
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 31: Chaos

Early morning.

Rancoco huffed and puffed as Yun Mo covered her with a blanket, drew the curtain, and gently closed the door to her room. Even Yun Mo didn't know that he would make such a tender gesture.

Upon entering the kitchen, Yun Mo looked inward at the sea sealed in the middle of Yan Fu Mountain Residence and fell into deep thought.

"Old thing, why did you idly seal the Yan Fu Sea?" Yun Mo roared at the broken house.

"... you this early in the morning, roar, roar roar roar roar roar roar who is it you roar, in the future do not want to see me this old thing don't come after ..." Taotie moody annoyed said.

"You give me to explain, explain ..." Yun Mo pointed to Yan Fu Sea that complex red runes said.

"Explain a leg ah? Yan Fu Mountain Residence is going to develop, do you not have some B number in your heart?" Taotie said.

"Evolution?" Yun Mo asked doubtfully.

"Look at your hair long and short that look ..." Taotie said slowly as his heart sank. "Didn't you take me to see the seven-colored mists near Yanfu Mountain Residence last time? I can tell you very responsibly, Yan Fu Mountain Abode has already become a realm of its own, and after the seal of Yan Fu Sea is lifted, Yan Fu Mountain Abode will officially advance into Chaos."

"Chaos, the beginning of Heaven and Earth? Everything is chaos, are you not teasing me?" Yun Mo frowned and said.

"Teasing you about what, pointing out that you have broken through to Divine Exaltation? You can stop it, I'd rather tell Yan Fu Shanju to hurry up and advance, by then your cultivation will naturally break through." Taotie said meaningfully.

"What do you mean by that?" Yun Mo said.

"Ahem, this great master will also explain to you what is called a boundary!"

"The so-called realms are divided into the three fixed realms, the Desire Realm, the Color Realm, and the Colorless Realm. The Desire Realm is directly transformed from Hell into Heaven and Earth, and represents reincarnation, past lives, and generations.

The color realm is from Brahma to sound and color, like your existence, like a brick and a tile of Yanfu Mountain Residence, like a blade of grass and a tree in the world.

As for the colorless realm, it is the world that cannot be described, what we cannot see, what we cannot touch, and what we cannot even detect with our mental power are all colorless realms.

As for the origin of the world, it is accompanied by the master of the realm, the master of the realm, often transcending the world, detached from all the rules of existence, even the heavenly way of the realms of all walks of life cannot bind the master of the realm.

The world's progression, the stages are clearly defined, from the most initial chaos, to the final domain, each progression, will feed back the sector lord cultivation, so I say, you just need to slowly wait for Yan Fushanju to progress, breaking through the God Emperor realm is just around the corner," Taotie said casually.

Taotie said lazily, while Yun Mo listened in silence. At the same time, his heart was in a state of shock, a realm lord?

"The place where you are now, the name is Earth, it is just a small realm within the Boundless Realm, but I can tell you that the opportunity of this realm has been taken away by people from other realms, as for what opportunity, the opportunity of Heaven cannot be revealed, you slowly understand it by yourself ... "After mentioning Yun Mo, Taotie continued to snore.

What chance to take away or not, Yun Mo does not care at all, what he cares about now is what to cook for his daughter this morning ah !!!!

Shaking his head, Yun Mo's divine sense returned to his body.

Looking at the empty kitchen, the only food is the bag of rice ... really day growling dog ...

Picking up his cell phone, he made a call to Chen Han.

Early in the morning, Chen Han accompanied his young son to the middle of the courtyard for morning exercise.

"Mr. Chen, your call." The nanny who was cooking came over with Chen Han's cell phone.

"Who is it from?" Chen Han asked without lifting his head.

"Uh, your message is for the Pavilion Master ..."


"Bring it over quickly."



The call was answered.

"Sir!" Chen Han's body was bent at a ninety degree angle as he answered Yun Mo's call. This scene left this nanny stunned. What kind of person could make Chen Han, the famous underground dragon chief of Fanghai City, Mad Dragon, so respectful?

"Misty Nine Mountains, whose territory is this?" Yun Mo asked directly.

"Sir, Misty Nine Mountains is undeveloped and belongs to a nature reserve in Fanghai City, due to its treacherous terrain and backed by cliffs, the tourism value is very low, the officials in Fanghai City did not value this place." Chen Han said.

"If we want to buy or rent Misty Nine Mountains, what do we have to do?" Since he was back on Earth, Yun Mo would not do whatever he wanted based on his strength, and sometimes there was no need to do things the hard way if they could be done in the open.

"Sir, two days later, this piece of land in the Misty Nine Mountains will be auctioned at the Heavenly Pavilion Auction House, by then I will have enough funds, I think I should be able to take it for 10 billion dollars." Chen Han said with great wealth.

"Good, then let's talk about it two days later."

"Sir, the villa you asked me to buy near Lido Mansion, the formalities have been completed, just waiting for you to sign, sir." Chen Han said.

"Send the contract over." Yun Mo said. "Right, on the way over, help me find some yellow croakers with a better color to bring over."

"Yes sir."

Chen Han's efficiency was very high, and in a moment, he arrived at Yun Mo's villa, carrying two pounds of very fat-looking yellow croaker in his hands.

"Sir, this two-story villa has a total area of one thousand square meters, the first floor is a bit bigger than the second floor, there are no extra rooms, it's very spacious." As he spoke, Chen Han handed over the contract documents for the villa as well as the key to Yun Mo.

"Well done." Yun Mo complimented him.

After that, Yun Mo carried the yellow fish into the kitchen.

"Sir, can you hire a nanny, isn't it a bit ... difficult for you to cook yourself?" Chen Han asked cautiously.

"No need, cooking for your own daughter, is it degrading?" Yun Mo asked rhetorically.

"Uh ..." Chen Han suddenly felt, Yun Mo said reasonable hey, well, in the future, I also personally give my daughter-in-law son cooking.

Sensible with Yun Mo said goodbye, and left.

Time came to five thirty in the morning, the two little ones very naturally put on the clothes and went downstairs.

"Hey, mom hasn't gotten up yet Oh, let's go call mom ..."

"Stop ..., your mother slept late last night, don't bother her." Yun Mo said.

"Oh, Daddy, where are we going to play today ah?" The two little girls were very anxious about today's schedule every day.

"Today daddy has something to do, you go home with mommy, okay, tomorrow is kindergarten enrollment day, don't just think about playing in your head." Yun Mo said.

"Wow, can I go to kindergarten?" The two girls said excitedly.

"Do you like school a lot?" Yun Mo was confused, normally at this time, children should not be crying and not leaving their parents.

"Grandma Liu said that children with a mom and dad can go to kindergarten, Grandma Liu really didn't lie to us." XinXin said happily.

Yun Mo's heart tightened.

Yes, kindergarten fees are high, not among the ranks of national compulsory education, the children of the orphanage, how could they afford to go to kindergarten.