
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasy
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Chapter 25: Antique Road 2

Curio Street, the same as the Pottery Street in the Porcelain Town, the road around, large and small stalls placed in a mess, but does not affect their business.

And Fanghai City's Curio Street, extremely lively.

Unlike the pottery street, the antique street was not only small stalls, there were also some famous shops.

Compared to the stalls on the side of the road, the things in the famous shops were indeed more comforting.

On the way, the two little girls dragged Lan Coco to talk non-stop, and also told Lan Coco that Yun Mo was in contact with which young lady, causing Lan Coco to look embarrassed.

After all, she and Yun Mo have no relationship now, to be precise, Yun Mo is still Lan Coco's life-saving benefactor.

As for why she gave birth to these two children in the first place, it was still for her own body, because she thought that she wouldn't be able to live past the age of twenty-five in this life, so she might as well leave two offspring.

"Sir, take a walk around first, I'll park the car." After getting out of the car, Tian Feng respectfully said to Yun Mo.

Yun Mo nodded, and then Lan Coco and Lan Coco each carried a child into the ancient street.

After experiencing a nightmarish day yesterday and starting to shop today, Lan Ke Ke felt like she was living in a dream.

However, this depressing feeling was soon banished, and with the two girls by her side, Lan Ke Ke could be said to be very happy right now.

"Dad, all these things are so ugly, and they also have dirt on them, as if they were picked up from the ground." Arriving in front of a stall with rather few people, Shishi, who was in Yun Mo's arms, said with a lack of interest.

"Hey, little kids don't talk nonsense, the antiques I have here, can be one hundred percent authentic, is the school captain's people through life and death to dig out." Hearing Shishi's words, the owner of this stall was not satisfied.

"Whether it's real or fake, you know it yourself." Yun Mo said blandly, realizing that the things in this stall all had a strong dead aura, but the ones that really came out of the grave were only two or three, the rest were imitations that had been buried in the ground for a long time.

"Young man, today I am also considered as not opened yet, do you have something in mind, give my old brother a door opener for me." The boss saw Yun Mo as if he was an expert, so he turned his face and said with a smile.

"How can I sell this iron tower?" Yun Mo casually pointed to a small rusted tower that the boss had casually placed in the corner of the stall.

"Five million dollars," the boss said condescendingly.

The words fell, Yun Mo holding Shishi turned around and left ...

"Hey, brother brother, buy and sell, allow me to open the price is allowed to allow you to return the price, you this bite are not return, let me very sweaty ah." The boss saw Yun Mo turned around and left, hurried to say.

"Five hundred?" Yun Mo quoted a price.

"Sell! If you pay, I'll sell!"

"Pfft~" Lan Coco couldn't hold back her laughter ...

Yun Mo had a black line on his face and felt like he was being punked, but whether he was being punked or not, only Yun Mo himself knew.

Yun Mo directly transferred five hundred dollars to the boss, picked up the small iron tower with the pressed blanket, examined it for a while, and then wanted to put it in the middle of the shopping bag.

"Grandpa, there's dragon qi in this iron tower, I just felt it."

At that moment, a handsome voice came over, accompanied by an old man and a young man, the old man was obese, wearing a suit, but the suit couldn't wrap around his belly, which was wider than his height in any way.

As for the young girl, is quite slim, any outsider to see, will not think that these two people are grandparents and grandchildren relationship. After all, the genes of stature followed the parents.

"Boss, it is not said that this thing five hundred dollars to me to keep it, how do you sell it out?" The woman pointed at Yun Mo and said angrily.

"Girl, don't tease me, five hundred dollars and let me keep it for you, if you buy it for five million dollars, I will definitely keep it for you!" The boss said with a look of contempt.

Just now, that girl came over, just as Yun Mo had directly cut the price of five hundred dollars, the boss was ready to make a move, but that girl couldn't get the money out with a whimper, the boss's face immediately turned black.

"Five hundred dollars, do you really think I can't get it out?" The girl yelled angrily.

"Five hundred dollars, do you really think I can't get it out?" The girl roared angrily.

"But you just couldn't get it out!" The boss said with a straight face.

At this time, Yun Mo also did not hurry to go, because he found that these two little girls are quite love to watch ... not right, these three all love to watch.

Yun Mo all wanted to buy three matzahs for the three of them to bring three packets of melon seeds by the way.

"Grandpa, what to do ah, was bought by someone else, it's all your fault, had to let that fool get me a bag." The girl beamed and pointed at the security guard next to the old man.

"Aiya, Qiaoqiao, don't be angry, no big deal, grandpa spent more money to buy it for you." The old man said affectionately.

Seeing that Yun Mo was in no hurry to leave, the old man stepped forward:

"Sir, this small iron tower, can you cut it down, how about five thousand dollars?" The old man asked.

"You can't afford this item!" Yun Mo shook his head and turned around to leave.

"Can't afford it?" The old man's eyes were slightly fierce, the wisps of dragon qi surrounding the iron tower, and the old man was certain that this tower must be an unearthly treasure.

"Kid, half a million dollars, trade, money and goods." The old man grunted and said.

"You want to buy and sell by force?" Yun Mo looked at the old man with a grin and said.

"Hey, five hundred dollars for something that has changed hands a thousand times, you've made a fortune." The girl named Qiaoqiao said to Yun Mo with her head held high.

Seeing that you are a little handsome guy, this loser old lady ate it today.

Yun Mo ignored the two and continued to walk forward.

At this time, four black-robed men suddenly appeared around them from nowhere, surrounding Yun Mo's four people in the middle.

Seeing this, Lan Ke Ke tightened her grip on Xin Xin and looked at Yun Mo with some concern.

"Unbridled, you dare to disrespect Mister?" Just as Yun Mo was about to step in and get rid of her without God noticing, Tian Feng, who had parked his car, walked over.

"You are Tian Feng? Mad Dragon Chen Han's man?" The old man's eyes narrowed slightly as he said.

"Boss Qian, goodbye." Tian Feng said to the old man.

"Since you know my identity, why don't you step aside?" The old man said angrily.

Tian Feng was about to say something when Yun Mo stopped him.

"Do you want this Iron Tower?" Yun Mo looked at the old man and said blandly.

"Kid, just now you were insensitive, now half a million is gone, either the tower stays or the person stays, you choose." The old man said.

Yun Mo also happened not to want to kill in front of his daughter, so with a wave of his hand, the iron tower was thrown at the old man.

"Count on you to be reasonable." The old man who received the iron tower waved his hand, and the four men in black left.

The woman named Qiaoqiao, on the other hand, looked down at Lan Coco with a look that seemed to say:

"What's the point of finding a little white boy? He's still a softie."

This episode left the stall owner speechless.

"Half a million? Half a million ..." The boss sat paralyzed on the floor as if he had dementia, his mouth kept chanting the number of half a million ....