
Before I Died, I Kissed Rias Gremory

Akira was originally a low-ranking villain who was to die at the hands of the main heroine of High School DxD. His death would account for a small increase in the heroine's strength. But as he was about to die, Rias Gremory asked what his last words were. Looking at Rias' flawless face, Akira who was almost dead became angry. He pulled Rias into his arms, and kissed her! "This is my parting gift to you! Tomato head!" Akira closed his eyes with a huge smile on his face. But what he couldn't imagine was that the death he had been waiting so long for didn't happen, in fact when he awoke he found himself in a luxurious bed with Rias in the distance staring at him. "So... explain why you kissed me?!" Akira: "..." ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow Discord group -> discord.gg/twilightpalace

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56 Chs

Chapter 26

Staring at the two devils in front of him, Akira maintained his cold smile as he pointed his spear in their direction.

Rudiger and Sona had a stern expression as they stared at the spear Akira was wielding.

With a smile, Akira began to tell the story: "Once upon a time there was a little boy, he grew up in an ordinary family, but an event led to the death of his parents when he was still young. Because of this, he had to learn to fend for himself from an early age, and slowly he gained the trust of the people around him..."

"One day, while the little boy was eating Taiyaki, he came across a beautiful woman who took him to a place where he could become a God.... Unfortunately the little boy's talent was mediocre, and the Goddess couldn't make him a God, so to perhaps make it up to him, she had him reincarnated as a devil, which would allow the little boy to live a long and peaceful life, or that's what she had thought..."

Sona and Rudiger did not expect Akira to actually start telling a story in the middle of the battle, it was as if he did not fear Rudiger's attack.

'Why is he telling a story? And what does he mean by becoming a god? Is he talking about himself? But his talent... It's very high, how come he was classified as talentless?'

Lost in thought, Sona could only stand still as she continued listening to the story Akira was telling.

"Since the little boy didn't have many talents, the Goddess left him behind because she feared he would bring trouble upon himself..."

"Years had passed since the day he had become a devil, but his life remained the same, for with his low talent he could never be on top of the world, at least not until another event..."

"The once little boy who was now a 'handsome young man' had awakened a frightening power, one that would make all the powers of the world fear him..."

Reaching this part, Akira lightly raised the spear in his hand, which began to glow strongly.

"The 'little boy' has awakened his Sacred Gear, the True Longinus!"

At that moment, Sona's face turned pale.

Rudiger was no better, he would be a fool if he didn't know who the 'little boy' was in this story.

Akira kept the cold smile on the surface, but inside, he was laughing happily.

This story was just some nonsense he had thought up, sure, there were some truths, but the rest was just nonsense. He just said it to sound cool to the others, and also to avoid explanations about how he got a Sacred Gear.

"Impossible! How can you have that Longinus?!" Rudiger exclaimed still doing his magic incantation.

"Maybe because I am the impossible." Akira said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, he moved quickly towards the protective barrier that Rudiger had made. And with a simple swing of his spear, he broke through the barrier as if he had torn a sheet of paper.

"HOW?!" Rudiger exclaimed.

Akira after crossing the barrier, held Rudiger's head with his empty hand and threw him to the ground.

Rudiger had no time to react, because Akira was already above him as he aimed the spear at his stomach.

Without much thought, Akira came down from the sky like a meteor as he pierced Rudiger's stomach with his spear.


"Arrgh!" Rudiger spat out a bit of blood as he screamed in pain as his stomach was pierced by True Longinus.

At that moment Sona was desperate, she saw how Akira pierced Rudiger without a second thought, and she knew she would probably be next.

Looking down at Rudiger's writhing body, Akira nodded slightly, the effects of True Longinus were very powerful against dark beings.

He knew that it would be impossible for the man lying on the ground to survive.

Grabbing the spear that was wedged into Rudiger's stomach, Akira pulled it out quickly, as he stepped away from the man who cried out again in pain as the spear was pulled from his stomach.

"Well, it looks like you're the only one left..."

Looking at Sona trembling with fear, Akira couldn't help but tease her.

He felt amused to see Sona's horrified expression as she looked at him.


But before Sona could say anything, she saw Akira's expression change from a playful smile to a frightened and even anxious expression.

'Fuck! How did she find me?!'

With a startled expression, Akira quickly turned away from Sona as he began to conjure a magic teleportation circle.

"Damn, I spent a lot of demon power in the fight just now, and I won't be able to finish in time!"

"Hey, you! Come here and help me make a magic teleportation circle, it needs to send me as far away from here as possible!"

Akira yelled at Sona who was standing there staring at him stunned.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?!"

Saying this, Akira appeared in front of her as he pulled her to help him.

He wanted to make a magic circle, able to send him to the ends of the underworld, at least there the person who was looking for him would not find him.

Akira's frightening aura had disappeared, even his spear had shrunk back to the size of a wedding ring, which he hung around his neck again.

Sona was confused by this rapid change of personality of the man who was pulling her to help him.

But even in her confusion, she still helped him, and why would she help him? Even she doesn't know the answer to that question.

With Sona's help, Akira managed to finish the magic teleportation circle. But just as he was about to activate it, he felt a chill run down his back.

"Ara, Ara! I didn't expect to find you so soon, Akira-kun..." A female voice filled with coldness sounded in Akira's ears.


Akira visibly trembled, making Sona look shocked, a few minutes ago, this man was beating all the young high-class devils, and had even thrown to death one of the ten ranked in the Rating Game.

But now, looking at him, it was as if he was seeing a completely different person.

'Who is this person who could cause such a personality change in him?'

Curious, Sona turned her body back, and the person she saw shocked her.


"No... Looking more carefully, Rias looks a little different, so who could this person be? The red hair shows that she belongs to the Gremory family..."

Sona muttered in an inaudible tone to the other two.

"You don't intend to turn around?" The woman's voice sounded again causing Akira to sweat even more.

It took a few seconds before Akira built up the courage to turn his body toward the person who had arrived.

With an embarrassed smile, he said, "Yo, Runeas-chan, it's been a while!"


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