
Before I Died, I Kissed Rias Gremory

Akira was originally a low-ranking villain who was to die at the hands of the main heroine of High School DxD. His death would account for a small increase in the heroine's strength. But as he was about to die, Rias Gremory asked what his last words were. Looking at Rias' flawless face, Akira who was almost dead became angry. He pulled Rias into his arms, and kissed her! "This is my parting gift to you! Tomato head!" Akira closed his eyes with a huge smile on his face. But what he couldn't imagine was that the death he had been waiting so long for didn't happen, in fact when he awoke he found himself in a luxurious bed with Rias in the distance staring at him. "So... explain why you kissed me?!" Akira: "..." ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow Discord group -> discord.gg/twilightpalace

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56 Chs

Chapter 28

After the short kiss, Akira felt his vision spin and before he knew it he was already being sent flying by another kick from Runeas.

"P- Pervert!" Runeas shouted.

'That woman is very wild, it was only a short kiss, and she already reacted that way, so what would she do if I tried something deeper?'

Steadying himself in the air, Akira returned to the position he was in before.

"So, how are we going to mess up all these people's memories?" He asked curiously.

With confidence stamped on her face, Runeas said, "It's simple, see!"

At that moment, the aura around Runeas leaked out of her body causing Akira who was standing next to her to have to retreat a few feet due to the enormous pressure she felt.

Her demonic aura was so strong that the people in the city below her feet began to tremble before fainting one by one.

Anyone who saw this scene would think that some sacrificial ritual was taking place, after all, all the people in the city had fainted.

"Is that your method?"

Slapping his hands to his face, Akira realized that it was a bad idea to have trusted this woman.

"I said, watch."

Seeing that everyone in the city had fallen into incosciousness, she waved her hand, sending a sphere of demonic energy into the bodies of everyone in the city.

Akira seeing all this, realized that every time this sphere of demonic energy entered a person's body, that person would have a pained expression before returning to neutrality a few seconds later.

'So this is how she intends to mess with people's minds?'

In order not to disconcert Runeas, he just decided to keep quiet and see if this would work out, otherwise he would only be left with two options, kill all the young people below or be hunted down by the underworld.


After a few minutes, Runeas gave a sigh of relief as she wiped away a drop of sweat that had appeared on her pretty face.

"There, I'm done!" She exclaimed with a smile on her face.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Akira, as if she was waiting for him to praise her.

Akira seeing Runeas actions, gave a smile as he stroked her head.

"You did a good job, I think I can give you a kiss as a reward."

"W- W- Who wants a kiss from you?!"

Runeas quickly turned away from Akira with a red face.

But even though she walked away, her heart still yearned for Akira to take some action. And to her happiness, Akira approached her, and gently held her waist.

Feeling Akira's hands gripping her waist, Runeas' poor heart was about to explode.

"You're so cute~" Akira whispered in her ears.

"W- who's cute? I'm not c-"

Before she could finish speaking, she felt her lips being taken again, but this time instead of pushing Akira away, she let him do whatever he wanted.

Her heart, which before seemed about to explode, was now calm.

This time Akira behaved himself and didn't let his hands roam all over Runeas beautiful body, he knew that if he did that he would probably be sent flying.

The kiss lasted a few minutes, and they both only broke apart because they needed air to breathe, otherwise they would likely continue kissing for a few hours.

"Pervert..." Runeas murmured softly as she leaned her head against Akira's chest.

Akira didn't respond and just hugged her gently.

"I didn't ask before, but when you said 'mess up' the devils memory, what did you mean by that?" He asked after some time in silence.

Runeas who was enjoying the human warmth, raised her head and faced Akira with her lavender colored eyes, "I simply made the first name you gave them, be your real name, plus your appearance was also replaced with your first mask appearance at the conference."

Akira looked surprised at Runeas, and a doubt arose.

"How do you know about the name I used? Even that I was wearing a mask?"

Looking at Akira with a strange look she said, "When I messed up these people's memories, I got a glimpse of what happened, so it's easy to know what to mess up in their memories."

"So it's like this..."

Not wanting to think about it anymore, Akira went back to hugging Runeas who again leaned her head on his chest.

'I still feel like I'm forgetting something...'


In the devastated nameless city, a young woman was lying on the ground with her eyes closed.

"Huh? Where am I?"

With a slight pain in her neck, Sona got up from the ground while looking at her surroundings.

Her mind was confused, a few minutes ago, she was fighting Akira, but due to some events, she ended up helping him build a magic teleportation circle that he ended up not using.

"Where is Akira, and that woman who looks like Rias?" She muttered confusedly.

Trying to sense any trace of demonic energy, she discovered a small trace that she cautiously followed.

She didn't have to walk for long, that's because the trace of energy she sensed was coming from Rudiger who amazingly enough was still alive.

"Cough! Cough! You're still alive, Sona!" Rudiger said weakly.

Looking at the hole in Rudiger's stomach, she realized that there was a trace of holy energy slowly destroying him.

"How are you still alive?" She asked in surprise as she tried to help him.

"Don't get too close!" Rudiger yelled, but soon after said, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but it's just that my condition is irreversible and I'm only breathing now because I used a magic to preserve a small part of my life."

As an intelligent person, she understood what he meant by preserving a part of life with magic.

"You know that guy? Akira. He's a devil and he still wields True Longinus, that should be impossible, but after thinking during this time I've been in a state of false death, I may have figured out why."

"What I'm going to tell you now, may seem a bit shocking, but you need to believe it, besides, don't tell this to anyone else, because it could bring a lot of trouble to the whole world."

At that moment, Rudiger had a stern expression as he stared at Sona.

Receiving Rudiger's stern look, Sona realized that whatever he spoke now would be of extreme importance to her and the devils.

Seeing that Sona had nodded, Rudiger let out a sigh and said, "For a devil to be able to wield the True Longinus, there is only one possibility..."

"God is dead!"

Sona's eyes widened the moment she heard that.

"How is that-"

Before she could complete her speech, she saw Rudiger's expression stiffen as his breathing quickened in an uncontrolled rhythm.

"I don't know if the higher-ups in the underworld know about this information, but I ask you, don't tell anyone about this, otherwise innocent people will suffer."

Those were the last words before Rudiger's entire life span was over.

Sona looked at Rudiger with a stunned expression, this information was too shocking for her to be able to process quickly.


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