

Trish could still remember the day he had found out that she was his mate , it was the day of his Alpha's wedding ceremony and he had of course offered or more like consented to act as Aiden's best man . That day he had woken up to a broken mirror in the bathroom that told him that something was going to happen on that very day , of course the broken mirror could have been because , Trish in his drunken stupor had punched that mirror in his frustration or something -he was a real crazy drunk at least that's what everyone told him .

And the second his gaze had fallen on Roxanne who had understood the importance of the occasion , and dressed herself in a beautiful ivory gown instead of those skimpy clothes she usually wore . In that very moment when he was appreciating her fairy like beauty as she made her way through the throng of crowd , he knew at once what she was to him . He still remembered the impact that had collided with his heart at once - joy , happiness , possessiveness and a need to claim her had hit him in that very second all at once .

The urge to claim her was so intense that it pressed right upon the vapid hole that he called heart . The desire to mark her as his own climbed all over his body like a haunting ghost and every single pore of his body screamed at him to stake his claim - a desire so strong that it hadn't left his minuscule cells even now and Trish wasn't sure if that urge was ever going to leave him .

He craved her so badly , that Roxanne was the only thing he could think of at that moment . And now that his mate was trying to move on with another wolf , Trish was having dreams of his mate every night , where he was tasting her every inch body and soul . His wolf was itching to claim her , he wanted Trish to touch their mate , drown in her scent or if nothing was possible at least stay closer to her .

The need was stealing his sanity and replacing it with nothing but restlessness . Trish wanted Roxanne , but he couldn't have her even more so now and that was driving him fucking insane .

He was currently living like a dead and each day was a trip to hell , even Trish himself didn't know how exactly he was getting past by his days .

But he knew that he need force himself to endure and go through this hell . Because not only was he afraid of the seer 's vision to come true , he was afraid that Roxanne might find him as a drag in the upcoming future instead of a partner . He didn't want that , he didn't want a repetition of what happened to his parents that's why Trish was trying his freaking best to avoid claiming Roxanne but the more he wanted to ignore it the more his wolf was driving him crazy , and as if the entire universe was against him - it was sending signs after signs , it had even sent him a signier sign that told him that no one except Roxanne can make him happy .

Just in cue , his sister's word rang out in his mind - don't worry you will be fine , there is nothing you need to fear about , don't be afraid claim what belongs to you . Don't forsake your mate because you are afraid Tristan . You are strong , you are capable and you are the winner of all , you will be fine .

The visions of the seers were not always correct . This was what his sister had told him and he would have believed it , if not for his past . The visions that the seers had told him , had all come true and Trish knew that no way with his luck , that seer's vision was going to be wrong not to mention that vision of his not so favourite seer was pretty specific .

She had told Trish that his mate would be just the same like his mother , she would have her attention seeking episodes , episodes where she couldn't love him like he wanted her because she would be completely broken and tortured , and she would need him to fix her up / - Trish didn't do fixing . Breaking bones yeah sure why not , but fixing an emotionally scarred wolf - nope , he would rather let his enemies gut him alive .

He couldn't fix his mother and he was afraid that if he tried this so called ' fixing ' on Roxanne , he might end up biting more than he could chew .

to and though the seer described Roxanne really well in her physical aspects , Trish wasn't willing to try and test out whether Roxanne 's emotional aspects were just as same as the seer had told him .

That's why even though Trish didn't mind Roxanne invading his personal space , and he welcomed her touch He wasn't willing to try it out because this meant pushing his entire future on the line , Trish wasn't willing to do that . So , he had done what he should have done , he had ignored the sexual energy that was literally bursting between the two of them , the sexual energy that pour out of them was hard to ignore but Trish had done it real well . Even though he was comfortable as hell with Roxanne currently who knew what might happen in the next day - or the day after or in the near future ?

Was he emotionally stable enough to try that with her ? No . Was he capable enough to fix that emotional shit she was going through or that she might go through ? Also no .

Call him a selfish bastard but he wasn't very sure about his chances , in fact given his history he might as well fuck things even more and mess with Roxanne a lot more than he already have .

The seer had warned him of this , she had specifically told him that if he mated with Roxanne , he might find himself at a fork road where either he had to act as her emotional caretaker or he had to let down his mate and broke their mating bond because the emotional baggage that his mate might bring with her was something , that he couldn't deal with .

He had seen his father and how he dealt with his mother , he had seen the pain and the sufferings and the shame as well as the embarrassment his mother brought to his father . He had also seen how his father , the strongest man he had known in his entire life - broke down one night before he broke the mating bond with his mother and took the tag of the ' selfish asshole ' through out his life . His father not only had to survive the breaking of the mating bond but he also had to cater to his kids , he had centred his entire life around his children and then watched them grow up into strong individuals that he was proud of , Trish feared that if he mated with Roxanne not only will he be taking care of hid emotional baggage , he might scratch the scab that has formed over his father's emotional scars - he didn't want to be the one to freshen up those embarrassing memories of his father .

Of course his father would never ask him to do what he was doing , now his father was happy and healthy , and he wanted the best of his kids but Trish knew that even though his father acted as if he was living his best life - somewhere deep down he was still lonely and half alive .

And that was not everything , with him as her partner , Roxanne might found herself be bounded to some sort of responsibilities that she didn't like . He might want to act as her emotional caretaker but Trish knew it for himself that he was such an asshole that he would and could never help anyone , he was the one who was capable and skilled enough to strip one of their emotional , psychological defences and left them vulnerable until they were weak enough for him to feed on their fears - but with Roxanne he had to be calm , patient and supportive - everything Trish had never tried to be with a woman .

Thus , Trish had resolved that he would never claim her . He would do what his father did , he would take the title of the ' super royal asshole ' look for an emotionally stable she wolf , procreate his pups and keep an eye on Roxanne through out his life .

Trish was fairly certain that he could always stand behind Roxanne and protect her from every danger , that he could keep a distance from her yet be close to her in his own way .Her being well , happy and safe was what mattered the most to him, and that was exactly what he though when Jojo entered the kitchen with that pesky little blonde , which certainly wasn't Roxanne hanging on to his arm .

The pesky little blonde or Miliana or Mila for short , that was how the blonde had introduced herself to them , she had told them that she was from Luca 's pack which was an hour drive away from theirs and apparently she had announced to the entire pack that Jojo was her mate .

Jojo was going to have his mating ceremony with Roxanne next month - much to Trish 's annoyance and jealousy fits . Thus , it struck ominous to Trish when he saw Mila hanging on to Jojo like that , however , Trish didn't say anything - as the Beta of the pack and a dominant wolf , he was used to acting in a calm , collected manner - he would never jump on the conclusions without any further evidence , explanations and reasoning . Therefore , even if Mila was sticking closer to Jojo , Trish thought that it must be because she was trying to get closer to her mate or so she claimed and there was nothing wrong at all between Jojo and Roxanne .

Bullshit was what his brain called his reasoning while his wolf scoffed inside his head .

Trish ignored him , to his wolf Roxanne was his and according to his understanding there wasn't anything wrong with them nosing around in her matters . Trish knew better , he knew that since he wasn't going to claim Roxanne , and he understood that it wasn't fair that he was trying to pry in her life , thus Trish didn't say word instead he remained silent . However , his eyes never left Jojo and Mila .

His Alpha had helpfully pointed out that if he kept probing in Roxanne's matters , his Alpha female wouldn't like it . There was a good chance that Rosalie who was also Roxanne 's best friend might lunge for his throat - Trish had rolled his eyes at his Alpha 's warning , he didn't see how that pixie size Alpha female of his was going to aim for his throat when he was claimed as a moving mountain by a good deal of people in their pack . Of course Trish didn't say it out loud as annoying as his Alpha female was , he was thankful that she was so protective of his mate . And there was also the matter of him vowing his loyalty to Rosalie , therefore , he couldn't just call her pixie shortie to her her face or her mate's face .

There was a possible chance that if he tried to do anything right now , a huge ruckus might blow up so he kept his mouth shut .

Troy 's eyes ping ponged between him and Jojo , it was clear from their daddy wolf's confused expression that he didn't know anything better about Jojo 's new change of company as well .

" Trish maybe you should -" Troy quickly cut himself off , then shook his head " whatever just do what you want , don't mind me "

Grateful that he didn't have to listen to anymore of Troy 's ' I though you could have done better than that ' sermons , Trish reached for the new cup of coffee that Troy had placed next to him . Troy was a submissive wolf and he was a real good cook , that's why Aiden had given him the role of taking care of everyone's meal - Troy was also super sensitive and he liked to baby every single pack mate of his which caused a real ' jealous streak ' in his mate Cole .

Being the geeky and antisocial guy Cole was , he hadn't said a thing to Trish ever since the entire pack came to know that Roxanne was his mate somehow , how that information leaked , Trish himself wasn't sure about that . Cole hadn't tried to press him for any answers however , Daddy Troy who cared a little too much about the pack members all except the exception of Monica , had raised the matter a million of times , in his view he just couldn't understand why Trish didn't want to claim Roxanne .

Troy had badgered him to speak his mind and let go of whatever fear he was facing in his mind and claim his mate - blah blah blah , the entire sermons were getting real old.

When Jojo and Mila settled on their respective seats , Aiden closely followed by a heavily pregnant Rosalie walked inside the kitchen . Aiden didn't look happy , which was really weird as the Alpha male had been nothing less than his cheerful self ever since his mate had became pregnant with his pup . Every morning their Alpha woke with a clown like grin a lot similar to Jojo , the joker of their pack and greeted everyone with a smile .

Aiden caught his questioning gaze but he didn't give Trish an answer instead he simply sighed and shook his head , the ' something bad is going to happen ' intensified in Trish 's heart .

" everyone come and sit down " said Aiden simply , there was a flurry of motion as every wolf rushed to follow his or hers Alpha 's order and at last everyone of them settled themselves on the long dining table . As the Beta enforcer , Trish 's seat was just next to the Alpha pair something Rosalie didn't look to happy about , though she always threw a scowl at him every morning - his Alpha female's scowl was a lot prominent today .

" is something wrong ?"Even though their Alpha pair kept a close track on their emotions and their feelings and thoughts hardly escaped and leaked in the pack link , for some reason the frustration and anger that either of their Alphas were feeling was slowly intensifying itself in the pack link .Thus , Trish didn't blame Jace for asking this question .

" oh something is really wrong " confirmed their Alpha female . Rosalie sounded a lot snappy than usual , Aiden started to rub the back of her nape , clearly trying to calm her down and stop her from lunging at the throat of that certain someone she was angry at . The silver haired Alpha female looked dainty and small just like a pixie but she could be dangerous when she wanted to - she was powerful and she was a real kickass , when she went down on the battlefield .

Rosalie was once a wolf that had gone recessive , as a recessive wolf , her wolf was supposed to be forever lost inside her but somehow this fierce she wolf had overcome whatever chains that bounded her wolf and overcame the suppression and her wolf had surfaced - which made her even more scarier .

" I suppose this is the part where you will tell me to stay away Roxanne " Jojo who had been silent throughout could understand why his Alpha female was so mad at him . That stony expression , those subtle glares ,if Jojo could not understand the meaning of those glares and her words then he was a fool alright? . Since he wasn't in the mood to play along right now , he simply chewed the inside of his mouth and decided to cut to the chase .

From his peripheral view he could see that Trish had stiffened . He knew that this matter was something he had to go through sooner or later , Jojo wasn't a coward nope - not at all , even though Roxanne had called him one , he knew for a matter of fact he wasn't doing it because he wanted to - no , though he knew that Rosalie was going to order him to keep away from Roxanne from now on , Jojo couldn't help but think that his pack 's Alpha female was being a fool there was no way he was going to stay away from Roxanne.

He had tried and failed , yes , he was an asshole for betraying his mate emotionally but - For reasons even unknown to himself , Jojo could not keep himself away from Roxanne , he had promised himself last night that he would never look for Roxanne but the second he woke up this morning - his first thought wasn't Mila who was supposedly his mate but Roxanne .