
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Beautiful Girl

"Aww they're so cute together."

"Why did we hate Hana again?"

"Oh it was because-"

The gossip girls stopped talking as Koda walked past them, glancing at Ryuuga talking to his friends with his arm wrapped around Hana's shoulder.

He glared at them, but as Ryuuga glared back he looked away in defeat.

"Wow, guess he's been tamed? And people were beginning to call him a rookie beast, guess things will finally go back to the way they're supposed to be."

An hour later though, these words were proven to be false.

"I deserve it..." Hana said weakly, standing in front of Koda in the men's bathroom with nothing but her bra and panties on.

"You're right of course," Koda said, standing with his back turned before swiftly turning and slamming his fist into her stomach as hard as he could.

"Gagh!" She gasped out, dropping to her knees as she held her stomach.

"So how's your boyfriend? He say how he's gonna try and take me down yet?" Koda asked, putting his foot on top of her head and forcing it onto the dirty bathroom floor.

"Uhh, boss are you sure we should hurt Ryuuga's girlfriend? I heard he was stronger than Takeshi and-"

"Koda glared at a random boy that had startred talking. "You're the doorwatcher, so watch the door, you don't need to think about it... Geez, all you takeshi lackeys are so useless," Koda said with a sigh.

"H-He said..." Hana gasped out, her eyes dull as she smelled the mixture of piss and chemicals waft into her nose. "He said he was going to do it in front of everyone so you'd be completely humiliated..."

"Ah I see..." Koda said simply, letting his foot off her head and moving back a bit.


"Hm? What was that boss-" One of his new lackey's began to say before Koda grabbed him by the neck, slamming him into the bathrom tile. "Seat!"

Koda sat on the boy's back, lighting up another cigarette. "Hmm... Am I addicted?" He thought aloud as he took a long drag before looking back at the beaten and bruised Hana.

"So he wants this to be public... That's fine I'll just... Need to do the same no?"

Hana shuddered at Koda's look. His eyes pierced right through her, and even though she was covering herself, she felt completely bare in front of him.

"Get dressed," He said, taking another drag. "6 pm tonight, I'll pick you up so don't be late." Koda said with a smile.

"H-Huh?" Hana said in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious... Let's go on a date Hana..." He said, and Hana's heart dropped even further than it had long ago. She had a terrible feeling.


Koda sat atop a motorcycle, the engine running as she smoked a cigarette. "Yeah, I'm for sure addicted..."

Since his dad had died a few years prior, the motorcycle had barely been used unless he dared to sneak it away at night and go riding around the city. 

Hana emerged from her house, her nervous expression lighting up his usual bad mood. She had chosen a simple yet elegant dress, and a hint of makeup emphasized her natural beauty. Koda was taken aback by how stunning she looked.

"Hey," he said, his voice soft as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

Hana pulled away, flinching at his touch as he looked up and saw her parents. 

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Kurosawa!" He yelled with a wave. It had been years since he'd seen them, given his and Hana's falling out.

"You be good to her little Koda!" Her dad waved back with a common nickname Koda had been given when he was younger. "Not so little anymore yeah?"

Koda laughed, helping Hana up onto the motorcycle. "If it doesn't look real I'll kill you Hana, now make it seem like we're young and in love you dumb bitch," Koda said coldly, his hands on her hips as he went for her cheek again, this time Hana didn't flinch away and smiled up at her parents.

Hana gracefully swung her leg over the motorcycle, letting Koda help her up.

"We'll be back right after dinner!" Koda yelled again before hopping on his motorcycle. "Hold tight dear, would be a shame for you to fall off and break every bone in your body..." He said with a smile and Hana wrapped her arms around his torso. 

"Good Girl."

With a powerful rev of the engine, they sped off into the night.

Their first stop was a charming Italian restaurant with dim lighting and soft music playing in the background. 

"What do you think?" Koda asked genuinely. It had taken a lot of money to make a reservation in this place. And of course he had to lie and beg to his mom.

"I-It's nice..." Hana said quietly.

"Hey chill out, I'm sorry about what I said before... I want you to enjoy yourself, for real," He said, grabbing her chin lightly and lifting her head up to look at him.

Hana widened her eyes a bit, blushing before nodding hesitantly.


Koda smiled, relieved to see Hana relaxing a bit. He didn't want this night to be marred her unpleasant attitude.

As they sat down, for the first time ever, they decided to catch up.

"That's impressive," Koda commented genuinely after Hana said she had gotten into Art while they weren't friends. She was visibly relaxing, and that was what he needed. "I've never been much of an artist myself. My talents lean more towards... other areas."

Hana nodded, her body suddenly jarring. 

'Maybe I shouldn't have hit her, this is gonna be hard...' He thought, sipping his drink before their food was brought to the table.

"You look beuatiful by the way," He said suddenly as the food was placed down, smiling as her surprised reaction.

"Did you want to look good for me or something? He teased. 

"What? N-No I just..." Hana was blushing, and this was progress.

Dinner continued about the same, and he spent the entire time making jokes and getting her more comfortable around him.

As they finished their meal and left the restaurant, Koda felt it was time to wrap things up.

"Hana," he said later, his voice soft but earnest as they walked through the park, the moonlight casting a gentle glow around them. "I want to apologize for everything that's happened between us. I know I've been a real jerk, and I've said some... Unforgivable things."

Hana stopped walking and turned to face him, her eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. "You... How can you... Stop it," She said, her body shuddering as her knees buckled, causing her to fall into Koda's arms.

"Stop what?"

She began crying into his shoulder. "Don't apologize, I really want to hate you please don't apologize," She said desperately, causing Koda to smile a bit.

Koda nodded. "I can't change the past, but I'll control my actions now. I promise to do better, not just for you but for myself as well."

Hana looked up into Koda's eyes, and he leaned in, kissing her deeply.

Hana tried to pull away, but Koda didn't let her, and eventually, she reciprocated the kiss, tears still flowing from her eyes.

A few moments later, Hana hugged Koda from behind on the motorcycle, her face buried into his back as she smiled.

'I mean, I did kind of deserve it for before, maybe things will finally go back to normal...' She thought to herself just as the motorcycle stopped and Koda  turned it off.

"Hm? Are you coming inside?" Hana asked sleepily, getting off the motorcycle as she saw they weren't anywhere near her house.

"Well, I won't be coming inside exactly, but I'm sure they'll pay too," Koda said coldly as Hana widened her eyes.

Four large adult men were standing next to them, all of them handing Koda cash as he just had his sick grin on his face looking at Hana.

"N-No but-" Hana began to say, unable to believe what she had already figured out from context.

"They might pay for anal as well yes, now be good and slutty so I can take as many pictures as possible for little Ryuuga."

Koda smiled widely as he pulled out his phone, flash already on and pointing at Hana.

She dashed off, her dress flats entirely too uncomfortable, and the men far too fit for her to get very far.

"Help!" She screamed as they ripped at her dress, tears streaming down her eyes. "Someone help!"

"Oh Hana…" Koda said as he squatted down in front of her, the camera flashing in her face and illuminating her terrified look. "You truly are beautiful"

Although I wrote this I didn’t exactly feel like turning this into Smut at all, so I’ll just end it here and fade to black.

Solo_Lividcreators' thoughts