
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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Chapter 57: The Willow

Restricted by the level of the earth plane, Yun Mo's shadow instantaneous distance is also in the range of five kilometers, but also only three breaths of time, Yun Mo will come to Fanghai City by the sea.

When a wood attribute spirit becomes a spirit, it has already left the world and entered the ranks of elves and monsters.

The new monsters, often extremely pure in heart, the so-called people of the beginning, the nature of good.

Monsters are the same.

Otherwise, the wood ghost would not have brought the rich breath of life to the Sunflower Orphanage to settle down.

What makes Yun Mo angry is not just that this group of mercenaries bombed the orphanage or razed the old people's home to the ground, Yun Mo is not a saintly mother, the misfortune that people have encountered is caused by karma, Yun Mo will only mourn for them, but will not sympathize with them.

What really makes Yun Mo willing to intervene in this matter is that little elf.

Just like a human's heart, the roots of the grass and tree elves were the source of their food, the beginning of their life, once destroyed, without the energy supply, the elves would soon wither and die.

In the Wuji Empire, the elves were the purest of all, which was why Yun Mo had told the two little ones the story of the Elf Empire in the first place.

On the beach, Yun Mo's appearance made the mercenaries who were flying with whirring wings freeze.

They wanted to go around Yun Mo, but for some reason, Yun Mo stood there like a wall, no matter how much they went around, they would always return to the same place.

"Who are you?" With a pursuer in front of them and a roadblock behind them, these few mercenaries were immediately a bit nervous in their hearts, and a few AKs were picked up, as if Yun Mo would not let them get out of the way, they would fire a volley of bullets.

"No wonder you can escape under this group of rice buckets, so there is a spatial ability." Yun Mo reached out and slightly flexed his hand, a mercenary was instantly pulled into Yun Mo's hands and was strangled by Yun Mo.

A strong feeling of suffocation caused the mercenary's arms and legs to constantly struggle, the white light on his body flickered from time to time, and every time it flickered, his breath would weaken by a few points.

The mercenary's eyes widened, he couldn't understand why he couldn't break free from this man's hands even with the amount of energy his spatial ability consumed.

"Da da da da da da da~"

Shots rang out in a flurry of fire.

But a scene that shocked them appeared, the bullets as they approached Yun Mo were instantly vaporized and disappeared without a trace ...

And just then, a flash of white clothes like snow flew behind these mercenaries.

"Run quickly, it's the Willow King ..."

The mercenaries had no time to worry about the spatial alien that was in Yun Mo's hands at this time, all they had to do now was save their lives.

"Brush brush~"

Willows flew, powerfully catching those who were about to escape.

That stain of white clothes was as if the devil had descended to earth, pulling out the dagger hidden in his waist and dissolving the lives of these mercenaries one by one.

Yun Mo just watched calmly, he was in no hurry.

Yun Mo just watched calmly, he was in no hurry either.

This was because he found it unbelievable that in Fanghai, one could actually see the existence of a spirit weapon.

However, in Yun Mo's eyes, this spirit weapon was not worth mentioning.

"Hey, give me the Inhuman in your hand." Ending the lives of these mercenaries, the man in white skillfully cut off the heads of these mercenaries before looking at Yun Mo who was traveling through the air.

Walking in the Air, Tong Shen Realm.

Although the man in white was only at the late stage of Zong Shi, he was not afraid of the Tong Shen, instead, his words had a threatening tone.

"Why did I give it to you?" Yun Mo scanned the man in white and asked with slight interest.

"Because they are all mine!"

The man in white said irrefutably as he waved his large hand, and a silver-edged black paper appeared in front of Yun Mo.


European Inhuman, twenty-three people."

The headshots of these mercenaries were clearly engraved below the text.

The amount was written at the bottom:

"Bounty, one hundred thousand dollars each."

"Where did this bounty come from, so stingy, only one hundred thousand per person?" Yun Mo opened his mouth and said.

"Aren't you a bounty hunter?" The white-robed man asked Yun Mo with a frown, his guard up and his hand already behind his waist.

"Eating bounty hunters?" Wasn't that a word from some martial arts dramas? This was the first time Yun Mo had seen it in reality.

However, he did not pay any attention to this white-robed man, but took out a green crystal block from the space alien's chest in his hand.

The light on the crystal was dim, and it was already on the verge of death.

With a casual toss, the alien flew straight at the man in white.

The man in white was agile, and his use of a dagger was out of this world.

With a swinging slash, he severed the head of the last wanted criminal.

"Hmph, I count on your understanding." The white-robed man gave Yun Mo a cold snort, then took out the bag he was carrying, placed the heads of these mercenaries inside, and left.

"Interesting." Yun Mo laughed, and then his figure disappeared as well.

The second floor of Yazhai.

The second floor of Yazhai.

Yun Mo appeared in the middle of a room and descended the stairs.

The wood essence gradually transformed into his body because it had no energy to support it.

It turned into a Green Row Grass that was in the palm of Yun Mo's hand.

This Green Row Grass had no roots at this time.

"Hey? Why did you come down from above?" Lan Coco looked at Yun Mo suspiciously.

"There's no one upstairs." Yun Mo laughed.

"Dad, dad, I recognize this, this is Green Rowan Grass." Yesterday, Yun Mo had taught Shishi what Green Row Grass looked like, and he hadn't expected Shishi to recognize it from such a distance.

"Well, since Shishi is so smart, Daddy will ask you, if you want Green Row Grass to sprout, what kind of soil do you need to plant it in, and what kind of fertilizer do you need to water it with to make Green Row Grass grow taller quickly?" Yun Mo asked.

Shishi nodded her chin thoughtfully.

"Daddy, it's planted with the soil under the roots of pine wood, the Green Row Grass and pine wood are originally from the same source, inside the pine wood soil, the Green Row Grass is like a child seeing its mother, and then the pine leaves are soaked in water, crushed, and given to the Green Row Grass to be used as fertilizer." Shishi replied with a milky voice.

Yun Mo was doubly pleased, worthy of his own daughter.

"Shishi is so smart, then this Green Row Grass is being rewarded to you, take good care of it." Yun Mo said after handing the wood essence to Shishi.

"Thank you, daddy." Shishi carefully held up the Green Row Grass, pulled out XinXin, and ran out of the Yazhai.

There was a patch of natural pine right in front of Yazhai's entrance, and the two little girls excitedly began to farm their first friend.

With the blessing of the Spirit Gathering Formation, the wood essence would not die for the time being, just wait for the roots to grow again to recover.

As the sun gradually rose, the number of people in Yazhai increased.

The two girls were busy and sweating profusely, but they were enjoying themselves; instead, Yun Mo started making coffee, and Lan Coco read the historical records on the side.

Ouyang Qian, on the other hand, has seen the night after the Ya Zhai inside the slightest dust is not the floor, but instead generously threw the broom to the side, enjoyable continue to read the Bagua Palm martial arts.

Fanghai City.

This day, again because of a piece of news fire throughout China.

It was not the matter of the Sunflower Nursing Home being razed to the ground, in the eyes of martial artists, they wouldn't care about such mundane matters. Rather, it was the discovery of a large swath of Ghost Fallen Flowers on the edge of the cliff behind Misty Nine Mountain.

Now, that cliff had been taken over by the Heavenly Pavilion, with three late Zong Shi Masters taking turns guarding it.

With the blue robes of the Heavenly Pavilion they wore, no one would dare to touch this sea of Ghostly Fallen Flowers.