
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 50 The Fountain - 2

"Shh, someone's coming ..."


Yun Mo's crowd, feeling the aura of the aura, gradually approached the top of the mountain.

As for the two Feng family disciples hiding at the top of the mountain, Yun Mo naturally detected them, but with two small ants crawling on the ground, how could Yun Mo care?

"What to do, so many people?"

"What is the use of so many people, we are the Wu ... Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu ..."

"Wudao Tongshen, traveling in the air, get the hell down, hold your breath ..."


"Sir, over there ..." Arriving at the top of the mountain, Chen Han looked in the direction of this Feng family subordinate.

"No need to pay attention." Yun Mo's eyes burned as he stared at the towering mountain range behind him.

The mountain range was like a sword thrusting straight into the clouds, just like the Sea Setting Needle in Journey to the West, it was unusually straight.

Yun Mo realized that this was not a man-made formation, but a natural formation.

Circling the earth in a spirit, belonging to the earth to accumulate veins.

In order to form such a mountain that was created by heaven and earth, a spiritual vein must have been born here.

"This is a good place."

Yun Mo slowly descended while holding Lan Coco, and moved forward to carefully examine the soil in the mountain range.

"Not surprisingly, the spirit vein is eight thousand meters up the mountain peak." Yun Mo said.

"Eight thousand meters? The number one peak in the world is only eight thousand eight hundred and forty-eight meters." Lan Ke Ke was surprised.

"This spirit vein is in charge of Kyoto's qi, so naturally, the higher the qi, the better." Yun Mo explained.

"Then, sir, won't we return empty-handed this time?" Chen Han said.

"Who told you that I came here for the Spirit Vein?" Yun Mo asked rhetorically.

"Uh ...," Chen Han was surprisingly speechless for a moment.

Yun Mo then continued walking forward, and the crowd followed.

This Xiangjia Mountain scenery was indeed different, the surrounding vegetation was like tropical plants that grew very high, but the road was quite flat, it must be a road that someone had deliberately built.

I think it must be the mining staff of Lido Beauty.

Along the way, grass was growing and birds were flying happily in the forest.

Not long after, the crowd heard a tinkling sound.

A small stream appeared in front of the crowd.

"What a clear stream." Lan Ke Ke stepped forward and took a palm full of the stream water and tasted it.

"What a clear stream. Lan Ke Ke stepped forward and cupped a palm of the stream water, taking a shallow taste.

"So sweet ..."

"This is Spirit Spring, one of the raw materials of the Hibiscus Primordial Immortal." Yun Mo said as he reached out and pointed to one of the white milky stones under the stream.

"Spirit Spring, isn't that this stream?" Chen Han asked suspiciously.

Yun Mo shook his head and with a wave of his hand, a small stone less than five centimeters in diameter floated in front of the crowd.

"This is the Spiritual Source." The hands flexed slightly and the small stone shattered in response, releasing a milky white liquid.

Yun Mo nonchalantly took out the prepared jade flask, put all the Spiritual Spring into the flask, and threw it to Chen Han.

"Take as many stones like this as you can and bring them back to the Emperor Mer Pavilion, they will be of great use to you." Yun Mo said.

"Yes, sir." Chen Han then ordered the crowd to move.

Yun Mo, on the other hand, walked side by side with Lan Coco along the creek.

"It's really beautiful here, if we build a mansion in the mountains, I'm afraid we'll be living the life of a god." Lan Coco said wistfully.

"There's no internet, no electricity." Yun Mo said blandly from the side.

"Alright ...," Lan Coco wilted at once.

In today's society, if you didn't have these two things, what was the point of living.

"You said you were looking for something important, was it the Spirit Source just now?" Lan Coco asked.

"The Spirit Spring is certainly considered a treasure, but there is another thing here that is even more valuable than the Spirit Vein." Yun Mo said.


"Ghost Eyes!"

"This is ..."

"A spirit vein that was born and raised in the earth is alive, but the life of this spirit vein is not mature yet, if I find the spirit eye of the spirit vein, I will be able to cultivate a spirit vein again."

Yun Mo wanted to get a Heaven and Earth spirit vein in Misty Nine Mountain as well, so that Yun Mo would save the effort of setting up a formation in Misty Nine Mountain.

"In that case, wouldn't the wish I just had really come true, and there would be a network and electricity?" Lan Ke Ke laughed and said.

"Yes!" Yun Mo said in the affirmative.

"This is it."

At the end of the creek, a white milky stone with cracks was picked up by Yun Mo.

This stone was much larger than the Spirit Spring just now.

"This, I'm afraid, will not be born." Lan Keke looked at the strange stone as if it would shatter completely in the next moment.

"Pfft~" Lan Keke's charming appearance made Yun Mo laugh as well.

"This is the Spirit Eye, bury it in Mt. Nine Fog, and it won't be long before it breaks out of its shell, and by then, the Spiritual Potential of Heaven and Earth will be formed in Mt. Nine Fog." Yun Mo said.

"This is the Spiritual Eye, bury it in the Mist Nine Mountains, it won't be long before it breaks out of its shell, and by then the Spiritual Potential of Heaven and Earth will be formed in the Mist Nine Mountains. Yun Mo said.


"Pavilion Master, Pavilion Master ..."

In the distance, one of Emperor Mer's subordinates arrived in a panic.

"Pavilion Master, the Kyoto Yun Family and the Feng Family have arrived, there are four Passing God Realm powerhouses." The subordinate hurriedly reported.

"Coming so quickly?" Yun Mo laughed, "Who are they?"

Yun Mo had long known that the two subordinates from the Feng family had gone back to report.

"From the Yun family, Yun Batian, the head of the Yun family, and the second generation of the Yun family, Yun Jianhua and Yun Jianguo.

The Feng Family came are three Tong Shen ... looking at their ages, all over eighty." The subordinate reported.

Yun Mo nodded, gently pulled Lan Coco's hand, and slowly walked toward the place he came from.

Being held by Yun Mo's big hand, Lan Coco's heart began to pound, but Lan Coco did not feel anything wrong, after all, the two people should have almost everything done.


"Chen Han, if you don't keep your acre of land in Fanghai and keep traveling to Kyoto, do you really think that my Yun family doesn't exist?" Yun Batian, the head of the Yun family, led a group of people to yell angrily at Chen Han.

"What, this Elephant Armor Mountain, is your Yun family's asset?" Chen Han said.

"Hmph, the chairman of Lido Beauty, Qin Qing, is a member of our Yun family, the property of Elephant Armor Mountain does not belong to my Yun family, but the right to exploit this Spirit Spring belongs to my Yun family." Yun Batian said.

"Hehe, what a joke, you old dog actually dares to come out and speak, I wonder who sold the Chairman's name for a price of one billion dollars? Here, your Yun family is talking?" Chen Han was not willing to show any weakness.

"Then, old man, does he have the right to speak?" Among the Feng Family's crowd, an old man who was over a hundred years old walked out.

Chen Han felt the strong blood qi in the old man's body and initially concluded that it was the fifth level of Tong Shen.

In all of China, he was considered a top-class expert.

"A kid who has just entered the Passing God, how dare you call my Feng family?"

At the back, another old man who was over eighty years old stepped forward.

The fourth level of Passing God.

Five Passing God realms were gathered in one place, a situation that was very rare.

"What do you want?" Chen Han asked.

His men had already gone to find out, and it was assumed that Yun Mo was on his way back, so all Chen Han had to do was stall for time.

However, if he knew that Yun Mo was watching from the nearby hill with his own men, he wouldn't think so.

Yun Mo hadn't come forward because he wanted to see the results of Chen Han's cultivation over the past few days.