

Jason's shadow stepped forward, standing face to face to me. I recognized that auburn hair anywhere.

"Carrot hair!!"

"Why are you here?", I asked her


"Carrot hair!!", Bexley exclaimed, when she saw me.

I casually rolled my eyes at her snarky remark about my hair as usual. I wasn't going to give in to her comments. Besides, I only talk back to people who are worth talking to.

"Her hair looks just alright to me", he told Bexley off.

I clearly am not interested playing this game of jealous ex stuff or overprotective female friend. I couldn't care less, this wasn't my mission. Bexley just shrugged the compliment off, I couldn't help but smirk at her. I faced Jason and told him

"I'll be at the other side of the gym. I want to have a look around"

With that, I walked away from the "couple". The gym was pretty huge, well equipped and furnished. It housed the volleyball court and a basketball court. The silver coloured bleachers were arranged on opposite sides of the gym. There were numerous rooms in the gym, which I guessed were the storage rooms for the various sports equipment. Time and time again, I watched as different people entered the gym from afar. I recognized a few like Bexley's minions, but not the rest of them. I tilted my head to get a closer look at Bexley's actions. Though right now, Bexley wasn't my favorite person. From the sight before me, I realized she wasn't much of a bully as she had appeared to be. At least to her teammates, especially her two minions. They were more of best friends looking out for each other if you'd asked me. I shrugged off the thought and tried to shake off the small smile that had previously crept up to my face. After my short sightseeing around the gym, I casually walked back to watch them practice. It looked like everyone had showed up, so they will start any moment from now. When I was mid-way from their court, the gym door opened again. Two students stepped in, precisely a guy and a girl.


The two students were making their way to the gym together. One unbothered, his blue blazer hung over his left shoulder. He radiated a cold aura, even though he wasn't smiling or frowning. His arm bag was strapped to his side. The girl on the other hand seemed very enthusiastic to be in school. She greeted everyone politely, with a weak smile, as she walked through the hallway with him. But you could tell that her brown eyes had clearly lost their glow. Her black silky hair was packed into a half up- half down bun. The pair continued to walk to the gym in silence. On their way close to the gym, the girl seemed to struggle a little maintain her balance. The boy's gaze fell on her, understood what was happening and glanced away instantly. He rolled his eyes at her while smiling

"I thought you were smart?"

"What now?", she said like she was already fed up with his familiar behavior

"I'm just saying you should be able to tell the difference between a school and a hospital", He said looking her dead eye in the face

She took a deep breath, before answering him

"Look, if you're worried about me, you don't need to be. I'm fine", C'mon let's just go", She reassured him with the same fake smile she gave everyone.

He dropped the topic and didn't bring it up again until a minute later, when she was visibly struggling and exhausted.

He sighed in frustration and stretched out his hand to her as they made their way to the gym.

The girl wanted to argue, but she was thought for a second and kept it to her self. She handed over her things to him.

" I'm nice to the people I care about", He told her, with a smile

"Awwn Thank you", She replied, with her familiar smile

Alex gave her a confused look, then chuckled in her face when he realized what she had meant

"Ohh, I couldn't care less about your well-being. I'm only doing this, so Hazel won't have my head.

The girl's smile faded into a look of frustration and annoyance, then rolled her eyes at him. He saw this, smirked and pointed his index finger at her face.

"This is fun, you should get annoyed more often"

The girl rolled her eyes once more at him. After few steps later, they arrived at their destination. The girl pushed open the door, with the boy right behind her and entered. When they entered, at first everyone was busy with something or someone. The door behind them shut and the girl took a deep breath and spoke up

"Hey guys"

The team instantly recognized that voice. They turned to the door and saw her. It was Gia. Liam, Matthew and Maya were the first to spot her, then the others followed suite.


They were surprised to see her out of bed so suddenly, but nonetheless they were certainly happy that she was back in school. The impact of her absence affected every member of the team. Not only because she was a part of this team, but their friend, who appeared to be the relatable sister of the group.

A ton of questions crossed through their mind. They couldn't keep shut for long and as a result, they bombarded her with many questions at a time.

"Are you alright?"

"Wait why are you out of bed so soon?"

"I'm glad, you're back!!

"You shouldn't have to push yourself so hard"

They all circled around her as they examined her like a lab experiment. She noticed this behaviour, so she broke out of their overbearing grasp.

"Guys, I appreciate your worries and concerns. But I'm a little bit better now"

"You sure?", Felix asked almost immediately, his tone laced with pure concern

Felix was not one to openly worry and care about people, particularly girls. He was the sloth of the group and said true things openly, without attempting to put a filter on his mouth. However, It was obvious that Felix seemed to have a soft spot for Gianna, when compared to other girls around him. Gia turned to Felix and gave him a reassuring smile. He was cut off guard with her smile and a faint tint of red appeared on his face. She proceeded to speak without referring to anyone in particular

"Thanks guys, for worrying about me. I rested for a while, and feel fine"

Hazel embraced Gia and squeezed her gently.

"I'm glad you're okay", Hazel said only for Gia to hear

Gia hugged her back.

Hazel released her and stayed by her side

"Well, it's a relief that you're alright", Bexley said


"But, from now on, you've to take things easy", Matthew advised

"I have no choice, but to. The nurse said if I don't, I will end up in an actual hospital this time"

They all chuckled, Gianna included. They all continued showering Gia with attention until they heard a voice speak

"Excuse me. May I remind you guys, that I was apparently ill too"

Alex waved his hand to get their attention, while carrying Gia's bag and leaning against the gym door, watching them gush over her for almost 5 minutes.

"And....??", Hazel queried, and glared at Alex intently

Alex wavered under Hazel's glare. He looked away instantly.

"Never mind"

"I thought so", Hazel flashed him a cute and innocent smile

The group laughed as they watched the scene unfold.

"We've all laughed enough for one day. Let's start practice", Bexley said

With that everyone moved towards the court to take their positions. Jason walked towards Gia's side, not fully back to his usual quirky self. Even though Gia had claimed to be fine, it just couldn't sit well with him, that he couldn't do anything to have avoided this.

"I'm just glad you're alright Gia"

Gia lifted her heavy eyelids, gazing at Jason. She didn't say anything immediately, instead a small smile, different from her familiar smile crept to her face, like she knew what Jason was thinking

"Thanks Jason, really"

Jason nodded. Gia instantly pulled him into a hug, leaned closer to him and whispered

"Don't beat yourself up for me"

Jason's eyes slightly widened on hearing this. His shocked face quickly changed into a smile. Gia really knew her teammates well.

"Excuse me?. Are you both going to stand there and chat or practice!!", Bexley exclaimed, her voice louder than usual

"Tell them", Alex chimed in

"Ohh right", they both said, embarrassed, disengaging from the hug.

Jason mounted up the court, while Gia waited.

"Gia, you sit this one out", Matthew said

"Yeah, you do not need to tell me that", Gia replied, chuckling

Bexley wanted to complain because their numbers would be decreased, but instead, she exhaled and went along with it. She could make an exception for one member. Also mostly because, she didn't want to argue, when they had less than 30 minutes before classes commenced. Meanwhile Irene was watching the group from a distance. She was slightly pleased that at least Gia had friends that cared about her and vice versa. When they were in position to serve the ball, Irene left the gym silently, without anyone noticing her and set out into the halls.


I approached my locker, and just rested on it for a few seconds.

"If the paranom had anything to do with Gia's 'illness' too....., I suddenly trailed off in my, thoughts

"Paranom, I--

I mumbled under my breath.

A repeated, yet calm tap on my shoulder, flung me back to reality.

Why must someone always jolt me back to reality, against my will, I whined already annoyed.

I sighed, before looking up to the person you had interrupted my thoughts. My annoyed gaze fell on a girl, she looked oddly familiar. I just couldn't quite place it. No, she definitely wasn't superstar, Giselle. I scanned her up and down meticulously.

"You're the new student..... Irene right?, she asked.

I nodded my head in confirmation. I had already figured it out from her voice. I asked in return

"And You're the girl that screamed when Mr. Ryan collapsed yesterday?"

"Yeah, I'm Emma", She awkwardly placed her arm at the back of her head and laughed shyly.

"I was actually filming my new tiktok video, very close to the lab, when Mr. Ryan just passed by me, then the next second he collapsed. The weird thing was that he was totally fine when he taught our lab class, a while ago. It was just the shock that made me scream that's all", She explained clearly in full details

She immediately diverted back to her original purpose

"Mr. Neil sent me to get the new student, which you are"

"Ok, Where is he then?"

"He's at the chemistry laboratory. The one where Mr. Ryan....

She paused

"Don't worry, I know where that is", I said


The door was left ajar, so I just slid into the laboratory. The sight that greeted me, was far from what I expected. Instead of a middle aged grumpy chemistry teacher, he was young, probably in his late 30's. He was sitted on a desk stage opposite the laboratory equipment and chemicals carefully arranged on each desk. In the empty laboratory, he was typing away on his computer. His expression was warm and seemed approachable. Was this Mr. Neil? I thought.

"Excuse me, Are you Mr. Neil?", I asked

His eyes didn't leave the screen of his computer for a second

"Yes and you are", he fired back with no hesitation whatsoever. I was starting to think that his actual character didn't fit the puzzle of his face.

"I'm Irene, the new student", I said

"And???, he asked confused or just not concerned. I couldn't really tell, since his face was locked to his screen

"AND, you sent for me sir"

"Ohh right", He admitted in defeat but still kept on typing away. Finally, he unstacked some files on his desk, then pulled out a green file, from his pile of documents. He also brought out a little card and a document from the desk drawer.

He opened it to the most recent page of the file, and handed me a pen.

"Put down your full name and sign right in front of it"

I did, as he said. Then again he gave me the card and told me to do the same thing, which I did. Confused at the use of my signatures, I asked him with a hint of respect in my tone

"What are these for?"

Mr. Neil was busy fiddling and compiling many documents at a time, as I stood there. Without looking up to me, he responded briefly

"Just to certify that you're a laboratory student, also for you to access the laboratory equipment.

I nodded my head

"That will be all, Miss Irene"

He stapled the little card to a document, stamped it then handed it to me.

"You may go and prepare for the classes of the day"

He bade me farewell, assuming I'll just leave like that. He continued to type away on his computer. I moved myself to his front, placing my palms on his desk, I asked him.

"I know I'm just a new student sir, but would you mind telling me what suddenly happened to Mr....Ryan

Mr. Neil stopped typing and looked up to me. I caught the slight change in his demeanor and character. The calm, reserved Mr. Neil was shaken up from me bringing up Mr. Ryan's "accident". His glued eyes to his computer seemed to finally separate from his device

"Nothing to be too concerned about. Mr. Ryan was overworking himself and finally gave in. That's all", He spoke with a straight face, so convincing that anyone would have believed that false story, over and over again. However, this couldn't work on me. I knew better, he was possessed by a paranom. I was so sure of this.

I started roaming around the front of his desk, looking around the place

"The school authority already informed us, about that"

"Is there any problem with that Miss Irene?", he had reverted back to his original character

I stopped roaming about and said

"Yes, actually. It's just a hunch, but I feel Mr. Ryan's accident wasn't caused by overworking, but from something else


I glanced back at Mr. Ryan and saw that he had slammed his laptop shut


He raised his voice a little bit at me. I was stunned. I said slowly

"Mr. Neil I can tell that you know that it wasn't normal. What aren't you telling me?

"There's nothing there to tell. He was overworking and he faced the consequences of his actions.

I sighed, he wasn't giving in or spilling any useful information. Mr. Neil was really a tough nut to crack, but he was breaking bit by bit

"You and I know that something weird is going on in the shadows of this school. And, if you could just--

He cut me off and said calmly

" Miss Irene, I will appreciate it, if you'd leave the laboratory now!!

Mr. Neil pointed to the door, signalling me to exit. I had no choice but to cooperate. Right now, even if I wanted I couldn't force information out of him. I clenched my fists as I was about to take my last step out of the laboratory.

"If something similar to this happens to anyone else---

Glancing back at him, I paused for a second.

With that I walked out, not looking back.