
Chapter 5

After that night, we started dating. We would hang out after I finished work. We would go to the movies and other places where couples go. The company he was in didn't like it initially, but they gave in and started supporting us. Some of his fans were supportive, and some weren't.

I kept working at the cafe even though it would always be full of fans who wanted to know everything. He comes to pick me up every day after work. I got to meet the rest of the members; they are adorable and very cool. At first, I never considered dating anyone like him, but it happened.

I also got to see a different side of him, and I got to meet his dog, which I never knew he had. She's a lovely dog. He says she's a stubborn dog, but she isn't.

Chae-won and the rest were very supportive, and chae said she felt it would happen one day. I remember being very depressed, but now that I have him and my friends, I feel like a new person. I'm not in that deep hole where I thought I was drowning.