
Before It Struck Midnight

*Read at your own risk* (I have warned you!) *Steamy scenes ahead!!* This story has some heavy scenes, I have warned you in advance. If you want to read the story but skip the heavy parts, I will tell you when the heavy parts will happen prior to the chapter because... I got you boo, I got you.. There will be some strong, mature scenes, but no worries, I am here for you all and I will warn you in advance of a steamy scene. Don't report (I mean, I am warning you now about mature content, don't be surprised! Also if you ignore this... it is kinda your fault, not mine...) as I have spent SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. And if you just want to troll since you have nothing else to do... just don't do it. I have given in so much sweat and effort into this and I don't want a group of people who are bored out of their minds to ruin it for me. If it turns out that you don't like this book then feel free to read my other books that I have written. *WARNING FOR MATURE CONTENT IN CASE IF YOU MISSED MY LAST WARNINGS* Other than that, I hope you will enjoy reading this! *This book contains explicit content* *EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK* I stared at him, cooking and whistling, something that I could not do, or should I say, didn't want to do. I decided to move away and try to find an exit but I didn't even take a step back when I heard his voice. "Princess? Is that you?" I saw him raise his head before shooting his eyes onto me. The sudden gaze caused to heart to race while it froze my body, as if I have turned into ice. I felt the fear engulf my body, eating me inside out. "You aren't scared of me... Are you?" he asked me, I sensed the envy in his voice. That mixed with his harsh tone caused a wave of goosebumps to course through my body. I wanted to begin by asking him where was I? Why was I here? Why was he here... I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't, the fear was just all too much for me. "Come on... Speak to me... Ask me..." he began. "Ask me "why am I here" and all of that crap... Entertain me with your fear." I saw him slowly gripping a knife that was on the countertop, with his eyes still on mine. The sides of his mouth slowly began tilting upwards. All the bitterness and the cold, it was all so visible in his eyes. I looked at his in horror, noticing him as he took his first small steps towards me. "Talk to me... Because this might be the last time you will ever talk, " he said this sentence in such a calm tone, it caused me once again to shiver with goosebumps. "W-what do you mean...". Never in my life have I stuttered, until then. "What I mean is..." he began before abruptly stopping, until then, he never took his eyes off me. The next thing I knew, he full-on charged towards me. I heard chairs crashing down while I turned around, and just as I was about to run, I felt him grab me by my wrist, before he yanked me, as a result, I crashed straight into his chest. My hands were on his big, broad chest right before he turned me around so that my shoulder were now against his pecks. Till then, I figured that this was probably just one of my many wicked nightmare until I felt the blade ,from that knife he picked up, rest on my neck. As if it was an instinct, I grabbed his arm that was resting on my chest with my two small hands. In the same time tried to push my head back and away from the knife but it is near impossible as there is no space for me to move any further against his hard pecks. Next, I hitched for air when I felt his breath, as it warmed my skin. "Trust me... don't you dare, for second, think that I will hesitate to hurt you, because I will if you disobey me..."

Strale · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Six - Just A Dream.

I was woken up by someone picking one up before placing me down onto something soft, a bed I'd assume. I feel myself waking up as I turn my head towards the figure holding me. Again, I am way too tired to figure out who it is.

"Shh... Sleep, Princess...".

I hear his deep whispers as he gently tucks me under the blanket, causing sleep to instantly take over.


I am woken up in what seemed like seconds later.

"Princess?... Princess, it's time for breakfast..."

I hear a voice, it did not take long for me to figure that it is Brenden, I notice his voice being so soft, so soothing.

I open my eyes before sitting up on the bed, I see him by the door with a tray of food in his hands. He begins to approach me as I sit up against the backboard of the bed.

Immediately, I started feeling like something was off.

He sits on the bed, before placing the tray of food by one side of the bed so that he could scooch closer to me.

I tuck back my legs so he doesn't place his backside on them. I notice him stopping when he reached my knees.

"Good morning, Princess..." he says, while I look right into his eyes as he looks straight back into mine. I can feel a funny sensation building up in my stomach.

"G-Good morning, Sir..." I reply, I quickly look away as I see him smirk. I don't want to look at him, I can't look at his smirk because I know what will happen.

"You know... You have been an extravagant guest so far, Princess. Of course, despite that little incident last night... I think you will make a good soul mate"

I look up at him in surprise at the last sentence he just said. Did I hear him correctly? But I know for a fact I did. A soul mate?...

He acts as what he said is an everyday thing... Like it is a no biggie... But I can see the honesty in his eyes and how he meant what he said.

Then I can see him reach out his hand towards me, swiping a strand if my hair off my cheek, placing it behind my ear. A gesture that made me flare-up.

"Can you answer one question for me?..." he asks me.

I just nod.

"Words, Princess... Words... I don't know what you want or mean if you don't use words..."

"Yes... Yes sure..." I reply.

I notice him twiddling his thumbs. First red flag. Then I see him do something that I have never seen, think or expect he will ever do. He looked nervous.

"Emma..." he calls out my name.


"Do you love me?..."

My whole world suddenly stops... Freezes in time. It takes me a few seconds to comprehend what he just asked me, within those few seconds I blush like crazy.

"What is up, Princess. Why are you blushing so much?" he asks me, but by the smug look on his face, I know that he knows why.

"I... I just feel warm... That's all... It's warm..." I try and convince him of my lies but, it does not seem to be working.

"You know... I know a person by just looking at them, I am very observant, I think that this is something worth noting about me for next time... When you try and lie right in front of my face"

I lower my head in embarrassment, I am now scared to even make eye contact with him.

"I want to know if you love me because...".

I can see his hand on my thigh causing me to look back up, only to meet his face centimetres away.

"Because, what?..." I ask him softly, I am not going to lie, I was both scared of what his answer will be but I was also eager to find out.

"Because... I love you.".

He said it so softly yet, his voice filled the room with emotion... Something that made me.mildly surprised.

I can see him approaching his head towards mine, out lips are separated by millimetres.

Finally, he plants his lips onto mine.

*Wake up*

I gasp as I wake up. I sit up, wondering what the HELL just happened.

Okay, Brenden was no longer on my bed, the breakfast was not here... Of course... It was all just a dream... FUCKING DREAM! FUCK!!

I suddenly hear chuckles, causing me to look towards the window that is to my left, I can see a familiar silhouette standing in the light.

"Bad dream, Princess?"


"Yes..." I reply, even though I quite, frankly, enjoyed the dream. I felt like a literal princess for those few minutes.

That was when I realized that he was in here, watching me sleep... This whooole time...

"And you were in here because?..." I ask him, trying to sound as innocent as I could and not too defensive or 'rough'.

"Princess... I think that you forgot who is the boss here, questions are asked by the boss only, while the peasant listens and answers." I notice his signature smirk stretched across his lips when he moves away from the sunlight. His smirk develops even further as he sees the surprise on my face at what he has just said to me.

Now he thinks that I am his fucking peasant. That is how sad this guy is... Wow...

"You got to be kidding me..." I mutter under my breath.

"Is there something you would like to say to me, Princess?" he asks me, walking over to my bed.

I back up, getting slightly frightened at what he might do.

He sits on my bed, the same way as he did in my dream.

He looks at me, waiting for an answer.

I look at him. I can feel my blush intensifying with each moment that passes of him looking at me.

"I am still waiting, Princess..."

I just look at him... I can feel his vicious, green eyes stare straight into my soul.

"Anytime now... Princess...".

I drift my eyes away from him, as I know what will happen if I continue looking at him. Staring at him. But yet, I still feel his eyes lingering on my body.

"Would I get an answer if I do... This?..."

I can see his hand reaching out and onto my left thigh. Even if my thigh is under a blanket, I can feel his touch as if he touching my skin.

He places his other hand on my other thigh, causing me to slightly squeal.

I begin to breathe in, to get ready to answer him.

"Yes?... Yes, Princess?".

"I-I..." I try and talk but nothing comes out and I return to silence.

"Still not talking, Princess?" he asks, "hmmm... What can I do to get you to talk..." I see him pretending to think before a smirk appears on his face. He grabs the blanket and takes it off me before taking a hold of my thighs, pulling me under him.

"Will you talk now?..." he asks me, pressing his body onto mine. More specifically, his hard dick against my wet pussy. Thank you lord he is wearing jeans and I am wearing a pyjama, so he does not notice my wetness.

"You got to be kidding me..." I let my voice out as I am already having a hard enough time from keeping the moan building up in me from coming out.

"That is what I said..." I add.

I feel relief as I can no longer feel his body weight on me.

"That was not that hard now, was it, Princess?" he asks me, returning to his sitting position from earlier. I sit back up, covering myself back up with the blanket before I look back at him.

I let out a sigh of relief, taking my eyes off him.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" he asks me.

I look up at him in confusion, "no... Not really... It was, in fact, quite uncomfortable, Although, sir, if I may add, you are pretty heavy," tell him, even though a small part of I enjoyed being under him. Feeling his hardness on my body.

"A-are you calling me big, Princess?".

"No, that is not what I said, although... You do look pretty big...".

He chuckles looking at the window before looking back at me.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you, Princess. Cuz I can get that ass of yours as red as your cheeks with just a few whips.".

Damn! I am once again speechless, so I quietly look at him. He stands up and walks towards the door.

"Breakfast is in half an hour, don't be late or there will be consequences, God knows, you might enjoy them".

He winks at me with a smirk before leaving the room, leaving me so red and blushed that I don't even know what to do now... Except him.