
before the end

At the end of the tower of god trial after breaking their vow and interfering the supreme beings destroyed the tower and world. Jang seo the last player in the tower wakes up 210 in the past after been killed and swears to make the pay

TheReturnwriter · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Boss raid

10 minutes earlier

[ Tutorial A boss monster half lich ]

'hey oppa I don't think we can kill this thing'

Shivering in fear

[ half lich using skill "will of fear"]

'just leave the big guy to me and help me take care of the small fries'

As both prepare to fight, chae taking care of the undead blocking the path while her brother lunches up toward the boss


[ half lich using skill "bone spear"]

With a miss as thin as thread dodging the attack

Now frustrated  as the fight seemed like its going to last longer

'I must have your ability'

While recalling

[system Notice you been given a ???? Skill "predator" allows you to absorb and use a monster skill

Note : skill are selected randomly and number are undetermined]

'I have got to try this out on the boss in this tutorial cause I need that skill'

'SHIT that fucker is a monster'

Han gyeol shivering in fear from the corner as he was bitting his thomb

As the battle progresses the area terrain began changing due to the impact of clashes leaving the place almost destroyed

*boom *

As Dust covering the entire zone

As it settles revealing the lich damaged as his mana core was cut in half muttering some language of sort before disintegrating to dust

[system Notice

You have slain the boss of wave 2

The Tutorial is put on hold 

Your reward is being calculated according to you achievement]

[ The title "the child of luck" has increase the value of your reward]

[due to the effect of "predator" you have acquired the lich ability]

[ curse immunity


Renders any curse used on the person useless and absorbed to be used as power]

[ poison resistance


Immune to any type of poison and serve as power]

[ poison art


Able to use poison as a combat art]

[the requirement has be meant]


In confusion

[the skill predator has complimented the "unidentifiable skill sealed" to unlock as "zodiac code"]

'wait zodiac code, isn't this skill related to those zodiac guys'


These are 13 beings from the tower but they acted more as observers for the didn't affect the tower in any way even at the end the just kept still

[zodiac code


This is the gift given by the 13 zodiacs after sending the player jang seo in hopes to stop the end

Each of the code contains atleast half fragment of  each zodiac]

'I never knew that my masters will give me a skill in this time line meaning the are the ones who sent me back in time in the first place'

Saying as a warm smile stretches along his face

[predator skill has fused with the zodiac code to generate "the 13 zodiac"

Number of code unlocked 1/13]

[ scorpio the scorpion zodiac unlocked

King of curse and poison

Requirement to unlock " absorb a great power from a powerful being with similar constitution with a zodiac

Completion rate : 0.01%]

[ with the creation and combination of skills

Total skill sets]

[ thousand poison resistance


Immune to to every Poisonous substance even other worldly posions] level 1

[poison blood


Blood corroded with deadly poison] level 1

[ curse immunity


Resistance to all type of curse

While using it to amplify magic power] level 1

[ Curse of abyss


Cast a curse of abyss indusing madness weakness hypnosis and hallucinations on a terget] level 1

[ poison creation (locked)

Acquire iron poison

Flame poison

Ice poison

Corpse poison

Mist poison

To unlock]

[completion rate : 7%]

In that moment the zodiac circle engraves on his right hands with scorpio sign in the middle as the first to be used

'so now I have to unlock the 12 of you guys, good thing I still remember your teachings masters... Now I just Need to fully unlock scoprio'

Unaware of the situation as the timer for the second wave stops at 01:45:34 concluding it In 15 minutes as the crowd seemed confused of the situation since it ended rather early

While contemplating what the will do and what's going to happen to them next creating arguments between one another

Mean while with han gyeol still frozen from the shock

As jegal mu slowly approaches him from the rear and tapping his shoulder


Jumped out of surprise drags her to a Dark corner covering her mouth

'you what wrong with you

You almost gave me a heart attack'

Saying while panting heavily

'Sorry,, so who are watching'

With a curious expression on her

'it's that fucker jang seo I just saw him kill a skeleton like monster that's very strong and I think its the boss

Cause after killing it the timer stopped'

Chattering as he rolls up in fear


'So he's that good I wonder....'

[system Notice

Administrator conclusion] suddenly the administrator

Materialising out of thin air

'hi everyone.... Wow I never imagined the second wave to end very early this is the first in history

If am so bold to say'

'but the gods are bored because there are no action so in the last wave'

Snapping his finger once more as the save zone disappears

'no safe zone.... And the theme for this test is "crystal rush" for 3 hours threeple the monsters double the aggression 4 times attack and defense power

All you have to do is kill 10 monsters or take 10 crystal as it will be your gate pass to the second tutorial

And for support I just opened the gods channel and good luck'

[ number of survivors 1345/1000 ]

[ wave 3 start ]