
Before It Struck Midnight

*Read at your own risk* (I have warned you!) *Steamy scenes ahead!!* This story has some heavy scenes, I have warned you in advance. If you want to read the story but skip the heavy parts, I will tell you when the heavy parts will happen prior to the chapter because... I got you boo, I got you.. There will be some strong, mature scenes, but no worries, I am here for you all and I will warn you in advance of a steamy scene. Don't report (I mean, I am warning you now about mature content, don't be surprised! Also if you ignore this... it is kinda your fault, not mine...) as I have spent SO MUCH TIME ON THIS. And if you just want to troll since you have nothing else to do... just don't do it. I have given in so much sweat and effort into this and I don't want a group of people who are bored out of their minds to ruin it for me. If it turns out that you don't like this book then feel free to read my other books that I have written. *WARNING FOR MATURE CONTENT IN CASE IF YOU MISSED MY LAST WARNINGS* Other than that, I hope you will enjoy reading this! *This book contains explicit content* *EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK* I stared at him, cooking and whistling, something that I could not do, or should I say, didn't want to do. I decided to move away and try to find an exit but I didn't even take a step back when I heard his voice. "Princess? Is that you?" I saw him raise his head before shooting his eyes onto me. The sudden gaze caused to heart to race while it froze my body, as if I have turned into ice. I felt the fear engulf my body, eating me inside out. "You aren't scared of me... Are you?" he asked me, I sensed the envy in his voice. That mixed with his harsh tone caused a wave of goosebumps to course through my body. I wanted to begin by asking him where was I? Why was I here? Why was he here... I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't, the fear was just all too much for me. "Come on... Speak to me... Ask me..." he began. "Ask me "why am I here" and all of that crap... Entertain me with your fear." I saw him slowly gripping a knife that was on the countertop, with his eyes still on mine. The sides of his mouth slowly began tilting upwards. All the bitterness and the cold, it was all so visible in his eyes. I looked at his in horror, noticing him as he took his first small steps towards me. "Talk to me... Because this might be the last time you will ever talk, " he said this sentence in such a calm tone, it caused me once again to shiver with goosebumps. "W-what do you mean...". Never in my life have I stuttered, until then. "What I mean is..." he began before abruptly stopping, until then, he never took his eyes off me. The next thing I knew, he full-on charged towards me. I heard chairs crashing down while I turned around, and just as I was about to run, I felt him grab me by my wrist, before he yanked me, as a result, I crashed straight into his chest. My hands were on his big, broad chest right before he turned me around so that my shoulder were now against his pecks. Till then, I figured that this was probably just one of my many wicked nightmare until I felt the blade ,from that knife he picked up, rest on my neck. As if it was an instinct, I grabbed his arm that was resting on my chest with my two small hands. In the same time tried to push my head back and away from the knife but it is near impossible as there is no space for me to move any further against his hard pecks. Next, I hitched for air when I felt his breath, as it warmed my skin. "Trust me... don't you dare, for second, think that I will hesitate to hurt you, because I will if you disobey me..."

Strale · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Eight - Hours Later.

The rest of the day went by well... Okay... I am not gonna lie... The hours that followed were dreadful...

I tried to keep my interfere with Brenden at a minimum because of how he made me feel earlier. I don't feel like I can handle any more of his sarcasm.

Of course, I talked to him when he asked me something, he also introduced me to a few more of his rules, one being that I cannot write, don't ask me... He is the one making up the rules here.

If you are asking or wondering why I still am talking to him, well the reason is pretty simple. I don't want to make his suspicions of anything and realise that I am trying to avoid him, but to be honest, I think he picked up that something is not okay. All I am waiting now is for his questions.

If you are wondering, yes, he did make amends for what he said to me at breakfast by saying a simple sorry. At least now I can say he is not as bad as I thought.

I managed over these few hours to familiarize myself with Brenden's house, I hope one day I will get to familiarize myself with his whole dungeon, inside out. He got to show me around a bit, by a bit, I mean like only four rooms, one of them being his bedroom, our bedroom.


"So, this will be our bedroom...".

When we enter the bedroom, I couldn't help but look around the room. The intoxicating scent of the room quickly got to me. My sense of smell ruled over my every sense, as his scent intoxicated my body.

It did not take long before I noticed a box of condoms on a drawer. He could at least be a bit more discrete, couldn't he?

I am not gonna lie, I did feel slight excitement rush to my core at the thought of my kidnapper using condoms. It made me curious about what he uses them for, other than fucking. If he even uses them for something other than fucking.

"Princess... I see you have noticed my box of rubbers..."

I don't even have to look at him to know that he has a smirk on his face.

"I also tend to use vaseline, pleasure purposes..."

This time I look at him, but in disgust. "Sir, I didn't have to know that.".

"Doesn't look like that to me," he replies returning a wink and a dirty smirk.

In less than 5 minutes, I got to know that he both fucks people and he also masturbates himself in this room... But to what?... Actually, I don't want to know.

I see him walk closer to me before placing his hands on my hips.

"I can't wait to share my bed with you tonight...". His breath crashes onto my neck. I can feel his arms pull me back into him. His head rested against mine as his lip brush my ear, with a gently exhale or two, causing excitement to rush through me.

I then could feel something against my back, something uncomfortably hard.

I find my hand heading across his big, muscular thigh, getting closer to whatever it is that is poking me. I freeze when I find out that my hand is on his crotch. It was also there where I could feel that 'something' poke me.

"You like my hard, thick cock against you, don't you, hmm?" he whispers seductively into my ear as I can feel his head heading lower, his lips dragging their way towards my neck. I tilt my head to give him more access.

"You love my lips on you, don't you".

I reply with a gentle moan.

"Fuck, Princess, " he growls. "You are going to make me cum with those moans of yours.".

I suddenly shriek as I feel his hand head down my body and slowly onto my thigh before reaching my core.

I try to use my other hand to push away from him, I unexpectedly feel him grab my hand, before pushing me and pinning me against a wall. His lips come into contact with my neck for one kiss before parting away.

"Not so fast, Princess. You are going to finish what you just began..." he growls sexily into my ear before giving my ear a quick nibble, causing me to get aroused even further. I blush against my own will, what is happening to me!?

We suddenly get interrupted by his phone, as it goes off.

He growls with frustration as I can feel his hand, against my left butt cheek, root his pocket for his phone. He causes me to jump a little his sudden movements.

I hear him chuckle, meaning he knows what he does to me.

"What is it now, Conor?..." he answers the phone pretty aggressively.

I can hear muffling from the phone.

"Oh fuck..." I can hear him mutter after a few seconds.

"Okay, I'll go and check it out right now, thank you for bringing it to my attention."

He hangs up the phone.

I can hear him sigh with disappointment, before speaking.

"Next time, Princess... Next time I'll make you work twice as hard to make up for today..." he whispers to me, I can sense the tension and the frustration in his voice.

He gives my left butt cheek a smack and a squeeze, causing me to squeal. With a sexy chuckle, he walks out of the room. I can smell his strong and masculine cologne, suspended in the air of our bedroom. A sudden wave of sadness washes over my body. The sweet feeling of lust was soon to be switched with the feeling of melancholy. But I brush the bizarre mood switch away.

My eyes drift to a digital clock on Brenden's night table. I am honestly not surprised to see the tub of vaseline that he talked about beside the clock.

"10 PM?..." I mutter under my breath, yet I yawn like it is midnight. I decide to go to bed.

I go back into 'my' room, where I slept in last night to root the room for any nightgowns, but I manage to find something even better, a pyjama!

I quickly put it on before walking back into Brenden's bedroom... Well, 'our' bedroom.

I can still smell his scent as if he has just been in the room, but it causes me to smile. I wonder what would have happened if his phone did not go off. An unexpected yawn sends me back to reality as my sleep slumber kicks in.

I quickly turn off the light before hopping into bed, tucking myself under the covers. I relax, closing my eyes, allowing the sensation of sleep to slowly devour my body. I patiently wait as I dive deeper into sleep, slowly travelling to another world. A world of dreams and nightmares. It does not take long until I fall asleep.


I am woken up by movements and shakes on the bed as if someone is turning around. Suddenly I feel hairy legs interwinding mine as two arms wrap around my body. Once the moving and shifting stops, I feel something warm and hairy pushed gently against my back, like a body, gripping me, as if I was about to run away.

"Sweet dream, Princess..." I hear a familiar whisper in my ear, but I am too tired to figure out who it is as my eyelids slowly begin to close again.

Before falling asleep, I slightly move back towards the warmth behind me as I begin to feel cold. In return, I felt that grip around me slightly tighten making me feel safer.

I felt a small peck at the back of my head before, what to me seemed like a spiky cheek rested gently on my head. Finally, I let sleep devour me once again.