
Before Ascension: Genius Rebirth

Suddenly Ye Chen went from a genius to a waste, constantly being insulted by everyone who first wanted to befriend him. One day, 3 months after becoming a waste, he was walking home when he heard his parents talking from outside the house that he was not their biological child, he ran away in the rain but suddenly he was hit by a lightning. After regaining consciousness he found that he had obtained 800 years of memory to cultivate immortals. Let’s see how Ye Chen, who has been reduced to a waste, begins a counterattack to change the course of his life and destiny! ************** ************** • This novel is not mine, I’m just the translator. • The cover art is generated with AI, I just added the novel’s name. ———————————— • Discord server: https://discord.gg/w8ksgkzA • Support me with a donation: https://paypal.me/Ironize97

Ironize97 · Urban
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142 Chs

Chapter 128 - //

Chapter translated by: Ironize97

While talking, the three of them had already walked to the auction area.


After a middle-aged man saw An Yan, he came up to meet her.

An Yan hurriedly introduced to several people: "This is my second uncle, he is an antique lover, and he came here today for the magic weapon later."

Ye Chen and Liu Ruoxi greeted Second Uncle An Yan.

An Yan's second uncle is called An Changli, who is An Yan's father's right-hand man. He takes care of many daily affairs of An Yan's family.

An Changli naturally recognized Liu Ruoxi, and hurriedly greeted Liu Ruoxi with a smile.

The Liu family is a top wealthy family in the provincial capital, and the An family can only be regarded as a small and medium wealthy family in the provincial capital. Therefore, although Liu Ruoxi is a junior, An Changli does not dare to neglect her at all.

However, seeing Ye Chen in shabby clothes, An Changli frowned slightly.

"Second Uncle, this is my junior, Ye Chen. Professor Xue was supposed to come over today, but he had something to do temporarily, so he asked me to bring Ye Chen over."

An Yan hurriedly explained to An Changli.

An Changli nodded, and regarded Ye Chen as An Yan's follower, and ignored him.

"Yanyan, why did Professor Xue send you here? I originally wanted to ask him to help identify the effect of the magic weapon later! Now Professor Xue has asked you to come, can you do it?"

An Changli asked An Yan worriedly.

It turned out that the magic weapon was going to be auctioned later, it is said that it can produce a kind of water that can prolong life after people drink it, so An Changli specially invited Xue Chengze, an authority in biology, to help him make a judgment.

However, Xue Chengze didn't know whether he didn't believe in such bizarre things at all, or there were other things, so he pushed it to An Yan.

And it happened that Ye Chen came to Jiangnan University again today, so he simply asked An Yan to take Ye Chen to have a look.

Anyway, doesn't the biological agent that Ye Chen produced also have the effect of beauty and health?

If the so-called 'magic weapon' is fake, maybe Ye Chen can see through it at a glance.

"Second uncle, why don't you introduce us to the exhibits here first!"

An Yan was naturally a little annoyed when An Changli doubted her own level, but it was not easy to get angry, so she had to talk to An Changli.

"Okay, I usually like to play around with these things, so I'm going to play around with it today and introduce it to Miss Liu."

An Changli said with a smile.

An Changli agreed so readily, naturally because of Liu Ruoxi's face.

And Ye Chen? It's just a student, how could An Changli introduce him personally?

"Although this exhibition is only an exhibition in name, in fact, as long as someone takes a fancy to it, it can be bought and sold! It is said that this exhibition was organized by a rich man from other places, and these exhibits are from him over the years. collection. I don't know why it was suddenly taken out for exhibition recently!"

"There are indeed some good things in here! However, it is inevitable that fish and dragons are mixed together! If Miss Liu is interested, I am so polite that I can help Miss Liu take a look."

An Changli said to Liu Ruoxi politely and respectfully.

"Uncle An is being polite, please ask Uncle An to introduce us to the three of us."

Liu Ruoxi said politely.

"Miss Liu, look over here. This piece of wood is the armrest on the red sandalwood chair that was most cherished by Lord Qianlong back then. The pattern of seawater clouds and dragons on it is lifelike..."

"This compass is what a well-known Feng Shui master in the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty became famous..."

"And this bronze sword, its history can be traced back to the Warring States Period..."


An Changli introduced the exhibits in the exhibition hall like a few treasures.

It's just that Liu Ruoxi didn't come here for these exhibits in the first place, and she has no interest in these antiques, so she listened listlessly.

And Ye Chen is also lacking in interest. Although some of these antiques are indeed old, they have not been baptized by the essence of spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and they cannot catch his eyes.

"Miss Liu, this vase is extraordinary! Although it was only produced by folk kilns in the Qing Dynasty, it is not very high in terms of antique value, but it has a mysterious effect! Just stand next to it, It can play a role in calming the mind!"

An Changli pointed to an antique vase and introduced it solemnly.

"So amazing?"

An Yan moved closer to the vase in disbelief.

Liu Ruoxi also approached curiously.

"Hmm! Really! I really feel it!"

An Yan stood for a while, then said excitedly.

As soon as she got close to the vase, she felt a sense of refreshment.

"Huh? Why don't I feel anything?"

But Liu Ruoxi frowned suspiciously.

"Hehe, there is only a little spiritual energy left in this vase. If you get closer, you will naturally feel refreshed and concentrated. However, you are used to living on the top of Luoqiu Mountain. The concentration of spiritual energy on Luoqiu Mountain is higher than that of this vase. It's not too much, so you naturally don't feel it. And although there is some spiritual energy left in this vase, it will soon dissipate, and by then, it will really be just an ordinary vase."

Ye Chen smiled slightly and explained to Liu Ruoxi.

An Changli frowned when he heard the words. Although he couldn't understand what Ye Chen said about "spiritual energy", he understood Ye Chen's last sentence.

He even planned to buy this vase himself, but Ye Chen made it worthless, so he naturally felt uncomfortable!

"And what about this painting?"

An Changli sneered, and pointed to an ink landscape painting next to him.

Liu Ruoxi and An Yan followed An Changli's point and looked over involuntarily.

Both of them were instantly fascinated.

There was a trace of confusion in their eyes.

It wasn't until after a few breaths that Liu Ruoxi came back to her senses first, and she was immediately surprised.

It took a while before An Yan woke up.

The eyes of the two women looking at the painting again are different in an instant.

"Hehe, although this ink and wash landscape painting is not the magic weapon to be auctioned today, it has the same effect as the magic weapon! It is said that it was painted by a Taoist real person in the Song Dynasty, and it contains the magic power of that Taoist real person! If you hang it at home, it can suppress evil and drive away demons, and keep your home safe!"

An Changli said proudly.

In fact, this calligraphy and painting is the second exhibit he intends to buy.

If Ye Chen hadn't said that the vase was worthless just now, he didn't intend to introduce it to a few people.

After all, even if Miss Liu is here, there are some good things, which are still not enough for outsiders.

"Is this not inferior to a magic weapon? It also contains mana?"

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing.

"This student Ye Chen, sometimes, if you don't understand, don't pretend to understand."

An Changli finally couldn't bear it any longer, regardless of the presence of An Yan and Liu Ruoxi, he directly spoke sarcastically.

"Of course I won't pretend to understand. It's just that this thing is harmful and not beneficial to people, so let's not let it continue to exist."

Ye Chen didn't bother to argue with An Changli, so he just said lightly.

Casually, he raised a hand and stretched it out in front of the picture.


Ye Chen snapped his fingers lightly.


A few people seemed to hear the sound of 'wave' faintly.

Afterwards, several people looked at the calligraphy and painting again, and were surprised to find that the feeling that made them addicted before had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

No matter how many people stare at it, they won't feel anything strange!

"What... what's going on?"

An Changli, Liu Ruoxi, and An Yan all looked at Ye Chen in amazement.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, not bothering to explain at all.

In the calligraphy and painting just now, there is only a trace of the original owner's spiritual power remaining.

This spiritual force itself has the meaning of falling into the devil's way, so ordinary people will be unconsciously addicted to it after watching it.

And the reason why Ye Chen wanted to make a move was precisely because of this.

This spiritual power that has fallen into the devil's way is harmful to ordinary people!

However, Ye Chen was also somewhat puzzled.

Judging from the vase and this pair of calligraphy and painting just now, whether it is the residual aura in the vase or the spiritual power of falling into the devil's way left on the calligraphy and painting, they are not naturally generated, but man-made.

In this way, could it be that there were already immortal cultivators on the earth in ancient times?

However, if there were immortal cultivators on the earth in ancient times, why can't we see any of them now?

Ye Chen was thinking, his eyes glanced casually, but when he saw something, he suddenly stopped.

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