
Before They Were Bulletproof // BTS.OT7xOC FF

18+ ONLY WARNING. Explicit content. Before they were bulletproof they were just youths trying to make their way through to debut. Jia, *cough cough* that's you, is a girl who stumbles across them while pursuing her own path and coincidentally has become a part of their everyday life as they strive to become what they are today. Bulletproof. Updated Note: This story is partly College AU to begin with but, it will progress more into an Idol/Criminal AU vibe. Just wanted to clear that up! ALSO very important disclaimer, the events and characters written are COMPLETELY 100% FICTIONAL

Gasaii · Urban
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

60. Hands Of Time


I woke up before Jin. He was tucked in so cosily and was lightly snoring so I let him sleep while I stepped out to take a shower. I took a tight blue pair of Jeans and a long-sleeved dusty pink top with me. I changed and fixed my hair in the bathroom. There was a meeting about the new album release scheduled today at the agency. It wasn't until 2 pm so I still had some time before then.

I wandered back into my room to see that Jin had woken. He was sitting at the edge of my bed as he peered into the mirror trying to fix his bed hair.

"Ahh. It always amazes me how handsome I am. I never get used to it." Jin said, glancing over at me. Was he waiting for me to call him out?

"Can't argue there. Even the Princes of fairytales should envy your looks." Half joking half not, I egged him on. He laughed.

"Jia. We're going out for breakfast. Are you ready?" He stood up, giving me a once over.

"That's sudden. But, sure. Let's go," I agreed before going to gather essentials and throwing them in a handbag.

"We have that meeting later. So, I just need to stop off at the dorms first. It won't take long." Jin explained. We made our way downstairs, passing the lounge on our way to the back door.

"Yeah. That's fine."

The car Hoseok drove around on occasion was parked in the back alleyway. It seemed like they took turns using it and today was his. The two of us drove over to the dorms. I waited in the car while Jin stepped in. On the way here he'd told me he wanted to have a quick shower and change into something appropriate for the meeting later.

I gazed out the window and down the quiet back-street, the sky was a light grey. The trees that slightly shadowed the pavement of the road were a vibrant green. Despite the surrounding buildings being a tad rundown and old, the scenery had a tranquillity to it.

When Jin came out and got back in the car he'd changed into a pair of casual jeans and a light blue shirt.

"Okay, I'm starving. Shall we?" Jin asked before pulling his seatbelt on and starting the car.

"Yesss. I'm in desperate need of some coffee." I leaned my head back and gave a satisfied smile at the thought of it.

As we pulled up and parked out the front of Kodama I was surprised. We hadn't been here together since, ever? Jin gave a cheeky chuckle as he saw my shock.

"They serve breakfast until twelve," he said smugly, not waiting for a reply and getting out of the car. I undid my belt and quickly hopped out too. The beep of the car sounded as Jin locked it with the automatic key. Trying to catch up to him, I hurried my pace.

"Didn't realise you were feeling a tad nostalgic today." I teased, earning myself a playful eye roll.

"Neither did l. But, here we are, so." Jin left it at that as we entered the cafe. We ordered at the counter before taking a seat outside on the patio.

As I sat across the table from him on this quaint deck, the distant morning bustle of the city was pulling me back in time. I found myself getting lost in the expressive way Jin spoke as we chatted casually. It was deceivingly easy to fall into the comfort of. But, a nagging in my mind just couldn't let the horror of last night go. It sat there, lingering, unsettlingly.

The waitress came out, placing our breakfast and coffee down before leaving again. The two of us gladly tucked into our meal. He was always so enthusiastic when it came to delicious food.

"Jin," I called his name, causing him to look up questioning from cutting into a sausage.

"Hm? What's up beautiful? You look like something is bothering you."

"I just wonder, if you could go back in time… Knowing what you know now, knowing what kind of hard decisions need to be made, would you?"

My question hangs in the air for a moment, his expression quite plain as he mulls it over in his mind. I knew turning back was impossible. At some point, we'd crossed lines there was no turning back from. But, that didn't mean the future had to be the same way. If it's what Jin and the others wanted, we could still try to work towards a present we could live with. At this rate, the way things are going now…

"Even if I went back, I don't know if much would change? Hm. For you and the others, perhaps. But, everything that's happened has led us to this point. For me… I don't know if I'll ever be able to escape my fate." I stare at him, what did he mean by fate? Escaping it?

"Now, turn off that overly inquisitive mind of yours. It's too early in the morning to be thinking about such deep things. Besides, the reason I brought you here in the first place was to distract you from yourself. Guess I'll just have to try harder," Jin reaches across the table and places his hand on top of mine, gently caressing his finger over my skin.

A small shudder runs through me at his touch, a sly smile resting on his lips.

"You're right. I'm overthinking," I sigh, "Especially when you went to the trouble to try and get my mind off things."

Jin's touch leaves my hand, his face lighting up before he reaches for my fork.

"Mmm. You've barely had any of the mushrooms. You need to eat more." He smiled and put the mushroom he'd poked onto my fork to my mouth.

"Ahhh. They're a bit too salty though!" I laughed before being forced to open up for him.

"Salty equals tasty. Don't be such a picky eater princess." Jin laughed. The two of us continued to enjoy each other's company until we'd finished eating and it was nearing time to leave for the meeting.

When we get to the agency we're shown up to the room where the meeting is taking place. Seated around a long table is quite possibly nearly every staff member that had some relevance in the making of the album. P-Dog and a couple of other producers, PR and marketing personnel, Sungdeuk the head choreographer, managers and the boys themselves.

I caught Joon turning to look at me from his seat but Jin gently pointed out the spare seat that was for me and I didn't have time to stop and talk just yet. The spot he'd pointed was beside P-Dog and another producer named Slow Rabit. I gave small nods of greeting as I made my way around the table to my seat. I caught a few looks from across the table, Jimin and Jungkook mostly. But, most notably Tae. He wore a blank expression but, I knew he wasn't ok...

Not long after I settled down and said hello to the two beside me P.D-Nim came into the room. Any small chatter around the room died down as he started to greet everyone. Annie the intern had followed closely behind and was now handing out an itinerary for the meeting.

I took a copy and passed the spare aside before scanning the content index. There was quite a lot to cover but not everything listed necessarily concerned me, still, I made it a point to listen closely.

After PD-Nim was through addressing the specifics he'd decided of his own accord, discussions around the table began.

A promotional countdown will be done on YouTube for the comeback, which will include concept photos, teasers, and a tracklist reveal. The details are hashed out amongst the relevant departments of staff. The promotion schedule was starting to sound very tight, which only added to the pressure of time constraint in regards to song production.

As we finally reach the topic of songs, decisions of which track the producer will have oversight for are made. Despite only being a lyricist I offered to help out too. Which, resulted in me being paired with Yoongi to work on the title track. N.O

I had mixed feelings about this, but I kept them to myself and agreed. I was torn between anxious at having to work with Yoongi, given we weren't on the best of terms right now. And, being really happy about having my song idea being used as the baseline for the title track.

With a tight deadline of one week for the album release, the meeting ends and I head to Yoongi's studio to immediately begin working on the song.

Yoongi punches in the code for the door. I follow in after him, slipping my shoes off by the door just as he'd done.

"There's another chair in the corner," He glances back and points it out before sitting down and starting up the computer. I grab it and pull it over to the desk beside him.

As we settled in and started talking about the song I felt like I'd been worried for nothing. It's as though he didn't hold any kind of ill feelings towards me. Had he really just forgotten about the fight? I pushed it aside for the time being and focused on going over lyrics with him. We bounced ideas off each other as we brainstormed.

After we'd come up with a draft Yoongi pulled up the production software on the computer and we tested out beats. It must have been hours that passed as we recorded and compiled a raw version of the song, tweaking and making changes as we worked.

He had a certain focus about him when he made music. The brilliant way his mind worked, paired with the way he immersed himself was so endearing. I was becoming enthralled by him. I saw him in a very different light than I had before.

I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me, Yoongi noticed and suggested we take a break to have dinner. Seeing as we'd made so much progress taking a break was probably a sound idea.

Yoongi went downstairs to get the fried chicken from the delivery guy so I cleared up the coffee table and pulled it closer to the couch so we had somewhere comfortable to eat.

"Nice," Yoongi gives a small smile as he comes back in and sees that I've cleared the table, "I'm about to have a drink. Do you want one too?" He asked, setting down the plastic bag on the table and heading over to the cabinet beside the door.

"Sure, we worked hard today. I think we've earned it." I answer, unpacking the containers from the bag and popping off lids. Yoongi relaxes down beside me on the couch with a light sigh, setting a bottle of Chamisul and two shot glasses on the table. I give him a pair of chopsticks before putting my hands together.

"Let's eat well~"

Yoongi gave a snort of laughter and glanced at me, "After you," he offered. I took a piece and ate it as Yoongi cracked open the bottle and poured us a shot.

"Mm. It's so good, here, have some Yoongi." I take a piece and bring it up to him. I almost regretted the moment I had as I saw him falter. His dark eyes flicker but then, he cracks his mouth a little. I quickly pop it on his mouth and eat another myself, trying to hide the blush coming on.

"This place has the most delicious fried chicken. I get it from there regularly." Yoongi says casually, "Here." He hands me a shot.

"Thanks. Yeah, it's tastes good. Just the right amount of crispy." I reply, taking the glass from him.

"Cheers." He clinks it against mine and we drink.

We make some small talk as we eat together, before I know it we've polished off a whole bottle and started on another. Neither of us brought up what happened last night but, I had the feeling that was because right now we were trying our best to drown it out.

Forgetting the stress, the regrets, the pressure, the fight, all of it. We got carried away, from laughing about things that Joon had broken to jokingly accusing each other of who was the bigger alcoholic. At some point, we'd put on some music and sing lamely like we were at Karaoke. My cheeks hurt from smiling, and my head felt light. I hadn't seen Yoongi this carefree in so, so long.

After we had well and truly run out of energy we collapsed down in the middle of the studio floor together. As we caught our breath a calm settled over.

"Jia," I tilted my head to the side, only to be met by Yoongi's gaze. His small smile disappeared, his eyes searched mine as he lightly ran his tongue over his chapped lips.

"Yoongi?" I quietly said his name. A tingle runs over my body, the intensity he's looking at me with. It reminds me of the way he did when he wanted me to...

"Kiss me."

My chest swells as his words reach my ear. I roll over and claim his lips as my own, tongue gliding against his as I pushed my way in, his hand makes its way into my hair before tightening his hold on me. A moan escapes me, Yoongi takes control as he sits up, tongue still hotly ravishing my mouth as he flips positions. My body hot flushes as he leans over me, his knee pushing my thighs apart slightly as he settles between my legs.

I'm left panting as he pulls his lips away from mine, his cheeks are flushed, hair messy, gaze down at me filled with lust.

"Yoongi," A rush of emotions hit me all at once, the way his name leaves me making it all too obvious how caught up in the moment I was.

"Sorry doesn't even come close to being enough… The second you walked out of that studio, I regretted it." His voice was a low rasp, pulling at my heart. I close my eyes.

"It's okay. I know."

With deliberate tenderness, he kisses my lips over and over. Each one speaking to me, I'm sorry, I miss you, I love you. I feel a tear slide from the corner of my eye only to disappear into my hair. I reach up to his shirt and slip my hands underneath, running my hands over his slender but solid stomach.

He lets out a low moan. I open my eyes to see him tuck his face in the space between my neck and trail soft kisses. His knee firmly pressing against my core has me writhing under him.

"I want you, Yoongi. Why'd you keep me waiting so long?" I plead, losing myself, emotions running high, hazy mind, the pure exhilaration of it all clashing together.

"You're right, I should've fucked you like the good girl you are a long time ago." He breathes hard, expertly unbuttoning and slipping down my jeans. I kick them off my ankles, releasing my legs from their constraints. Yoongi groans lowly as he rubs the wet patch through my black cotton panties. I wiggle out of my top and underwear and throw them aside, spreading my legs wider to give Yoongi space to slide out of his pants and shirt.

A smirk plays on his lips as he knelt between my spread legs, gaze lowering. My back arches as he runs two fingers up and down my slit, spreading the wetness all over my lower lips.

"Fuck, you're a messy little girl," His thumb firmly rubs circles into my clit teasingly, "Bet you can't wait to have my thick cock buried deep in this cute little pussy of yours."

"That's" I pant, struggling to speak between moans, "exactly what I want." Yoongi dips two fingers in knuckle deep.

"Fuck, Yoongi" I cry out, making a weak attempt to reach out and hold on to him. Upon seeing this Yoongi takes his fingers out of me and licks them clean of my juices. I'm fucking beside myself, did he seriously just do that.

"Yoongi, stop playing with me," I sit up and reach for the rock hard outline in his black briefs only to have him catch my wrist and chuckle.

"Don't start acting up now, you've been so good for me all night." He licked at his bottom lip cheekily, "Turn around and bend over for me baby."

I hold back my cheeky remark and do as he says, he spanks my ass. I yelp in surprise but the pain turns into pleasure. Then, his thickness tightly squeezes in, breaking through, deeper and deeper in a few short rough thrusts. I claw at the rug beneath us, but as his hips gain rhythm, my face is pushed forward into the rug with force.

"Fuck, Jia. You feel so good clenching around my cock. So tight and wet and needy." Yoongi raspy groan. He leans forward, rough hands groping my breasts, pinching my nipple, fucking into me relentlessly.

My orgasm crashes so hard over me that I have no time to tell him, instead my walls tighten around his girth. Yoongi doesn't stop, he grips my hip and rides it out. As soon as it washed over and I'd relaxed he picked up the pace, his hips smacking into my ass, his length so far in me, my knees hurting from the friction. Then, with the sexiest low raspy groan I'd ever heard, he spills in me. He slowly rides out his orgasm before pulling out, I collapse to the floor in a sweaty weak fucked out mess.

I'm barely conscious, somewhere between lucid as Yoongi carefully cleans me up and puts a baggy T-shirt on me to cover me up. It smelt like him.

"You must be exhausted, ah baby." Yoongi carefully picks me up and takes me over to the couch with him.

"Mmm. So sleepy," I mumbled. Even that much was too much to manage, my eyelids were so heavy. Yoongi lay down on the couch with me on top of him. Even though there's enough space for me to lay beside him I bury my face into the crook of his neck. I take in a deep breath filled with his scent. He runs his hands through my hair, pushing it out of my face. The comfort of him, I'd longed for it. Slowly, the feeling of his body beneath me fades into sleep.


To all my fellow Yoongi Bias's out there, today we won. (ง •̀_•́)ง

You have NO idea how long I've been waiting to post this chapter, seriously ( ,˘︹˘, )

But we made it ♡ Tell me stuff ~