
Finding out what's next

Instead of quivering in fear an stepping back like death expected the witch stood straight an retracts her magic making the aura disappear an letting the sky lighten up.

'how should I approach him.' she thought.

Death looked at her with an analyzing gaze an wondered him self what to do.

'should I kill her my self nothing troublesome will come up.. then again I might find something to do if I let her live.. that's how it usually goes right.'

He thought.

An relaxed his energy.

"I've decided not to kill you, so long as you can entertain me.. I'll also grant you a bit of protection. Should you offend me I can't guarantee your planet." He said.

' if I destroy her planet I can just fly to another one.'

"My planet.. I, what to say... I don't know how to handle this.." she said an shook her head.

'the best way is honesty for now.'

She thought.

'For entertainment a story is required.. I'll participate in her life to entertain my self.. ' he thought.

"Why were you fight ing that bladesmen and are you a witch?" Death took a couple of steps closer with an inspecting look.

She nodded an started to tell him what was going on.

"It started when the demon lord died, humans sat for a moment. The war with their enemy was long over an not long before they looked to these forest. They thought up excuses to come here and attack us an our inhabitants an not all witches are strong so it quite easy for them to deal with them after the humans killed someone as strong as the great demon king."

'doesnt sound too different from what usually happens..'

"So what will the witches do?" Death asked.

"Its hard to organize such a thing right now, we're still in the midst of confusion about being attacked an the stronger witches usually live alone.. the young's ones stay among their families but we never left the forest an leaving it would put us at a disadvantage. This is all we know." She said.

"Sounds like a problem."

She chuckles be fore saying.

"That's an understatement. An the other races aren't concerned with helping the witches whom are solitary creatures anyway."

"Explain where that one human came from.. why did he target you specifically." Death asked getting a bit curious.

"He attacked me.. I'm not sure why but stronger witches are known amongst humans as through their goddesses. Goddesses talk amongst each other I guess humans found out amongst the goddess and seeing as how he had a goddess with him she certainly led him here. For what reasons? I'm not sure."

"Well I want answers. Its guaranteed Ill give you my protection until we find out what these humans intend."

He said.

The witch couldn't help but smile.

"So will there be any of your goddesses coming with us?" Death asked but suddenly he noticed a broken expression that showed instead of her smile.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Witch goddesses are solitary as as well. They will help us with a spell every so often but they'd rather remain on their own."

death felt like most of this was expected but why are the goddess of witches so solitary? How will they protect their creation? It won't alot of time for the humans to over run them.

"Alright let's head out."

"Huh?" The witch said in a confused voice.

"We are heading out to gather information about humans. We're going now."