
Chapter 12

A week had passed since I left my mom's house and working at Night Jewel has been crazy. I finally got the hang of it, but there were times when I felt like quitting because it was all too much, and then my mom's voice would be in the back of my head reminding me that she'll kill me if she has to start paying my rent.

We all just needed a day to unwind and cool off, so we decided the beach was a great way to do that. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror while brushing my hair into a bun.

"Where do you keep the snacks?" Leah yelled from downstairs. I tossed my brush onto the bed and went to join her.

"You've been here multiple times and you still don't know where I keep the good stuff?" I pointed to the small cabinets above the fridge then took a seat on the couch and kicked my feet up.

I heard the cabinets slam before she came walking into the living room with a huge smile on her face and her hands full of different bags of chips and cakes.

She cocked and brow and dropped into the seat across from me, "Why are you looking at me all crazy?"

"Cause this ain't a supermarket and aren't you supposed to be saving room in your stomach for the real food?"

"You know how Zane is with getting places on time and I'm hungry now."

Zane was the one who recommended going to the beach, but it was going on two hours and we were stuck here waiting on him. I invited Seth along because we've been getting closer and I wanted him to meet everyone, but he had to work as usual.

"He should be here soon though, hold on. "She pulled out her phone when there was a knock on the door. I got up to open the door and jumped into Zane's arms for a hug.

"Why are you acting like you didn't just see me yesterday?" He chuckled and carried me into my apartment.

"I'm just happy you're finally here. I was tired of waiting now let's go."

Leah squeezed past us with the snacks still in her arms and I locked up. When we got downstairs Clair was in the back of the car leaning her head against the window with a wide grin on her face. She's been coming around a lot and I'd expect nothing less since she's super close with Leah, but I didn't think she was coming today. I had a gut feeling that Ryan had something going on with her and I'm not saying I'm jealous, but I might be.

"Hey, girl." I climbed in beside Clair and looked over at Ryan who sat on the other side of her lost in his phone.

Zane climbed into the driver's seat and then Leah sat in the passenger's seat and he drove off.

We arrived at our destination half an hour later and I loved seeing how packed it was with so many attractive people.

"Last one in the water is a bitch!" Zane yelled and yanked Leah's ponytail causing her to fall back on her ass. He immediately started to run off laughing.

"Get back here!" She ran after him while stripping out of her clothes, leaving a trail to the water. I chuckled to myself and ran with them while gathering her things and placing them in a less populated area while the rest of us pulled off our clothes. Leah continued chasing Zane and jumped onto his back knocking him into the water.

I laughed until I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist lifting me off the ground.

"Ryan, wait I can't swim!"

I tried to pull his arms off so I can escape, but he already dropped me into the water. I jumped back up spitting water out of my mouth and then Clair got slammed in next.

"Oh, it's on," I got up and held onto his shoulders trying my best to dunk him under.

All of us played around in the water for at least an hour just play-fighting and drowning each other. When we were all tired out we found a seat on the sand and just relaxed on our towels.

I laid back on my elbows and just stared at the water, sipping on a soda.

I turned to Leah and Zane and they were both sitting down eating then I turned to Ryan and Clair and they looked...comfortable? A little too comfortable for my liking.

She was sitting in his lap with her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. They were friends, but to me, it seemed to be so much more and if that was the case I'd like to know.

I scooted closer to Zane and laid down next to him. "You guys think we'll have more days like this?"

"Yeah, of course. That's if you never leave us again." Zane replied.

I laid my head on his lap, "That's never happening again."

We sat on the beach for a while longer because we weren't ready to leave, but now we were all back at Leah's home, excluding Clair

We sat on the beach for a while longer because we weren't ready to leave, but now we were all back at Leah's home, excluding Clair. We hosed ourselves down in the backyard to get the sand off of us. I hated the feeling of sand all over me. Especially in places, it didn't belong.

Just painful.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower to fully get this off." I walked into the house and ran up to the bathroom. I stripped down and climbed into the shower and washed off. After I was done I climbed out and wrapped myself in a towel.

"Violet, you done in there?" Ryan called out. I froze and stared at the door as I stood there in nothing but a towel. I tightened it around my body and opened the door. His eyes immediately traveled down my body like he was ready to devour me right here, right now.

"It's all yours." I walked around him and he blocked my path.

"What are you doing?" I awkwardly laughed. He stepped closer causing me to take a step back into the bathroom and then he came inside, locking the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "You're seriously trying to do this now?"

"Why not? They're still outside and it'll be quick." He softly pulled me in by my waist and pressed his lips against mine.

I shoved him away and tried to catch my breath. "What happened to not ruining our friendship?" His hands gripped my ass and he lifted me, placing me on the counter.

"Not even an option anymore." He leaned in for another kiss and I pulled away.

"What if they catch us? I'll never hear the end of it."

"We won't get caught if you stay quiet." He dropped to his knees and spread my thighs apart and I felt weird exposing myself to him in this way. We've never done anything like this before and once it happened there was no going back.

He left soft kisses on the inside of my thighs before pulling the towel loose. I tried to shield my body with my arms and he held them at my sides and took me all in. "You don't need to hide from me."

We stared into each other's eyes as he got closer and swirled his tongue over my clit. I threw my head back and tried to keep the cries of pleasure from escaping my lips, but it was hard. He pulled me closer and devoured me, never coming up for air. I placed my hands into his hair holding his head in place.

"Fuck," I moaned out and quickly covered my mouth.

"Not too loud, princess." That sentence was enough to drive me crazy from the vibration of his lips.

He sped up the rhythm of his tongue swirling it in circles and sucking all while his fingers pumped in and out of me at a quick pace. I couldn't hold anything in anymore. My hand suppressed the moans as my legs spasmed around his head. He had me forgetting that I was in someone else's home.

I slowly came down from my high and he stuck his fingers into his mouth and sucked off my juices. "You taste amazing," he whispered while climbing to his feet and placing a kiss on my lips.

He raked his hands through his hair before exiting into the hallway. I can't believe I allowed him to do that, but I couldn't help it. My body was attracted to him and he made me feel things that I wish I didn't.