Love. A word that destroyed my world. Sienna Greenwood I don't know which one hurts more. Loving him while he still loves his past or leaving him in the arms of his past. I thought I could cope with it but I realize I only fall into a darker pit the more I try. So I decided to let it go,to end everything because there was nothing worth living for. But he came once again and saved me. But only this time it was the Vice Versa situation. Only time will tell.
Sienna' P.O.V
I immediately pushed her forward and she climbs the stage for her prize.
She immediately signs me to come on the stage and I did.
After receiving the prize and many photos of the media we immediately left because we had to prepare for the dinner party.
We are now famous,I thought with a smile.
Nina had always wanted to be an artist but her parents were against it. They wanted her to do law and but she opted for business rather.
She would normally sing to me when I have one my episodes.
It is now 5:30 pm and Chelsea is almost done with my hair.
She came here right after her shift with all her tools. I can't believe the braids she did in Nina's hair. Her black hair makes it even more awesome.
She finally straighten my blonde waves and I couldn't believe it was me I saw in the mirror.
she styled it into a high pony tail and curled the tip into piggy tales.
"Thank you so much Chelsea ,I love it" I tell her excitedly.
"Yh Chelsea,you did absolute and wonders with my wild hair. Why don't you open your own hair salon" I tell her and I see her face suddenly saddens
"oh did I say something bad"I say worriedly
"no it isn't that,it is just that I don't have enough money to rent an apartment let alone have a salon,my scholarship only offers me monthly allowance and working papers. I need to set so many things straight before I can think of my dreams" she replies with a sigh
"Well I guess welcome to the club but if you need anything we are here for you. Don't hesitate to call us" Nina chimes in
"Really?" she asks excitedly.
"yes really. What are friends for" I say
"Thank you, Thank you guys" she says and engulfs us into a hug.
" Hey we are going to be if we don't leave now" Nina says once we broke from the hug and she checked the time.
"Well then I'll see you guys later. I have to be home early or my aunt will go ballistic on me" Chelsea says with a chuckle and packs her hair accessories.
"see you" she says before leaving.
I grab my purse and we made our way to the front door out of our apartment.
In an hour time we were at the Hilton Mansion , I'm always amazed at the sophistication of the house, it ancient and modern design mixed together.
As stepped out of our car we see People of high class walking towards the entrance.
Nina closes our car and I take a good look at the ones around us. Our car is the odd one out.
I take in a deep breath before texting Dee that I have arrived.
" I still can't wrap my head on how big this house is." Nina says still looking around with a gaping mouth.
"I know right. I don't understand why Dee isn't out yet. I'm going to beat the shit out..... Nevermind here he comes" I say as I spot him in his tux and his unruly curly hair falling on his face.
He looks handsome as always,I won't be surprised if all the girls fall at his feet.
"Hey"he says huging me and awkwardly waving at Nina. Okay that is weird, I get it that they aren't so close but why the awkwardness.
"Thanks again for coming. Let's get inside,so I can introduce you to my parents" he says the last part in low voice.
I give a small nod before nervously rubbing my palms against my dress.
I hate heels, I really do. Just as I was about to enter ,I saw the famous Nikolas Miller and his wife Amelia Cruz Miller with their children, Max, Franco,Chleo,Isla and Iris along with their guards. Wow this dinner is an important one.
Wondering why I know them,well their niece Esperanza wrote a novel about their life just at the age of 16 and it is the best selling books in country.
Dee takes hold of my hands and gently squeezes it.
Once we got to the grand hall we saw many celebrities and business tycoons. I'm not going to fit into this family, this is just messed up.
"My parents are talking to Dante Angelis and his wife Blaire Angelis. They'll be done in a moment then we'll go to them but first let me introduce you to my brother. You can also join Nina" Dee says.
I saw alot of business men and women,some like Jane -Anne and her husband Grayson. I also saw the famous lawyer Navyaa and her husband the famous Benjamin Moore.
Lastly I spot my favorites basketball player Tyler Curry and his new bride the lovely model Aziza Curry.
My God I might even pass out from these excitement.
I could suddenly feel eyes on me and when I turn I saw a man in a black suit staring directly at me but he suddenly looks away when I caught him staring.
We walk around because Dee had to take care of something just as he was about to introduce us to his brothers.
After an hour of aimlessly walking around and talking to random people, Nina and I decided to look for a place to sit.
Just then Dee shows up with a scowl on his face.
"okay why do you look like thay?"I ask
"Nothing let us just go and meet my brothers" he says and I hook my hands around as we walk towards a group of men all wearing black suit with the same shades of blonde hair each darker than the other.
They different in body structures and height but they sure do look alike from afar.
Once we got there ,Dee cleared his throat and and their attention turns to us.
I choked on my breathe once my eyes landed on one his brothers.
Him.. this can't happen.
it was the guy from the hotel, my last partner.
He is Dee's brother.
I am doomed