
Befouled Love

A young woman, named Anya Miller has a different view of what others call “Love”. Abandoned from her mother she had to learn to survive on her own. But when fate leads a man into her life. Will her view of love change or will she have given up hope and never even bother with love again. -•Update every Saturday•-

AM17 · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter Ten

"John" I say with a surprised tone in my voice. "Hey. Sorry is this bad timing?" He says. "When does your shift end?" He adds. "My shift ends at 5:30" I answer back, while placing the coffee on a tray to carry them all in one trip. I place the tray on the table, but when I turn around, John had already left. Then I remember what he said about coming back later. I get back to doing my job and by the end of my shift I totally forgot about John coming back later. My shift ended a five minutes ago. I take a seat at a booth near the front corner by the windows. John walks in the doors and spots me. He takes a seat across me on the opposite side of the table. "Let's go for a drive" he says, and we leave the cafe. After a while we end up at this abandoned parking lot. "About yesterday, I-" he starts off. "I know, you were acting on impulse. I get it, we shouldn't have done it." I say cutting him off. He starts denying he was just acting on impulse but I cut him off again before he could go any further. He drops me back off at the cafe and I walk quickly to the doors and enter the shop. I walk swiftly to the back and slip through the alley way home. I get to my apartment and do my nightly routine. Neeko sits on my new rocking chair I got last week. I found it off the side of the road on my night run one night and had Hayden pick it up for me in her car. I also started a savings account for a car and applied for a job interview at E-Corp which is a big business company. I have an interview with them tomorrow. Hayden is going to drive me. In the morning I get up at five in the morning, get ready and meet Hayden at the parking lot in front of my apartment. I am wearing a white blouse and black skinny jeans. I enter and I am greeted by a young man, then I realize it's Noah Carson! "Hello" he says with a warm smile. I smile and nod to him as he takes me on a tour of the building. After the tour I am directed into a conference room. There is a long table in the room lined up with some nice black leather chairs. I take a seat across from Noah, then another young man enters the room who sits next to Noah. The conference went pretty well. I got the job as an secretary. Though I don't know who my boss is and won't know until next week when I start. It's finally Monday and I get to school with Hayden school went well. The history projects are done and I am now working on my English project at study hall instead of going to lunch. A little time passes and John comes into the study hall. He sits down at a table to start on his work. I look back down at my book. John looks up at me only to look back down at his book, "The Messenger." I look up at him then go back to my book. John gets out of his seat and packs his stuff then walks over to me. He tells me to pack my things, I protest a little but I decide to go after he somehow convinces me to go with him. We rush out the back doors of the study hall to his car. The drive was about an hour long. He took me to a spot where there is nothing but grass land for miles. "My father used to take me and my mother here all the time." He says. "I'm sorry" I say to him. We spend the rest of our time there just talking about our pasts. The sun is about to set so we get into his car and I look at my phone and see a couple missed calls from Hayden.