"Just go! We have tried everything to get out and nothing has worked! It was nice knowing you. You are the sweetest kid here. You never deserved to be treated the way you did. Thank you, for always being such an amazing person." She told me, her kind eyes shining with sincerity. I swallowed down my fear and stared back at her.

"I won't leave you!" I told her as the light got too bright to bear. I walked forwards into the light and suddenly all was dark.

I have no idea how much time passed after I lost consciousness, but when I woke up I was in a bright room. The floor was pure white and cold to the touch. It looked as it was made of the most perfect marble in the universe. Surrounding us were massive marble pillars, stretching up high into the sky where a massive domed roof sat. The dome was almost as colossal as a football stadium. In the center of the room was a massive throne. Well, it was more like a one and a half person couch made for giants. It was at the very least 10 feet tall and 15 feet wide. The back looked to be made from the finest wood, with gold engravings displaying breathtaking patterns. The cushions looked to be made only from the most expensive of silk. With an equally astonishing beauty stretched out across it. She had pale white skin, luscious black hair, and stunning blue eyes. A slim waste and long legs complimented by the pure white dress she wore that seemed to flow like water as she sad up from her resting position. Pure white wings unfurled from her back and she leaned forward, gingerly placing her chiseled chin in the palm of her small hand.

"Welcome Heroes!" Her silky smooth voice escaped from lips that looked as if Aphrodite herself grafted them on. "My name is Amelie, the goddess of reincarnation. I was tasked with summoning you brave young men and women in response to the impending return of the Demon King. You are being summoned to the world of Terrestria to fight him on behalf of the millions of inhabitants in that world." She spoke grandly. 'She speaks as if its a task from God himself, like it should be our honor to do so... I hope she can just send Sylvia and I back. I don't trust Sylvia around those guys.' I thought to myself.

Some looked as if they were having a nervous breakdown, while others were enamored by the beauty of the self-proclaimed goddess in front of us. Still others look as if their dreams had come true.

"Oh my god this is so cool!" "What about my family?! Am I ever going to see them again?" Were a few of the things murmured by the students around me. It was not long before someone had the courage to face the goddess herself and ask a question.

"So, you have taken us away from our homes, families, and even our own world to fight on behalf of the people of another world?" Sylvia asked incredulously, her arms crossed. The goddess smiled down at her.

"Correct, the Demon King is a threat that the people of Terrestria cannot solve alone. Only the heroes can gather enough power fast enough to defeat the Demon King. Of course, my fellow gods and myself will offer you the assistance of our followers, as well as blessings for those particularly capable." The goddess replied, the smile never leaving her face.

"Sounds fun honestly. Its been awhile since I have had a real challenge." A masculine voice echoed out. It was Mihael Alveras. The person who treated me the worst. Ever since the beginning of highschool he had treated me as nothing more than a stepping stool. "Come on, pres. Don't you think it will be fun?" He asked Sylvia, putting a hand on her shoulder, which she roughly shook off. The smug grin never left his face, even after that.

I know I probably forgot to mention that. But she is the student council president. A straight A student. Once more, way way out of my league.

"That is a wonderful mentality to have young hero. Now, is there any other questions?" Amelie queried, straightening her back. Before anyone even had time to respond she began talking once more. "Perfect. Then let me get a head count and make sure I got all of you... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 19? I could have sworn there was only 18 of you.." She said and snapped her fingers. A flat blue box appeared in front of her with a language I could not recognize. She flipped through it and looked back at our group every so often.

"Huh, well this is a first. You there.." She said pointing at me and using her finger to gesture me forwards. I walked up towards her. "You were summoned on accident. You cannot go to Terrestria with the other young heroes." She said frankly, her tone was neutral but her eyes showed something strange. I thought the look was familiar but could not quite place it.

"So what will happen to him?" Sylvia questioned, walking up next to me. The goddess scrunched her eyebrows as she thought.

"Generally, the only way for heroes to return to the world they were summoned is to complete the task they were summoned for. In your case, your task is to defeat the Demon King and restore peace to the lands. I will see if I can send him back as he was not meant to be summoned." She replied simply. Sylvia nodded and turned to me.

"Tell my family I love them and I will be back soon." She told me seriously, squeezing my arm.

"Are you serious? You do not even know how dangerous it is. You could die fighting this supposed Demon King!" I responded, trying to convince her not to go along with this insanity. I hoped she would listen.

"You are right. I do not know what will happen to me. But like the goddess said, millions of lives are counting on us. I can't just abandon them..." Her voice was resolute, her face was strong. I could see the conviction in her eyes, as if this was the very thing she was born for. I sighed deeply and relented.

"Alright, I will be sure to tell them." I answered as other kids from the small group cried out.

"Tell my parents too!" "Mine as well!" "Be sure my sister gets taken care of!" I smiled at all of them. Nervous as some of them were, I could see the anticipation of adventure and all that comes with it brimming from their eyes. I nodded, returning a smile to them.

"Perfect! Then I will go ahead and send you over to the Holy Kingdom of Altera. They are my biggest worshippers and the ones that requested the summons. They will take good care of you all until you are strong enough to defeat the Demon King. Now off you go." The goddess spoke and snapped her fingers. A portal opened up and my classmates began walking towards it. "After you get there, say the word 'System'. It will assist you in gaining strength. Tata~" She practically sung as the newly appointed heroes disappeared through the portal one by one. After a bit only Sylvia remained. She looked back at me and smiled, her cheeks slightly rosy.

"Thank you for trying to save me back then. I appreciate it. I hope we get to see each other again soon." She walked into the portal, which vanished soon after she entered. I stared at the spot she once stood for a moment before my thoughts were interrupted.

"Now what to do with you~" The goddess spoke staring down at me. That look in her eyes was back. She frowned at me.

"I thought you were going to send me back home." I said confusedly. She sneered.

"I actually cannot do that. The summoning can ONLY be reversed once the Demon King is defeated. So until that happens you will be forced to reside either here or in Terrestria. You are far too much of a coward and much too weak to be with the other heroes... but I cannot exactly kill you myself since that would break the rules put in place long ago. There is no way you I would let someone like you stay here with me. If I cannot get rid of you directly... I can send you to some place that will." She replied, looking down on me as she snapped her fingers. A portal opened up beneath my feet leading into complete darkness. As I fell, I remembered the look she was giving me. It was the same one I received every day from Mihael and his posse.

It was disgust.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There will be more to come in the future!

Reflexive_Gamercreators' thoughts